Piece of truth in your face about current game ZERG BALANCE

Hi. I play since beta… I’m multiple 1vs1 and teams master player (I got experience in the game).

Many Terran veterans left the game, and you think they left the game because either:

  • A) because they are veterans and they were too old to play and now they only make babies,

  • B) because they just get bored and found something better to do with their life,

  • C) they just found a better game to play,

  • D) they did care too much about their stats so they gave up on competitive play.

And the real answer is…


This unit has been OP since the game released but it could be countered, HOWEVER then they was buffed to insane level after the LOTV release and the bananalance team left the unit in that state… Did they? They actually BUFFED IT EVEN MORE! The time is passing and it clearly shows how Duke Nukem was always right about the game status and balalanance. Just check the league distribution and SC2 global population. Zerg has less players than Terrans and they are on top. It’s been like that for years! Does it means zerg is natural born players? NO! It’s BALANALANCE ISSUE!

Will the balanmce ever be fixed? I remember few years ago new development team said that from now on they will just fix the critical BUGS and issues in the game - not banalancing game. But didn’t they realized that the ULTRALISK IMBALANCE is CRITICAL BUG? It’s been like that for years and it should be fixed. Ultralisk is critical issue, and it’s a BUG. A GIANT WORM. Fix it so the game might life another life again? With the fix many people would come back to the game and play it again. Like (probably) DukeNukem for example.

You lost me in ultra was op from release .since building in ultralisk will get u killed or u all ready won the game.

Easy to micro against in early game wol and hot.

Ultra melt against defensive line by Terran only way if viper blocks siege tanks and liberators. Then you got ghost as well.

So your cry just points out u can’t stop using marines.

Ultras is not your problem since they about weakest unit out of all top tier units in the game.

Thors beats them
Sieg tanks

Not counting air to ground units
Liberators destroy them which since big target easy control liberators target ultra.

So ultra is weak compared thors


Colossus says hello :slight_smile:

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Alright, I play Protoss and I have to disagree - at least mildly.

The Colossus is incredible in its realistic use cases - Marines and Zerglings are almost always in plentiful quantities for the Colossus to prey upon - Very vulnerable and difficult to use well owing to its anti-air vulnerability and pathetic anti-Armored damage, absolutely. But it was and still is good at its job in a way no other Protoss unit is, because splash damage at 9 range is simply worth that much.

But the Ultralisk was kind of mediocre in its more realistic use cases before 5.0.11, since its primary use case - breaking massively entrenched positions - is simply not as useful when a small group of them constantly just trip on one another and have a hard time connecting to the front line. Even worse, the Brood Lord excels at this task as well, but it has the problem of needing some degree of air control which can be difficult to wrest, so the Ultralisk’s ability to mostly ignore ie. Zealots, Carriers, Marines, Hellions, Cyclones, Battlecruisers - was decently important but not extremely so.

I’ve not watched enough Ultralisk use post 5.0.11 to be positive about if the Colossus is more niche and without a proper home now than it.

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Only thing I can say ultras is good at defensive keep one at each base and it will destroy run bys but as main attack against army no they suck.

Better combination lurkers mix with corrupters, mutas and brood lords and vipers.

So I don’t see ultras that good sure if they catch you off out position they be deadly but almost any unit could do that.

Trick with blood lords is put brooding on hold this will trap marines. From getting loose too attack brood lords.

Ultras can be killed by crappy pathing. I don’t see them that great so I don’t understand dukenukem fear of them. Any unit that need nerf is Thor since ground and anti air is too strong.


What are you talking about ? Ultras in the current state are (at least borderline) imbalanced. They received 3 buffs in the last 2 patches - size decrease, attack dodge range decrease and most recently price reduction. Perhaps these changes were necessary to make ultras more viable and let them reach targets easier but with those changes this unit seems broken. Terran ground army stands no chance. You need ton of liberators and ghosts. Libs can be circumvented, and ghosts are useful usually in the terran base, protected from any damage. Outside terran base and on the creep Ultras are unkillable for any terran ground army. These buffs should be compensated with something else, maybe damage reduction or aoe ?

Ultra are relatively good for Zerg.
Compared to Lurker and BL, they fit well with the engage that Zerg has to do.
And if you have 1-3 Ultra, you realize you have a damage absorption. while Bl you need 8+ to have an impcat at all, same with Lurker. 1-2 lurker is completely ignored.
if you have 20+ Bl they are better than Ultra, but how often can you do that?

currently you often see hive ~8-9min 3-6 Ultra 1-4 viper. this is the window in which Ultra shine. then they fall off again.

Terran player’s opinion: remove all aoe damage or reduce it to 0. because bio never gets boring from early to ultra late…

maybe Ultra was buffed because other things were nerfed like BL/ Lurker/ bane …

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This is what i like about protoss players. You will state xyz unit is bad and another protoss will say: hey i see you but it all aint bad. I really would like to see zerg/terran players do the same. In the pro scene we often see the same behaviour. Because with zerg i have seen posts or complains about literally every single unit. It often goes “lambo said mutalisk/baneling/hydra/broodlord/lurker/ultra” is bad and leads into gaslghting everyone else and also a cope mechanic meaning its not the player who lost, zerg units are simply too weak. Hydralisk is the best example. Its literally a go to unit vs t or p but they still complain like there is no tomorrow. Scarlett is calling the hydra as the “lurker egg” only to complain that lurkers are also weak. Same goes for the ultralisk as the “ultimate throw mechanic” like wtf? If it really was that way, pros wouldnt actually build ultras.

That being said its indeed important to clarify how “being weak” is defined.

Because if its only defined as makes dmg overall then probably tempest is maybe the worst unit in the game and you could really literally throw a game by making tempest.

For me ultralisk cant be as bad as for example colossus because there are zerg players like dark who will go ling bane to ultra rush at 10 minutes and he doesnt build like 4 or 5 ultras, he builds more then that, because more is better in many cases. (you would not really go above 4 or 5 colossus because a) you can counter them pretty hard b) your main army wont have enough sustain c) the units that get countered by colossus already die fast and d) units that cannot really be countered by colossus wont simply die)

For me its pretty important to note that a high count of ultralisk is a very good addition to your army and for example marines simply wont kill an ultralisk but they can very well kill a colossus, especially if it gets misrallied/stuck or whatelse because the ai of colossus and ultra are both not really good.

Another very important topic is the usage of ultras/colossus in high or low level play. On pro level people can have sufficient apm to deal with ultras but on lower level this not the case. Even for very high level player its noticeable that countering ultras prior to entreched siege positions with ghosts/libs is very very apm taxing meaning its a game changer in terms of the game stage. The terran rather needs to tech up and change the playstyle once too many ultras are out. This is something clem especially struggles with as hes not the lategame terran player compared to maru. Hes the im all over the map and beating you mechanically terran player.


Lol, then mix them with anything. I suggest zerglings as they are most cheap. Then throw that bull**** ling/ultra combo on a-move and see who will win :smiley:

SPOILER ALERT: Siege tanks will shot their own units by friendly fire, ghosts will be disabled by speedlings and Thors will shot the speedlings instead of ultralisks.

Ofcourse if you have 400 APM you can have an mostly even match. But 2 APM (A+left click on the map and observe) VS 400 APM (dodging everything, securing the ghosts, forcing the tanks to not shot their own units meanwhile also trying to manually focus every single ultralisk with thors) is a kinda unfair, don’t you think? And the battle result is “draw” at best. But unfortunately after this battle zerg will click one button that has all the hatcheries grouped and will reproduce everything again and throw it on a-move. And here we go again. Have fun :smiley: Perfect balance. Excuse me… Bananalance.

It’s a move then you be fighting two different groups which lings melt before ultras reach them.

Then you got two choices focus fire and melt ultras or don’t take some loss but still win.

Without vipers or infestors or queens ultra would melt against Terran defensive line.

Spoiler alert you can un siege tanks they have seven range and so you won’t kill your own units.

So u can’t say one side apm heavy while other side isn’t and still expect to win with low apm.

I think the evidence that Terran is supremely overpowered has become fairly obvious over the history of SC2. There has been a healthy debate on this, especially on this forum for a number of years, and judgment has been up in the air numerous times, but I think as the years go on the “dust is settling” as they say on this particular issue.

I’ve played Terran at a fairly high level, achieving Silver 2 with my 50 barracks by 15 minutes strategy and I have been able to absolutely incinerate my opponents without any trouble or thought for tactics or strategy. I believe this is enough evidence to warrant a deep investigation on the part of Blizzard into ascertaining the balance of Terran in the overall game.

It’s a relief that after all of these years of debate we have essentially settled this issue.

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That because marines produce faster then ling which point out that how banes post work.

But argument even asked for stim nerf but blizzard was against it. This was hight marine-king reign where he was winning tournaments with just marines.

As a microbial shroud-hydra enjoyer against carriers, colossus turn hydras into :poodle::poop: I even stole half another guy’s carriers but the colossus just shredded through my frontline freeing up other carriers to join the fight. I had to build corruptors even with no upgrades. After tryharding with hydra infestor micro and failing, the corruptors just required an a-move. So colossus>>>>>>>> carriers.

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Yes exactly. Meaning obviously colossi Need to be able to Attack Air. This would only be fair. I No longer lose to Hidden muta rushes ever again.

A week ago or Something a dumb dumb zerg Put down a quick spire and i scouted it. After my Scout was away He cancled and Went for Hydra all in. Luckily i didnt Care at all and Pumped 2 Robo colossus anyway. Haha. Get rekt.

have you tried air units

Only a few air units actually do a good job of killing Ultralisks. Ultralisks are not going to harm air units in any way, but most air units won’t do more than tickle them. So, any land units or bases that are not specialized against Ultralisks can still get slaughtered while Corruptors or something else deals with the air force.

I would argue that only Liberators and Brood Lords are good at killing Ultralisks.

  • Liberators actually have the burst for it, but you have to keep the Ultralisks within the Liberation zones.
  • Brood Lords can zone out the Ultralisks with their waves of Broodlings; however, any damage apart from the actual Broodling launch will be negligable. This also depends on the Ultralisks to be trapped or committed to advancing towards the Brood Lords and the units under them.

Edit: Note, I did edit this comment quite a bit. The original post only mentioned Liberators.


Funny, half the games i lose as ZvT is when i say, hhm, maybe its a good idea to go Ultras …

Void Rays anhilate them, and Tempest arent particularly bad

No they do not. I left Void Rays out for some very good reasons.

Void Rays are fast-attacking units that lose a lot of their DPS to armor.

Without Prismatic alignment, a Void Ray deals only 6 damage per hit against a Chitinous Plating Ultralisk. A single stimmed Marauder has anywhere from 33% more DPS to 58.33% more DPS than a Void Ray in that scenario.

With Prismatic alignment, Void Rays will deal double the DPS to Ultralisks (so slightly more DPS than a Marauder), but they won’t have the speed to run Ultralisks down or otherwise keep up in a moving fight.

Things get even worse with Microbial Shroud, since that will reduce the damage per tick to 0.5 or 3.5 depending on whether or not Prismatic Alignment is active. This would be even worse if Prismatic Alignment worked by adding damage directly to the attack instead of providing a separate source of 6 damage that ignores armor.

Void Rays seriously lack the firepower to be effective counters to Ultralisks.

Tempests may not lose as much of their DPS to armor as Void Rays do, but their DPS is so low to begin with that they aren’t an effective counter. The Tempest’s burst is “ok”, but their DPS is comparable to a non-charged Void Ray.

To reiterate, Liberators are effective against Ultralisks because of their extremely high anti-ground damage and burst. Brood Lords are effective because they can block pathing.
Most other air units do not deal enough damage to Ultralisks to pose a serious threat, and they don’t have mechanics that force Ultralisks to pay attention to them. The Ultralisks can just ignore them.