Prestige is neat, but there's no way I'm grinding for them

I’ve spent many, many hours in Co-Op with my best friend, but we’ve both had SCII uninstalled for about a year due to burnout. We were considering picking SCII back up when we heard about the Prestige system, but after hearing that we’d have to re-level the Commanders - multiple times! - to access them, our interest evaporated.

If the Prestiges were awarded for hitting leveling milestones - say, 5/10/15 - then sure, we’d pop back in and sink in another hundred hours or so. However, as it it stands, there’s pretty much zero chance that either one of us are going to pick up SCII again to give the new system a spin.


A lot of players have long ago maxed out all the commanders, and it’s not impossible to get paired with a random Level 1000 partner.

I have not heard of these new prestige classes costing anything, so if new free content doesn’t interest you, we wish you the best of luck elsewhere.


You don’t have to get full prestige for every commander.

Just prestige the few commanders you use a lot


The speed at which one can level from 1-15 is quite fast. I would say this is more of an issue due to experience (skill). And no I’m not talking about cheesing or repetitive map choices.

I find way too many players focus far too much on the end result. Playing sub par commander is quite the fun experience. Cuz if everyone was given the prestige like OP proposes, I’d get bored of it in a week tops (been maxed for awhile now, and not remotely alone in that category).

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I’m excited, but not that excited. I’m not sure how long I’d last, but I’d reckon I’ll go in-depth on my 3 mains… Stukov, Karax, and Swann. Otherwise, there are others I’d like to try one of them, and not being able to pick the next Prestige may kill that interest.

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The best system to avoid grinding AND boredom from “done it all”

  1. you can prestige as many times as you want, each gives you a Prestige counter that is displayed with that commander

  2. Once you prestige for the first time, you get access to all the prestige talents, as well as the ability for your mastery to count at levels 1-15 (even though some masteries/prestiges don’t have full effect until 15 anyways)


How else are they going to sell stimpacks?

I just wish you could pick which prestige to unlock. I only want Brohaka but I have to get the first 2 as well?


I think it’s intended to have level3 more powerful and make people grind.

Raynor’s cheaper air and fast calldowns, Kerrigan’s OP alter form, (haven’t tested Artanis), Vorazun’s TS revival, Dehaka’s clone, Abathur’s limitless, Swann’s insta-Herc drop, Mengsk’s mini cheap nukes, Alarak’s taxi (I know it doesn’t seem like it), Nova’s super abilities, Stukov’s super bunker, Fenix’s super avenger, Zeratul’s perma cleave (2sec…), etc.

There are exceptions, like HH’s uncapped bombers (untested), arguably Karax’s SoA (which is still very very strong), and Alarak’s taxi (yes, if used wrong definitely crappy), Stettman’s super oil (untest for me).

If you take a look, even the less worthwhile ones are still quite powerful. I could definitely be wrong but seems each level does generally add more power than tend to take away (if at all in some cases).

I’m just wish it not start at level 1 atleast from 5 would be nice

Some commander are just not fun to level it up again from 1 some like vorazun lv1 no auto gas it really lame most commander have some good stuff come right at lv2 like artanis guardian shield , raynor dusk wing , kerrigan immo wave , swann call down , fenix champion


Only die hard players did complain.

Casuel asked only for maps and commanders and some bugs to be fixed. not the grind fest.


I cant see myself prestiging all commanders 3 times :expressionless:
Some are just not fun to play at lower levels, and some I dont even like much at 15 :lollipop:

Ill give it a shot with my favorites, Nova, Kerrigan, Vorazun and maybe Zeratul or H&H.

Ill probably be re-playing all the campaigns first though to earn those new achievements for each level :slight_smile:


I don’t see why everyone sees this as a chore. I would totally love to have the option to level-lock my commander at particular levels just to try out different things. Heck, I’ve challenged myself to no gas nova, no line/bane zagara to name a few. I mean, we’re here to enjoy the game and if being overpowered is your thing, just play on a lower difficulty. Why are you playing if you don’t enjoy it?

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I don’t mind leveling newer commanders, their base strength level is pretty good, but leveling older ones, who pick up most if not all of their strength with talents and masteries is going to be painful.

Also, I don’t know if it’s a bug or intended but perestige works on unleveled cammanders. For example, Karax is terrible to level but his second prestige makes his units 40% cheaper so 2 out of 3 times you’re going to level him up at least you’ll have your units discounted. Other commanders are not so lucky.

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That’s why it called “prestige”. If you are good enough you will win it with low lvls.

For Grind…they should let you repeat prestige over and over for displaying a little Prestige number in loading screen/over your start location. (1000 levels of prestige for 1 commander would require over a year of continuous play…that should be grind enough)

The Prestige Talents should all be available with 1 prestige (which should also allow mastery to be used at levels 1-15)

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Yeah, all this complaints about the grind is just a two fold issue:

  1. Perspective set on it being tedious rather than enjoyment, which in part due to
  2. Personal skill, beating a Brutal with any level 1 commander is very easy. Only a small portion actually need an ally to simply carry their own weight.

And as a reminder, there are both the Holiday and Warchest bonuses. So a single game will get the commander from level 1 probably to level 3-4 (didn’t check exactly but I’m sure it’s close).

I’m not say anything about too hard or too difficult i just said it not fun to play lvl 1 commander ‘again’ and ‘again’


The Protoss Commanders except for Fenix are so meh at level 1. :confused:


They should release new maps in addition so we have at least some content to level the commanders all over again.


It’ll be no small task, and what makes it worse is that they unlock linearly, especially since the order can vary wildly from Co to Co in terms of style. I really think it would be best to let the player choose which one is unlocked each time. It would keep the value of working for it, but also not force one you didn’t want on you in the meantime (or make you want to ignore it by playing standard). Letting players discover the full experience by discussion or example can work.

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