Penalize players for leaving games. Like all other games

Like in every other game on the market, if a player disconnects, leaves a game, or anything of this nature they are then put into a queue that prevents them from continuing to be destructive.

This is a good time to point this out since Blizzard just got completely gutted by microsoft. Hopefully someone with higher than room temperature IQ read this in the new organizational structure.

EDIT: And if you disagree, you are just one of those players who practices this type of lunacy.

there is no devolopement.

Microsoft just nuked blizzards organizational structure. Now is the time to voice opinions.

why theres no one doing anything, obviously. if there wasnt anyone doing things before what makes you think that with ALOT less people there gonna do more. Your logic astounds me. Go back to sitting in your stream looking like the fool you are.

WKnight, it’s people like you who are by definition brain damaged, who have ruined this game over the years, posting non-sensical logic, and poisoning the minds of not only the already comically ill player base, but the developers as well.

Grow up.

non sensical logic is sitting here thinking that nows the time to complain more. go back to stareing at your monitor whining about que blocking.

How weak does someone think their position/augument is that they need to dismiss any and all counterarguments BEFORE THEY ARE EVEN MADE??? Not to mention pigeonholing any opposition as being part of the problem. But keep on sticking your fingers in your ears… its a bona fide way to kill your credibility for all to see. WK is 100% correct.

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not to mention if you know anything about this dude, he is a whiney little baby. go watch his stream, all he does his entire stream is complain that he is getting que blocked from his haters. mean while the dude has every server blocked except for tawain area and wonders why he cant get games. top it off he claims hes gm and all that and top 2v2 master player, which i find absolutely funny. When you limit your entire player base you face off against, yeah im sure its pretty damn easy to hit top in your bracket if you only play against the same people in that area over and over and over again. dont get me wrong the guy is a good player but to sit there and claim your rank one when you dont play the entire player base is just idiocy and makes him ten times the clown he already is. Then he sits and also says in his streams that anyone on 2v2 that is in bronze is most likely a smurf, knowing full well that 2v2 has had bronze league bug for years now, and that 70% of 2v2 is bronze league.

In coop it is exactly what happen, though sometimes you get punished for leaving from a match where the ally didn’t seem to make any progress on the load screen for 5 minutes or the like.

It happens extremely rare in Coop…

In 1v1 or ladder, its a free win … and they get punishment (lose MMR)

Quit whinning

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Nothing in your quotes shows the person is “Whining” other than you labeling the person of it. Labeling a person “Whining” is a dismissive behavior. Name calling is against the rules.

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You’re right, he quoted the wrong parts, here are the right quotes:

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Consider. This game has been on life-support for a long time.

If SC2 players paid a monthly subscription and penalizing players for leaving matches kept subscribers, the change would be implemented overnight. But this is a free game, which is still online, extremely rare. Most games do not last this long, their EOL is 4-5 years after launch. There isn’t much benefit providing servers to players for this long without live support.

We are lucky the servers have not been shutdown.

Kind of a weird complaint since, unlike with most other games, SC games generally end with players leaving. Pretty rare to see all buildings killed.

As for premature quitting, the player who quits will likely lose MMR for leaving their team short-manned, which is a punishment. It would be nice if the remaining teammates were protected from losing MMR, but there would need to be an arbitrary cutoff time chosen, which is a pretty iffy solution.