Point of Burrow function in coop?

I could sense that it was gonna be a cry for some “buff” … learn to play pal and you will find “utility” to the game mechanics instead of asking for an easy gamemode to become even easier .

Cloaking is mainly useful against human enemies, and even then mainly when you first start using it, when your enemy doesn’t expect it yet and may not have countermeasures set up.

This isn’t all that helpful in Co-op because Amon always has detected regardless of whether or not he needs it. There’s no possibility for surprise to capitalize on, so in your hands it’s largely useless.

You can get away with not bothering with either. However, there are still very valid reasons to keep them in, even when the comps do get in detection much more reasonably.

On Lock n Load, as Zagara, I’ll usually burrow a single zergling at each lock.

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F2 player identified… but i play the same way XD

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I found Burrow to be quite good for Strettman Infestor. It let other army pass through and give Infestor another layer of security.

Burrowing also lets Infested Terrans make dramatic entrances and exits in Miner Excavation

Borrow stops units from moving. It synergizes with Vorazun if you know the unit will die. It causes retargetting if detectors are dead. It has it’s uses and to be frank, if you lose an entire army because you misclick R, the problem is you. It’s a race defining feature that isn’t designed to be game breaking but is baked in. If it’s an issue rebind it to ctrl alt p so you never hit it again and click it when u need it. There is a reason the game isn’t balanced around casual players and this is a fantastic example.

I see you’re a man of culture as well

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