Pro Terran helps? charge all in defense

Wat? I never said anything about correct, or incorrect build. What are you talking about ? Only thing i said, that chargelot timing drop build is strong and that’s it. Learn to read idiot…

You are calling a standard pro build a build that just about ever terran opens with a bad build. Just go ahead and say what you really feel. That terran players are not good. thats what you are basically saying. the only pro terran that doesnt open this way is maru and that is because they proxy most of the time. however, they even go back to this opener when in doubt.

I will no longer be baited by you troll.

You didn’t say it, I did, and then you said I have no Idea, your rage is numbing your mind.

If they lose games against 8 zealots while having 8 marines out for sure I will think they are not good.

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Yes you have 0 idea what you are talking about. And you just trying to find out something to pick on. You couldn’t be more obvious, low league trash troll… If there is some Terran post, no matter of which nature, you just gonna whine.

I’m an antiwhiner, If you see me in T threads is because T whines a lot,check other races whines and will see me too.

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Lol, I’m the chillest guy ever, why would I cry because of your low effort attacks?, they do not make me even agry, they are amusing.

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What should I look for?.

Chargelot all-in is definitely build order loss for the Terran in this case since he opened mine drop, which has no actual fighting power. The army supply when the Warp Prism reached the Terran’s base was basically (I’m only counting since I don’t have the actual replay, so might miss a few)
1 Warpism, 8 Chargelots with 4 Warping in , that’s 26 army supplies
1 Medivac + 2(?) mines + 10 (?) marines, a tank building, and a raven building that’s 21 army supplies.

I’m not sure about the worker count, but usually the Protoss stops mining gas completely and pulls out of gas while maintaining full mineral saturation, so he should be at 32 probes.

This is definitely very difficult to scout without scanning, and the only way you can get a scout in otherwise is Reaper grenade to knock back the units walling off the front so your Hellion can sneak in to check gas (since scouting Robo doesn’t mean anything in PvT). Most of the points I mentioned here, Uthermal mentioned in his video as well. This is compounded by the fact that this is Deathaura, so he can wall off his front more easily than other maps.

So assuming you are not doing a timing push of your own, a ~3:30 minute scan/scout here in the natural is essential. Either do the grenade+hellion run in combo, or drop a scan in the natural to check for mineral saturation and number of gases taken. If you do suspect a chargelot all in, Bunker the main and the natural and have a Cyclone (not a Tank, that tank was probably made in preparation for blink) ready to snipe the Prism. It is absolutely imperative that the prism is shot down, and you can kill a Prism with 1 Lockon as long as you maintain vision of it (225 damage versus 180 hp). The Protoss is behind on both tech and econ if Chargelot all in does not do enough damage (like killing 20 workers in this video).

Soul played well actually reacting when the drop came, but he was in the dark so he didn’t have the right units to hold it without taking a LOT of damage, and at that point the game was actually almost over.

Don’t bother. IQ1Mechanics is as bad a troll as the FixTvP guy (honestly, they’re probably the same person)

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Also if you do this build, because protoss can go gasless, even if you fail, if you do enough damage, as this was the case, you just drop quick third and 4th, because nothing can touch you. Protoss can mass just chergelots/blinkstalkers and get storm…

Says guy, which doesn’t understand how gsl works. Literaly you have top players since wol/hots and not equal competition. Tos for example don’t have even 1 player in top tier and from zerg it is just Dark and even he wasn’t consisent, i don’t know how now… But rogue, or soo, or solar. It just not same as inno, or maru, or ty… No one cares. Learn how tournament works and stop being salty like little b1tch… You have literally couple top tier players in dead game, where there is no longer equal competition… You dumb. Also some tournaments have boosted TvZ win rates from oceania and Roa and taiwan/china and what not. You have no idea…

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How can you accuse other people of being salty when all you do is scream profanity at everyone who disagrees with you?

Learn how statistics work instead of flaming and arbitrarily ignoring data that doesn’t agree with you. Korean Terrans aren’t the only competitors in GSL that have been playing for a long time.

Terrans winning are terrans winning. Get over it m8


Pffff, nope wrong. I do profanity, because ignorant people like you, which are wrong and can’t read. And have no proof, yet they repeat same thing that just said starting with no. YOu seem like low league trash so, if you had any idea what you are talking about there would be no reason…

I told you there is not equal skill representation at top and you just repeat same nonsence… And you even used sarcasm so you clearly trolling… And cherry picked parts so you can troll me… U didnt even read what i said…

I don’t have to cherry pick, the data is in my favor per aligulac. You have absolutely no evidence to backup your claims.

As for cherry picking, I’m referencing all data; you’re the one saying some data arbitrarily doesn’t count because of region lock apparently preventing Protoss and Zergs from performing at the same level as Terrans. So can you explain why foreign Zergs and Protoss are for some reason better than their Korean counterparts, since if top Korean Terrans aren’t being challenged by their counterparts in GSL that must mean they’re intrinsically inferior to their foreign equivalents.

Prove there isn’t equal skill representation at top.

These are your claims to dispute all existing data, so you have to provide evidence to support them. You can’t cuss me out and magically believe you’re right.

As for rank shaming, I’m diamond 1. I’m not substantial but I’m no slouch. And you’re…oh no sc2 profile. So…I guess, no rank?

A Polish Uber-Whiner asking a Dutch Whiner to support his whine…
He should have asked better the German/French and British whiners(Heromarine/Marinelord/DeMuslim) for support…
The Polish whineterran in perfect harmony with his historic memory (Publishing cries on 1 September 1939 : In Berlin In Berlin) and after that attacking Panzer-Divisions with…cavalery…is not ashamed to attack Storm-Prisms with…Marines…
The result is a bloodbath.
What surprises me is how this deluded dude has the gall to cry “Imbalance”!
Please, can somebody send that game to …Harstem?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I am a diamond 1 terran , I played protoss for 2-3 weeks last Season and automatically got to Diamond 2 . My best match up was PvT. Says alot actually. Terran literally is the hardest to play , requires alot of multitask and focus. All other races can just be massed/spammed. The fact that Terran cannot win in a straight battle says alot. Terran has to continuously do things OUTSIDE of the norm in order to win.

Kinda pathetic too because sometimes Terran can hurt the other races so bad but hey can still come back and win. I will probably get banned for this , blizzard doesnt like to hear balance whine. THey always get trolls to deny it in the forums anwyay

I dont think harstem would have much to say. pro gammers critizing other progamers could be considered wrong and could potential create a rivalry for braggng rights… then again esports does need something to spice it up

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Yes, but Harstem has also respect for his own intellectual abilities. He can’t defend a Diamond-Level Game played by a Pro-Terran just to not touch the feelings of the said whiner.
Or better send the Game to Parting that has no long ceremonies for whineterrans.

Ok A pro played a diamond level game sure. I see you guys will use every excuse in the book before admitting something is wrong… good.

Is this a Shia alt, like that other one that just keeps cutting and pasting the same stuff over and over?