Paying for a pro to test my ideas on Protoss

So I have been playing and watching SC2 for a long time, and while I admit I’m not even that good at it (mostly because my brain can’t seem to learn how to use control groups and camera locations). So this has been my observations. (Keep in mind I don’t claim this is 100% accurate, just what I’ve observed)
-No one aside from Parting or streamers doing challenges use adepts in any meaningful way, unless it’s PvP and someone forgets to wall off properly.
-Both zealots and adepts fall off pretty hard in main armies past the mid-game. (Zealots still have some utility for run-bys)
-Both marines and zerglings have move speed and attack speed upgrades, while zealots only have move speed, and adepts have only attack speed.
-I also seem to remember no one really liked the idea of the adept when it first came out, and thought of it more as a band-aid type unit. (Attitudes may have changed since then)
Here is my ideas on Protoss to make it a bit more balanced.
-remove the adept completely
-replace the adept upgrade in the twilight council with a +attack speed upgrade for the zealot. (could be fun to add a shade function? IDK how that would play out in balance but would allow zealots to reposition inside of terran bio deathballs and possibly other fun scenarios)
-remove hallucination from the sentry and allow it to focus more on forcefield and guardian shield, as sentries have too many energy heavy abilities as is. (I would also like to play around with giving sentries the ability to perhaps make a slow warp in point and see sentry play more often as they are almost never used.)
-remove revelation from the sentry and replace it with a cloaked hallucination that is also a detector. This feels more accurate IMHO to the name of Oracle and I feel would be a better fit than revelation.

My ideas almost never get good feedback, but here I am asking the community to give feedback and perhaps pricing? I also want a pro or semi pro to play with these ideas, and of course as the title says I would be willing to pay. Now, I’m not rich, so I can’t fund like a whole bunch of money, but how some pricing? Tell me how much this would take to make happen. I just want to see these ideas happen and see someone like Pig, Winter , Harstem or Lowko to cast it. I would even pay them to cast it.

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Adepts are the reason Zerg players can’t open 3 hatch before pool and allows you to make a fast third.

Going to have to disagree with you here. Many people, especially at the higher level, can do things such as block a third base with a probe, or start with a stargate vs zerg. Plus if your zerg opponent does 3 hatch before pool, punish them with an all in. There is also archon drops, 4 gate, proxies and double robo is becoming more common.

It’s going to be fantastic watching those pros trying to harass with oracles now that adepts are out of the picture. Why do you think hots and wol was all about forge fast expands?

I’m not sure how Adepts being strong at the open then useless later is somehow “bad,” but meanwhile no mention of the Reaper.

They aren’t really strong at any point. I feel it’s unfair that lings and marines get move and attack speed upgrades, while zealots just aren’t as objectively good with their upgrades, I’m willing to put my wallet where my mouth is to either prove or disprove it. But honestly, I’m only interested in the opinions of the casters and the pros.

I agree, that’s why I’m putting money on seeing it happen. I’m sure they can.

What would replace Adepts for early anti-air? Sentries? Dragoons, even?

And yeah, I don’t see much point in hallucinations except for disposable scouting. But that’s just me.

Probes? Observer? Oracle?

First of all Terran has no deathballs, and especially no “BIO deathballs”.

But generally ideas (if we would take them all) are acceptable. Buff to zealots would help in all game aspects however we would get rid of adept harass. Sentry skills reworks are fine too, something for something. Generally acceptable changes.

It is against the forum rules to advertise of looking for a pro to pay.

They should give them the rotating axe of the campaign … LOL