Patch did nothing and the maps suck

Here, found out how you can use your “dead in the water” reaper (or, rather, Gumiho did) http s://

They have no problem winning. They’ve just learned that Blizzard listens to whiners so they’re never going to stop. People need to stop taking their complaints seriously.


Except in practice, terran isn’t adding up small victories. Terran is just going for their window, and if they land just one the game can end instantly in their favor.

It’s not always tech units or something. In the current meta it’s 1/1 or charge or gates 5 thru 12. But it’s not really any different, it’s still about terran wining if they just land their timing and Protoss having to keep everything bullet proof.

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This has nothing to do with what im talking about. I mean reapers have no way to get out of bases once they dive in past a certain point in the game. Which also happens to be at the point when crucial tech goes down. So you basically have to sac the reaper all the time or play with many enemy strategy possibilities. Also the maps have no cliffs or escape paths for reapers in the middle of the maps. All the cliffs are around the main bases. Thats what I mean by dead in the water.

More than half of the “whining” you see are people posing as terran players to dilute the discussion. If you think what im posting ITT is whining I dont know what to tell you.

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I know. I said the races are supposed to play with small victories over time. The way the game is right now is what you said: one big timing and its over. Which is why im saying the game is boring and other things and should be changed.

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The patch did plenty, at least for Terran using Ghosts and making stim safer by removing a lot of typical last-second snipes on the tech lab.

As for maps, after playing them I have mixed feelings. I like the aesthetics and think the creators did a good job but at the same time I feel they haven’t been great while playing Terran bio. I am really disliking the slow zones in particular and the Disco map feels like I’m in a permanent choke point.

Thats all true but the game hasnt changed. I see terrans still using the same builds. Faster stim and a ghost upgrade dont change how the game plays or fix the issues I outlined ITT. I mean super late game mass ghost is stronger, and stim finishes a bit faster. Big deal you cant make a new build around these points. Plus bio hasnt been buffed so a faster stim is meaningless once you look at the big picture interaction between t and z/p.


Well, these changes weren’t meant to be world-changing to mix things up. It was just meant to make the quality of life a little nicer for Terran. If Blizzard is still doing the end-of-year patch like they’ve done so far, I’d start thinking of ideas to share on here and hope they like some of them. So yeah, it’s not meant to be game-changing. Game changing updates have been around December/January the last few years; Until then it’s just QoL changes.

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Yeah man true too. I’m giving my criticisms to make the game better.


I’m saying these are the attributes that push Terran lategame over the edge against Protoss lategame.

Protoss lategame is so undermatched that you have a streamer like Beastyqt constantly beating Protoss pros in Harstem and Mana in the lategame with Terran…we’re talking streamer beating pros in the hardest phase of the game…

Protoss lategame also gets massacred by Zerg lategame, another testament to how bad Protoss lategame is.

It’s not anecdotal. It’s literally the foundation of timed Terran pushes that can knock Protoss back to the stone age.

On top of having the most effective scouting thanks to the orbital, Terran has:

Reaper - well played reaper can last a while too
Best harassment tools in the game, which is where a lot of scouting comes from.

So Terran scouting is “built in” by virtue of our superb harassment capabilities.

By the way, there is always an SCV scout. Scan is cheaper, energy wise, than a Hallucination, which can actually be denied unlike scan.

We have the best scouting in the game.

Wait what?

Stats’ “predictable” defense IS the ideal Protoss style. Stats is the pinnacle of defense, even stylistically. That’s why he does it. And that’s why he’s one of the most successful SC2 players of all time.

I only brought up stats because he is the pinnacle of protoss defense. If you want to knock his style, then you can look at when players like Zest, Dear, sOs get crushed by Terran air.

Terran tech tree is faster than Protoss tech tree and has the fewest overall structures…

Tech Lab


Warp Gate
MAYBE robo bay

Terran gets access to more units faster.

A stim bio tank mine medivac push will crush the heavy blink stalker + chargelots waiting for you.

If youre feeling like Protoss is teching up too fast against you, do you go 1-1-1 more often? It’s a swiss army knife that abuses the relative variety of the Terran early game.

Force toss to make lots of units during the early game to delay his tech, delay splash, and even upgrades.

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Hmm, terran kr is 37% currently. Stim helps a lot in tvp and warprism nerf, you can actually beat protoss and it is more fair, but still retarded, you have to all in or you autolose, because you cant play macro, because protoss eco is broken and tvz helps to stim, but still you need kill them before lategame, or you lose, because zerg is favored in lategame a lot, you don’t have any splash, but he can fungle and para bomb you units. Which takes 1 click and you lose, without seeker terran is unplayable in lategame, when there is to much units, it takes to much efford to resige all mines tactially and all liberators, while zerg can reposition his whole army with 1 apm right click and his ultras are so const efficient after one fight if you cloack ghost you wont have energy for emp, even if you emp all infestor he will just fall back and it is still tough to fight it because ling bane kills ghosts after 1-2 snipe and snipe get canceled you lose all you ghosts while ultras will live with red or orange hp, it takes so much more efford than what zerg is doing, lategame is still unplayable you have to just all in everygame and kill them before lategame

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No man. Again, once you take into account the cost of scouting, the time spent making scouting units, and the amount of stuff terran has to scout the net scouting power is weaker compared to a protoss scout which is a lot of the time free and built in and also easier to scout.

Yes, and? All I was saying is that he was beaten because he is studied to excess and was predictable in his matches.

You just contradicted yourself. Thats five vs four. If you add in add ons it gets worse for terran. If you add in swapping or making add-ons terran has way more requirement to get infrastructure running. And protoss can start warp gate right when the core finishes WITH chrono. I mean I dont understand how you think terran tech is faster. But terran does have more units available faster you’re right about that.

How in the world is terran late game stronger? Cannons are cheaper than PFs, warp gate makes harassing and defending so easy, hts everywhere makes attacking so hard for terran, dts open up a whole new vector of attack, the main army is stronger WITH multiple splash. Also protoss gets to late game faster and with a stronger economy. So many pro terrans dont even want to touch late game. I just watched 2019 GSL S3 Code S RO16 Group B. Half the tvps were terran cheesing, another quarter were 2 base all-ins, and the rest were the protoss throwing or playing poorly which allowed games to go into the mid to late game.

How is this not whining? Honestly, how any Terran can complain about ZvT right now is beyond me. But I guess this is the strategy. Complain constantly no matter what the condition of the match ups are so Blizzard keeps handing out buffs.


You think Terran has it bad right now? Uninstall please blizzard needs to stop listening to the worst of the terrans and buffing/nerfing where its not needed.


Yes, but you need 8 cannons and a battery or 2 to stop even a relatively small bio force, which costs a lot more than a simple 1 planetary.

With prisms in the main, fair enough, but planetaries with neosteel armour should never die to gate units. Plus, you have sensor towers.

Fair enough, though not by theirselves for sure, and if protoss looks away at the wrong second…

No, they expensively die because you have 2 missile turrets and/or a scan. You want a new vector of attack? Ranged liberators force an air unit or else more than pay for themselves in stalker kills.

You have mines and EMP, both of which hit up, and actually decent single target. Protoss vs. Terran lategame isn’t completely one sided, but skyterran is definately going to win against Protoss if you let terran get there.

This, however, is more than true. And while terran is making their starport add-one and second armoury, protoss is busy killing 2 bases, triple expanding, and all the while using their 6+ nexi to chrono hammer double cyber for air upgrades. Good luck surviving the next 2 minutes.

The tools are definately there for terran to win. It’s just that the tools are over there, and the protoss tools are right here, in that cyber core they’ve had since the 2 minute mark.

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Im hardly in the worst of the terrans. When I play seriously (aside from my other things I do) I stay consistently in the top 1000 in the world (all races).

5xk mmr means nothing, p.s pros and balance team stated this that balance is bassed on everyone not on just pro levels, LOL you are so stupid it makes lose IQ, oh really terran needs to adapt? no they dont. let me know what will that 5k mmr get you into like a job or earn money.

DUDE the game is for everyone not just pros level players if it was then the game itself would be like pro level game play rank for only pros. you tosses can a move with zealots, heck u have 8 + damage with chargelot upgrade even. Shut the f up you have no right to say someone unistall the game, I seen pros players lose to 2 dias even on stream and his gsl player itself (a Korean). How about get a job and have a life. 1998 BW had pro level ranks only where you need to be pro gamer to play rank games, bw you could only play custom, arcade and story before ladder of bw happened. so educate yourself before you talk here

you have warp ins- instant units LOL shh dude