Ollumbubu playing Terran

On EU GML begins at 5550-5600.

But off-racing is generally good for the skill.

Don’t forget to blame balance everytime you lose a match


What terran would I be if i would not whine after each game? I sent a couple of games to Harstem whining that my wins are not easy to achieve.

yeah there is also that problem,“why couldn’t i win faster?” -terran player

same player also turtles for 30-60 minutes if he is insecure to go out

You underestimate decent mechanics and master gameplay, even at master people make a ton of mistakes, any 6k player, even offracing, will have an advantage, it’s just a matter of time his T rises up, just by pure macro he will be able to reach 5-5,1k.

The true terran experience is blaming balance before the game and during the game too.

That happens with every race, but in my case with T happens a bit more, for example, I want to attack, realize I only have two medis, and I think I should wait for another couple of meds, then I realize maybe I could just wait a bit more to get another tank/lib…and the time goes up without any attack, then you see the replay and notice that a simple two med attack would have been enough.


I heard that most toss players have their entire build linked to their left click, they win six matches at the same time alt tabbing and opening the game in new windows

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That’s how you loose games as Terran in TvZ: when you lift up the pressure the Zerg just outmacro you almost immediately.

I once had a game where I killed most of zerg drones (push on the 5-th, marine rub-by to the third on opposite direction, Libs on the main and natural) but I haven’t killed any hatchery and expended all my army in the process.

Can you guess what happened next?

Zerg made 50 drones at the same time. 50!!!

I just died like a ~2 minutes later from ling-bane flood. I was like wtf just happened until I watched replay. Made me seriously reconsider how I approach TvZ…

Yeah its definitely true. That’s why Toss never win any tournaments. It’s just one guy playing the top 6 Protoss accounts, sometimes against himself. Better to get 6 times the earnings for middling finishes than ever be champ I guess is the logic.


So you lost your whole army and the zerg was able to build 50 drones on 5 hatcheries and ling bane after that? (I wonder how this works with larvae, but anyway). Boy, I can tell you: You were dead 5 Minutes ago in this game.

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Maybe. But I could’ve won this game if I didn’t pushed on creep and traded my army for his + drones on the fifth.
Zerg could rebuilt his economy and army while I couldn’t rebuild my army during that time.

There was also macro hatchery on main.
Man I wish I had saved this replay…

As for why he had so many unspent larvae and minerals - I guess dealing with my attacks took to much apm so he had none left to make units.

ok buddy i will help you with your gameplay… just upload a replay because im sure they exist right? because you actually play terran?

i have reason to believe not only does he not play terran but he doesnt play ranked at all.
www.rankedftw. com/search/?name=peekachi
here is a random player i chose from the forums, as you can see it shows the ranks with diffrent races
www.rankedftw. com/search/?name=Ollumbubu
no results


Sounds similar, sounds like all the low skill terrans boys claiming they are in “higher” league when they play zerg or toss. Yet no low skilled terran boys post those replays


i never said that if you want you can look at my profile, i am in diamond for protoss and platinum for zerg, i never play either of those two races. anyone with a brain knows he doesnt actually play terran, if i had to guess he is gold or platinum with whatever his main race is.

Once again doesn’t that sound similar?

Majority of the low skilled terrans kids always claiming toss/zerg imba when they dont even play the game or have a hidden profile

Anyone with a brain knows Terran is the easiest race to play for new comers and easiest to reach to master with

i dont want to call anyone out or anything but 90% of the accounts that are hidden are the same player and he isnt a terran whiner.

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Goba, how many alts are you going to make? Berserk, Oll, Baba, Benevolence. I wouldn’t be surprised if every single person who upvoted this trash was you.


Yeah, i bet this garbage won’t even make it to masters, not like in million years. And than he would be stuck in m3 another million years. I bet he is probably in bronze faking he is d1. He is so trash it wouldn’t surprise me… Usually people upvoted him because he whines against Terran, people are biased against Terran so whine posts about Terran get upvoted…

Not just a T thing, usually the whiner claiming the offrace is OP,imba,EZ…and that the mmr of the offrace is higher than their main, is usually a lie or not entirely true, most of the time:

-the player has a really low amount of games
-lower than the main mmr
-not a great winratio considering how ‘‘op’’ and ‘‘ez’’ is the race

When that happens is because you were already behind, without watching a rep I’m not 100% sure, but from my experience, if you kill a lot of Z and Z recovers from it fast, is because you didn’t really kill enough, and most of the time, losing/trading armies is not a good thing, you lose your army, you lose the chance of pushing, at my level is better playing safe, destroy and kill, stuff, and retreat if possible, only commit when you have a backup army,and always kill the hatch, always, its the number one thing to do.

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An Alt accusing other people as alts

Lol SC2 forum stupidity never disappoint

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I guess that happens because the Skipper-Terran has no clue how Zerg race works and i suspect how his own race. It’s a fact that Zerg race can replenish the army faster than Terran/Protoss. So, to trade in a massive fight (with the “smart” objective of …killing some Drones the whole army is a receipt for disaster.
A Zerg with Bank (and possibly with Macro-Hatch) would counterattack and pulverize you before the time that Terran/Protoss begin to replace the Tank/Immortal etc.
Rule of Anti-Zerg late-game Nr.1. Yoy never trade your whole army with a Zerg that has Bank.
You take 2-3 Medium Battles and if you trade favorably you can go for the killing Blow.