Pls stop with nonsense

Far more up than down.

That doenst change fact no gsl for protoss since 2017 you cant say p is op

Terran has been getting a lot of love recently while Protoss has in fact been struggling for a long time, sorry that you find TvP difficult but throwing your hat in with batz garners zero respect.

Enjoy the upcoming and more balanced version of SC2 which will feature Zerg nerfs and Protoss buffs.


TCF tears delicious whine only indicate p on ride road

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Who said anything about agreeing with Batz. If he’s right, I’ll agree with him. He just never is.

I go by aligulac stats and ranked ftw. Win rates show that Protoss has had the upper hand against Terran for almost all of the past 2 years. Meanwhile, Protoss has had an overwhelming disadvantage vs Zerg during almost all of the last 5 years and has been the lagging race for almost all of that same time.


We are in agreement then. Sorry, I assumed that you were the same person as another barcode who replied to me here. I’m too lazy to sort through barcodes.

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This is true. But incomplete. Sample must be large. And selected at random. Unfortunately games of the pro scene is not random. In many ways.

Not even monthly average is enough! That is why batz post is so impressive. It is aggregate of every game played…

He said he used all pro games played. Are you saying he lied? Which ones did he leave out? Please list them and I will believe you. Because I suspect you are another who is denier of facts.

He predicted P>T>Z several month in advance. And he was right. That is how gm league is worldwide. It is matter of fact that he was correct. Sorry if it make you mad!

Again. Why is zerg least in grandmaster? Aligulac is database of many games. And anyone can enter games… even for tournament where serral go 100-0… against gold league opponents… analysis is invalid unless it accounted for the skill of players who played… which aligulac does not…

P is also the most represented in GM I guess on the surface PvTvZ makes since :thinking:

P has pretty much done everything except win a major tournment. they have so many 2nd and 3rd place finishes under their belt.

Just a few more buffs and they will finally and completely dominate the Pro scene as well. I mean why not they donimate every other league.

this game is just broken. Everyone agrees this game is broken. But just dont suggest a way to fix the game that does not give whoever race an out right advantage. which keeps the game broken Better to keep it in its current broken state.

Just except that game is broken as I have. if you lose to something its because you are a noob. If a Gm lose to it. well they made a critical mistake and if a Pro lose to it they just got out played that one game. or the skill gap is so high. because no one is at the same skill level.
Interesting how that works. I have to meditate on that concept.

The problem has occurred. Many times in the past! When maru was only terran winning. It was protoss dominating in gm… same for byun… each time protoss nerfed…

The problem is low skill floor. And low skill ceiling. For protoss. So they cannot win tournament. Because ceiling so low. But if buffed all protoss are too strong. Because of low skill floor. So forever ladder terran must suffer. Because top 0.000001% of protoss player cannot win tournament…

However this is not accepted for the majority of people. If you say that on equal terms more times than not P will win. It takes away from the P players that are actually good. so we are in a situation where its unfair to them. which is understandable. It also leads to a circular argument. we never get anyhing done.

we have 4K Toss players that can compete and actually beat 5k even 6k terran and to an extent Zerg players. T has been gutted more than any race. the Raven being gutted was massive. And then Proxies was nerfed which was just as big. reaper nerfed into a unit you build once maybe just maybe twice

But no one cares they say get good. Even Z players say get good. Now Z is on the chopping block and are being gutted just like T has and they are starting to complain. I could be petty and say get good but I wont for now… :slight_smile:
infestor nerf is similar to the raven nerf . Bane nerf that is coming is just as big.

Just wait until Blizzard is finished with Z. Then they will completely understand how T players feel.

And for P they havent had any major nerfs just have things reworked. Having the Zealot impact damage removed for increased speed and still has guaranteed hit is not a nerf. having the collusus reworked is not a nerf. When was the last time P was out right nerfed. Why should P be able to spam Zs and not get punished where if Z spam lings or T spam marines they a get punished.

But what do I know Im just a noob that cannot beat platinum P players even though Im almost D1

Aligulac doesn’t samples just the pro scene, but the near top of the ladder, with random nonames included. It’s monthly, and its representation over the years is the largest statistical winrate data source available for SC2.

It does not. His inclusion criteria aren’t seriously defined in his first post, and when asked about the period covered he links sometimes to the latest period available (which is way shorter than monthly average).

Interestingly enough, he also gives links to the whole Aligulac database when asked where to check his data, but only to a single period when asked about his source. And said period isn’t cleary defined, as “latest” constantly changes.

I’m saying his protocol description is lacking (allowing some choice over what players are included. At some moments he gives links only to one single period (which reduces statistical power, and would allow a deliberate choice of the period) at others he suggest using the whole database (including WoL + HotS + LotV) which wouldn’t make any sense to describe current balance (and would explain how he could get protoss having favorable results over zergs). It’s cloudy at best.

Also, upon trying to find back his profile, to take a more detailed look at his thread I found that his RFTW profile sheet now didn’t linked to tEhbAtZ ; but to a barcode. Don’t you find this interesting, barcode ? Considering his silence going for unusually long, the similarities of your views, and your interesting understanding of a thread now long gone from main page. :thinking:

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That is what is so important. For skill to be accounted for…

Nasa have statistic of outer space. But what does it mean for sc2 balance? Data that is about skill. Is as important to balance as outer space.

It was stated in his other thread… many times… any pro player with number of games in each matchup. Plus at least one game in 2020.

Yes. Because the whole database of aligulac can be downloaded!

I do not remember him speaking about periods. I suspect you do not remember clear.

Let me summarize it for you. As I understand it. He calculated elo rank for every player. That has enough games. And who played recently. Using match history of this player to calculate the elo ranking for each player. Then grouped them first by race. Second by matchup. Then calculated average. It is that simple! It allow us to compare average of each race for each matchup!

Of the active players. Protoss players have pvt/pvz elo that exceed their pvp elo. Terran was mixture. Tvp was lower than tvt. But tvz was higher than tvz. For zerg each matchup was below zvz. This predict P>T>Z in balance. And now GM league say the same… he was right…

He posted a follow up. Showing the trend was true through all of 2019.

Did you read his posts? I do not think so… he used active players only!

Any person can have tournament. And enter it to aligulac. Even gold league… or worse… bronze…

I pretty much just proved protoss is overpowered in my current quest to get my offrace protoss to master in less than 150 games.

You the same barcode who called me out for posting a fake picture, then immediately tucked tail when I challenged you on it?

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Where do you think Batz’ statistics came from? Either you accept all of aligulac or none of it (and you’re wrong, they’re from professional tournaments only).


I do not recall. But it sounds very funny XD XD XD. Pls share link!

Aligulac also say Ty is rank 10. And have 0% chance to win code s. But here we are! And ty has won code s…

How strong is aligulac depend on if it has flaw. And how big the flaws. And if the flaw is relevant to conclusion. Aligulac “balance” page shows win-rate. And also net elo gain per race. This does not measure balance. It show win-rate. Which can be product of many factor. Which balance is smallest. Same for elo gain. Which is just another measure of winrate.

For an example. If terran is underpowered and blizzard buffed terran. Would terran net elo go up? Yes… and aligulac would say terran is overpowered… for a time at least!

I found batz post interesting. Because his method can measure balance without other factors. And I was on the fence. Because a good model is only good if it make good prediction. But here we are. Months later. And GM shows exactly what he predicted. Protoss is better than t/z. This I agree with except the very top of players. There protoss is weak. And zerg dominate. But batz claim was not about top. It was about average. So I can not hold it against him…

I also agree game should not be balanced on serral and maru… average of pro / gm is better indicator of balance…

That is admitting mirror performance to be purely based on skill, and that that skill doesn’t varies whatever the match-up, whatever style you may have, whatever spontaneous affinities you may have, whatever match-up training you might undergo. That’s a postulate. Simply put : it’s yet to be proven.

Would that methodology be the one actually used; I’m sorry but considering the history of the author, who constantly tried to enforce some Z weak/terran OP point of view, to the point he even said at some point that marauders countered mutas… I at least wouldn’t help but thinking if he accurately did what he did in the same fashion for every player. What he showed until now suggests he hasn’t the required neutrality for me to trust him in such work execution, sorry.
Ultimately, I just don’t trust him for anything balance related.


And don’t think not answering my last remark will go unnoticed :

I also appreciated the facts denial (facts, factually true/false are a key element of tEhbAtZ’s vocabular) and the similar partial shorts quotes way of answering. Worth mentioning, his profile is hidden, so you can’t use it to find said thread back, so unless reading every damn topic made in the two last months, or remembering the name of the thread. So, no reason for another to start elaborating about it out off the bAtZ. Why didn’t you just go for a tEhbAtZ°2, like so many do around here ? :cowboy_hat_face:

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