Opinion from global RTS champion about ultralisk and BALANCE

This thread is opinion about ultralisk from the world RTS games champion himself DukeNukem. It’s not a bait thread. Duke is a known world champion for many RTS games such as ex Total Annihilation pro player, SC1 semi-pro player, multiple sc2 master, C&C generals ex top player, currently top 50 red alert 1 player and a current top 16 world champion for Command Conquer (top 5 player under different nickname in season 1).

https://i.imgur.com/uQTWOjs.png Duke World Champion

For the glory of July month I changed my steam nickname to DukeNukem Starcraft 2 so the world can see one of the best SC2 player is also a Command & Conquer current top tier player to give the bow to the king. After a while I will change my nickname to stay safe from the zerg whinners.


Let me answer you: the random RTS games from mid 90s had a better bananalance than current starcraft 2 itself. Anytime SC2 was better balanced than it’s now (except the time when they decided to remove the mules, but then they returned it back, uff…). I literally achieved the same progress as Terran as ALL races in SC2 but I literally focused mostly on Terrans. 90% of the SC2 time I spended playing Terran meanwhile 10% was the zerg and protoss and I managed to get the same progress. The balance is just terrible there. It’s not even funny. I liked to joke about it but it’s crazy. The proof is I can literally play any RTS game and I end on top after a while meanwhile in SC2 I’m average joe (meanwhile on custom maps that promote micro player vs player like micro tournament im still around 80% win ratio). There are no other RTS games where one or two units counter whole race (ultralisk > whole bio, swarm host > whole mech).

So what’s wrong with bananalance?

It’s pretty simple. Zerg has everything. Mobility, fast expand, best map vision and control, cheap units which can be massed and easily rebuilded and ofcourse the most important problem late game immortal units called UTRALISKS which are counter to everything and doesn’t even require any micro. They have literally everything you need. SIMPLE RULE: YOU DON’T MICRO YOUR MELEE UNIT! TRUST ME. If you micro for example zealot you are making yourself behind because you are wasting time and you gonna MISS some hits because of microing melee units - you gonna add extra miliseconds to the hits.

So what is the secret King Duke? How did you reached master league multiple times if it’s unwinnable for Terrans?

TvT is a mirror so it’s a game of skill. TvP is kinda tricky but winnable. Timming attacks helps there. But TvZ is… JUST ALL IN THE ZERG ALL THE TIME YOU CAN! It’s the secret to win this matchup. You need to all-in zerg everytime you see them on the ladder otherwise they get ultralisks and you lose. Also don’t listen to biased zerg players of the forum like “but make ghosts and you can kill ultras so easily” or even funnier “just make marines” where I doesn’t even need to comment… It’s not so easily when ghosts are literally deleted in a blink of an eye by speedlings that are supporting the ultralisks. Even if the ghosts survive they can’t shot because zerglings will block the ability. And ghosts are expensive. Liberators also doesn’t work because they focus random targets and when you are busy microing and splitting they literally shots single lings instead of ultralisks so the results are the same or even worse because you pay alot for them and they do literally nothing so it would be better if you would just add extra marauders to your MMM. And then they will cry to you “OH DON’T MAKE MMM YOU NOOB L2P LOLOLOL”. Yeah, I did l2p. Especially when my zerg results are a bit better than my terran results but I’m playing Terran since 1998.


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30s reply after thread creation - You didn’t even read. You are a great example of a zerg whinner who RUINED THE GAME. ENJOY THE LAST MOMENTS of it! Where you gonna WHINE when you destroy your own hive?

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It was 6 minutes :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

6 minutes lol so funny so I must be a SLOW READER because I managed to re-read TWO sentences to check for mistakes and your comment was already there!

I’m also thinking about making a REAL (not funny/cringe) tutorial video series for NOOBZ so people can finally learn the game so maybe devs will save the game thanks to King Duke because THE CURRENT BALANCE IS ACTUALLY HILARIOUS!

Ok 5 minutes. Dog I don’t read your nonsense I scroll to the bottom and reply.

NERF ULTRALISK!!! Favorite food: bananalance


Bananalance and ultralisk is a good meal. Very nutritious but ultralisk prepared incorrectly can be poisonous.

Am I the only one who literally burst into laughter at multiple points while reading this post