I just updated to the latest version
When I started the game after the patch fully completed, the game suddenly would show me the Legacy of the Void cinematic again, as if I had never played the game.
F%&*ing AGAIN!!! Can you please FIX YOUR SH1T??? I paid for this!!!
Patching obviously deleted my Accounts folder, and with it, all my replays and also all my hotkey configuration files.
The folder /Users/connexo/Library/Application Support/Blizzard/StarCraft II
is now completely empty. No files, no directories, just empty.
I’m also unable to create new hotkey profiles. I can modify hotkeys, I can save the custom profile under a custom name, but afterwards I cannot select it from the dropdown because it’s not there. This means I effectively am forced to only play with Blizzard default hotkey options that come with the game, which e.g. also means I cannot use rapid fire any more.
It also means the game doesn’t store replays any longer. I’ve just tried with a game vs AI and afterwards, an unranked game, on EU. The unranked game was on the map “Altitude” and on the defeat screen both the “Watch Replay” and “Rename Replay” buttons are disabled and greyed out. Hovering over either gives me “This map does not allow replays.”