Prestige System Is Aweful

Better solution is for the Prestiges themselves to unlock the relevant Talents… at level 1.


Theoretically yes, but that might introduce more complexity more quickly than the devs probably intended for people who’d be leveling a commander for the first time. It would also require talents to be combined and new talents to fill in the later levels, and I doubt the devs would restructure the talent levels in such a way.

Now, merely reordering the talents seems more within what the devs would do, like how they did with Stetmann; in that vein, switching pre-5 talents with the relevant ones seems a lot more within reach.

Not rearanging the Talents, but the Prestige itself… ie
Kerrigan P1 should be changed to be… Malignant Creep Enabled, Malignant Creep bonuses +100%, Queens move normally and plant tumors off Creep, tumors get bonus vision. and No Omega/Nydus worms/Network.

Each Prestige should explicitly enable important parts of itself that aren’t enabled at Level 1.


Still counting the day for it change lol. We’ve gone from insane complaining before prestige is officially released… to endless complaining despite consistent balance patches… to complaining still even threads about people finishing up prestiges… to I’m sure continued complaint about how everyone’s sheep for not wanting prestige leveling to change.

Never once does it occur to these people that maybe, just maybe, if they wanted to change it they’d done it differently to begin with. Never once do these people try to find ways around these problems. The answer here is definitely more complaint threads… that’ll teach those blizzard devs! :joy:


That depend of the player itself, there are many who enjoy the stiles of comopletionist way than others. But this isnt the case, and the reason is this is content that is made to be unlocked if the developers dont want the players leave and/or stop buying the new commanders that may come in future.
The competionist mentatilty doesnt have much relevance here, because if at that poin we come, then you itself are a completionist, only for unlock those prestiges you already are a completionist, becasue you already complete things, maybe not the entire game, but you already complete all you wanted
Your advice is good, but what about those who like/whant the diversity? In my particular case, im not marryed with any commander, i like to play all, but thats now is gettig more and more bored because i dont have the prestiges, and i dont want unlock more because im tired of that bad sistem.
So what about other like me that like to play with many or all the commanders?

How about lock them until a certain group of condition be fullfiled? That will make a challenge and a more fun/interesting reason to retake commanders. And plus this opens to make a good series of achievements too.
Example P1 of Raynor unlock whe the player creates X number of X combination of biological units in a X amount of time in brutal dificult
Or the P2 of Tychus, this will be unlock when all the outlaws (not counting medic) kill X amount of enemys individualy and in a lonely way, and of course only in brutal dificult.

Terrible Terrible idea, none of the gameplay is locked behind difficulty (only some no gameplay effect achievements) I sure hope they don’t start.

Well, lets said this will can be one exception becasue this is for “prestige” XD lol
Ok now serously, this is why i put in example, the dificult is/can be optional, not necesary mandatory attach to the procces
And plus the brutal dificult with the nowdays balance, are a walk in the park with any commander at full.

Yeah that’s what i want too. if there’s a commander’s P3 im interested in, but it’s locked behind 2 others more useless ones i’d rather just skip the commander than play two times for things. I remember on the PTR everyone had fast prestiege unlocks like 1-15 in a game and everyone really seemed to enjoy that system since messing with the prestieges was the real joy of it and messing around with comps and other commander prestieges.


It’s really painful when you have prestiges that require high levels to be useful. Like Fenix P2. So you’re stuck doing the same thing twice.


Mass Slayer is terrible. Too fragile against certain comps.

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Yeah like Karax P3 sounds interesting and Lord of the horde stukov but after this i haven’t even finished leveling the commanders i got from the Anniversary sale. After 3 tychuses, 3 zeratuls, 2 karaxes (well, technically 3x 1-15s since i just got him), 1 raynor with a unfinished 8/15 swann, a 7/15 Zagara, and a untouched Vorazun. and School and college i barely even have time to play a daily game bar weekends, let alone grind 3-5 hours x 3 for a single commander until the next holiday season hits.

Maybe corona summer was a lot of indoor time, but surely with school and tests and everyone going back to work, picking the prestiege at least could let me mess around with thoughts of Lord of the horde Stukov or p3 Twin Dehaka, but with not much motivation to even finish commanders i already have, i don’t even have time to play another set of 3 commanders * 4x 1-15s each. I thought about dropping another WoW token worth on Dehaka, Mengsk and maybe a future commander or fun prestiege, but i just can’t even think of doing that much right now with college rn. At best maybe i might be able to get 1-15 and maybe 1-2 prestieges of the lot over months or the year until summer or Christmas break rolls out again.


Most things that counter slayers get countered by Alarak’s hero unit. I don’t really think there is an enemy comp you can’t beat with mass slayer aside from maybe non-phasing armour against terran mech.


If you miss your micro, it CAN be punishing, but they are invulnerable most of the time and their burst damage is very high. Beside obviously op commanders like Zeratul or Tychus, Alarak is actually one of the strongest commander in the game at low levels and slayers are perfectly viable against any enemy composition.

Why are you leveling all 54 of them in one go? That’s a recipe for burnout.

I wouldn’t mind if they speed up the XP gains but even if they do that one day, that’s all the more reason to just pick the few commanders whose prestiges you plan to play the most and get the rest later.

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The problem with this is some people like me for example really want a prestige, but are really struggling with it. I want alarak’s 3rd prestige quite badly, but after hitting the first prestige button, i’ve barely played my favorite hero, because playing him at super low level is not fun.


Low level Alarax is actually still decently fun. Remember to use your Warp Prism for Overcharge. That’s your biggest asset.

It’s not like low level Karax or Swann who are unbelievable slow at lower levels.

Not trying to claim he’s the worst. Just saying it’s not an enjoyable experience to play the missions with a level 1 commander. It’s fun the first time you level a character, because it’s all new. Just later on it feels really bad, and i just always end up queing with something else fun.


100% agree. Mindless and stupid grind and MOST of the prestiges are underwhelming.

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Precisely. This doesn’t seem difficult to do. Explicitly enabling a certain level-talent(s) at lvl 1 for each specific Prestige shouldn’t be difficult - consider that the disadvantage for those prestiges are active from lvl 1. (So for Fenix network admin, enable lvl 15 ability at level 1 and let lvl 15 just be redundant.)

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