Offline skirmish

What happened to offline skirmish? I just want to play vs A.I. I didn’t pay for a game to be online only, please bring it back

Unfortunately no way to play offline. You have to go into Custom games and under melee to make your own games with a.i.

starcraft 2 is online only and so is starcraft 1 too. blizzard`s games is online only, if you want to play offline, you need to buy games from a different company.

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Thank you, that really is disappointing. The game used to have it and now doesn’t seem to be worth it

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it does not matter to me because i am usually online anyway but, i can understand that some people might want it.

100% wrong.

Do you even consider fact checking before spouting random stuff?

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You can play campaign offline, there is a workaround to play vs. AI offline, and you can watch any replay offline. That’s all you have, but it isn’t nothing.

Hmm? Did they change this?

Iirc you could play campaign offline and melee games offline, but you had to login once a month otherwise it wouldn’t let you play or login offline.

you can play offline by dc your computer. After you logged in, you can reconnect and play offline. You need to quit and reconnect if you want to play online again though.

K yeah, you can still play offline in campaign and custom games. Just login once ever 30 days or so…

When it says it can’t connect, just hit play offline.

Edit: oh yeah and make sure you download whatever maps you want ahead of time.