Outplaying 5k tos with my 4500 offrace

I beaten after 30 games 140 rank gm zerg. And i don’t even play tos. I was ranked 15 rank masters with it. Now my tos is like 4500. And i already beaten gm tos cannon rushing and this 5k tos by my offrace…


This race is mega easy, i also can beat 5k terrans + without problems. When playing like sh1t… With tos you need like 150 apm, while your opponent can have 300epm and still lose…

With tos you can make 20 mistakes, while your opponent play perfectly and it doesn’t even matter. It is a-move literally. zealots so fast, they micro themselves… Because you can go gassless and just mass gateway units, it is most unskilled type of gameplay. Just amove zealots, blink in and t storm. It takes no skill literally…


Stay in school low Terran boy


Guess your parents didn’t teach you not to lie?

Low skill Terran boy will always be low skilled.

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you having nothing better to do than post useless stuff on a gaming forum? ah looks like you’re both in the same boat.

Your profile says you have at least played 274 games, 50% winrate, 274 games and you just got +14 mmr in all those games. Yes, it’s your offrace, but it’s not like you are having a casual domination on the lower levels with the ez race.

Hahaha, people post here replays and such. I am proud when i beat filthy tos, with my offrace. Cmon now, you are just trolling. :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt:
Like this forum isn’t total joke. I posted complex analysis of TvP economy and got just flamed, so i might as well post random sh1t and be toxic…

That’s because i have repetitive strain injury, i was 5300 with terran top 800 in eu, when playerbase was 360k. Terran literally destroys your hand, you get tingling in your hand. Playing Terran vs gm, i beatean even rank 80, you have to work so hard to win each game on this rank, game feels like work at that point… So obviously i am not as good as before…

Yet i beatean already 5300 terrans with tos offrace…

no honestly, what you’ve posted is just some “look what i did” waste of time to prove some stupid point that doesn’t actually matter, ANYONE posting on these forums is wasting their time. don’t act like what you’re doing is somehow better than anyone else.

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Be more salty trash, what are you gonna do crY? :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: Bla bla bla. Blizzard doesn’t care anyways. Might as well have fun on these forums…

how the hell am i salty?? i’m roasting you.

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This specimen is having a melt-down. Yesterday he was banned for his potty-mouth insulting left and right random people.
He opened another account and everything at square one a day after.

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Yep you are salty, you care so much for one funny post, if you didn’t notice. These forums are travesty. You are just try to troll, i am not buying it go away loser… Probably salty that you didn’t ever reach masters league, stuck in diamond 13 times hahahahahahah…

BAHAHAHAHAHA calls me salty and then me names. you cannot make this up. yes. let the salt flow through you.

my main account is like 15 times master? LOL.

but you didn’t even look at this one, i’m only 2 times diamond, because i play terran on this, and rarely at that.

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I post about balance sometimes, just to tell blizzard they are dumb and wrong, even it doesn’t matter and i give them sh1t as they are greedy and disgusting company and threat threar customers as trash. And swear to dumb people like you. I am not salty, but when i see some trash i don’t take any reservation and tell you how it is. Fact that you care so much about one post, means you are so jealous… Because you are trying to play some little SJW, i am not buying this sh1t, no one cares literally, means you trolling… Like you are new here, these forums are on daily basis 90% troll posts…

what the hell are you even saying this is hilarious

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and you clearly need a hug. maybe a walk in the park? do you have an animal? take it for a walk or pet it, do something to make you happy. get off the forum bud, it’s obviously not a good place for you

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:scream: :scream: :scream:
Incoherent ranting might signal a psychotic episode. Somebody call 911 on this patient.
A couple of years ago this specimen bragged that he was able to speak 5 (five) languages. It’s his Modus Operandi to fantasize things and to believe that his fantasies (like his SC2 prowess) are reality.
He needs help.
Brother Beserk can give him a Prescription of Haloperidol.

Stay in school kids. This kid is a perfect example of someone who didn’t finish high school education

Benevolence, our Supreme Leader. Shall we bag this low-grade terran? He is not feeling well and is a danger to himself and the community.
What are your order St. Benevolence?

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i haven’t laughed this hard in a while me boi

are you sure you’re coherent?

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no it’s not about the grammar, it’s about your choice of words, sometimes they don’t really add up.

oh lord, not me mum, never heard that one before, so original.