Ok ok ok, call me crazy but

Yo check it, What if StarCraft 3 is secretly in development and is scheduled to be released in 2028 on the 30th Anniversary of the franchise launch…it could happen, I could be 100% wrong…but i could also be right!!

Let me know what y’all think. If it does happen where would the story go? Where would you like to see the story and characters go?, would it be an RTS? an RPGFPS, MMO?

A fun topic i think, change things up from the current posts the latest patch…LOL


nope 20 characters. gg

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I seriously doubt blizzard is doing this right now

Unlikely at the moment. Not that a StarCraft 3 won’t happen, it probably will but when it happens it’ll likely either

A) Not be an RTS game
B) Will put a fairly large emphasis on co-op and MTX in the form of skins
C) Be AA not AAA which isn’t a bad thing I mean look at Space Marine 2, that’s AA and it looks fantastic.

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Yeah as mentioned, they could have made sc3, but i think the reason the original sc2 even left to begin with to make stormgate was:

  1. Current Activision prefers continual profits over complete buy once models.
    Ex: 20$ game buy for life, no more money
    Vs: someone spending 60$ on skins every 3 months, making 240$ vs 20$ in the same period.

  2. Rts are infamous for high barriers to entry, even higher than chess at times. New players get pwned and stop spending.

So sc3 sounds like a good idea and was planned, Had activision given the go ahead, we probably would have seen ow2 with actual pve and sc3 in development right now, but they said no.

So the team left to make stormgate.

Maybe in 10 years they could make a shot, but if it’s anything like ow2, i wouldn’t be surprised if a activison “sequel” on bar with ow2 might just be sc2 reskinned with a few alt “revolutionary gameplay content!”… Like a shaved raynor NEW skin. And completely identical mechanics to the last game for marketing money.

yeah not even remotely close, in fact you are so far off the charts your in a different galaxy. You might want to check into the drama at sc2 and blizzard in general and then youll figure it out.

yeah but with Microsoft owning Blizzard, and a bunch of those higher up being lovers of the franchise since they played it back in the day??? could happen!!

It would be nice to see but SC2 has my heart lol

If I would be honest according to all the games that are released recently (2012-2024) and their “product” quality (except few exceptions) I don’t think I would want SC3 ever. SC2 is the supreme just with some balance issues.

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If they want to release SC3 which will make good money guranteed, they have to keep supporting and maintining SC2, which they don’t, so probably not, my friend.

Yeah you’re crazy

There are rumors about a StarCraft inspired shooter game, which could be possible, so while, it wouldn’t necessarily be StarCraft 3, it would be a StarCraft themed game. Although they’re just rumors, and could very possibly be completely wrong. I think a straight up StarCraft 3 would be cool, but I wouldn’t hold my breath