Pro Terran players suck now?

I have seen a lot of complains against the current Z balance, however I still see many pro matches on which Z dominate T players by using strategies that rely on units that have remained the same for years.
I do have to admit that Nydus is kinda op right now, but most of the time I see T players losing vs Z in pro matches that are not using units that people consider op(nydus,winfestors,Swarmhost vs mech and Hydras)
Remember some years ago when Terran used to go for double Liberator harassment+Hellion run by at the same time or Liberator in natural and third and drops on the main, when Terran seemed to be all over the map with its drops and Liberators and it feel really hard to beat that as a Z player since splitting your army incorrectly could cost you a base and that eventually could cost you the game?
Like what happen with those T players?
Is it just me or the quality of T pro players just went down the sink when compared to other years?

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With LOTV economy changes it’s not worth it doing anything aside from sharp timing pushes. The four horsemen of terran could propably be everywhere at once but it doesn’t work because of the economy. Unless you catch the enemy off guard, which almost never happens in pro games.

or zergs/tosses just figured out how to deal with terran harassments-which terran must do to stay even with them
+overlord speed for free making every terran build visible and now terran can never surprise their opponents

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you Are exactly right blizzard gave both Zerg and Protoss easier pre 4 min scouting solutions with hallucination and speed overlords. The only time a Terran can get into a base to scout is with a reaper. Or a medivac scout. Sure terrans can scan but that early energy is required to stay even Economically.


Thanks to starting with more workers in LotV combined with some race-specific “solutions” it’s possible to almost blindly macro-counter almost any fancy tech-centric harass Terran can dish out. Shield battery and hallucination scouts makes nearly any attack against protoss a wasted effort. Queens + OV speed makes anything against zerg (other than containing creep) pretty much worthless as well.

And Terran late game is also the weakest of the 3.

So I wouldn’t blame even the best players for going for a lot of 2-base all-ins or mid-game timing attacks. Terran has a few slivers of opportunity left there, and that’s what the pros will exploit to stay even vaguely relevant.

So answer isn’t that pro terrans suck now. It’s that terran sucks now.

Actually I saw Time use exactly this, vs serral, and time won that game, I don’t want to name these pros names because there exist many potent top players, but that is what I remember…

So yes they use it, … I guess you can’t always use it…