[pq] New Clan Recruiting


Brand new clan, looking to get more active 2023 players. Gonna be sweet!
My aim is to make it a team based clan, as well as 1v1s.
Drop your deets down below or feel free to add my blizz:


Be apart of something new!

no toxic personalities


Im a little rusty but looking to start playing again. I usually run protoss only


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There is also a new discord server we have for [ pq ] :smile:

h ttps://discord.gg/svU7JCWYPA

GoldImp - use to play back in the days, now back on it, very rusty though

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hey i added you to friends im interested in joining up with you guys

Iā€™m interested and have sent a friend request :).

I am interested in a 4v4 game clan.