Official petition to nerf protoss - Make this visible

Lets make it loud and clear that a change is NEEDED for terrans and zergs. Protoss is running rampant on ladder and its destroying what’s left of sc2.

Moderator: Edited title to remove the word Blizzard. Both petitions and using the word Blizzard to call attention to your post are violations of the forum rules.


Official petition for OP to quit whining about Protoss until he reaches master rank with Protoss like he said he would a while back


im glad you and your PPP friends are having a laugh while the game is dying from imbalance.

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I’m glad you and your TCF friends are having a cry while the game is dying from toxic behavior imbalance


Mmmm official tears! Mmmm your are delicious out of this world son. Pls more more!!! Yesss!

It’s cute that you still believe the company cares about this game.

Inactive-Lizard is too busy basking in the glow of Call of Money, and selling knockoff mobile games to China. They don’t have the time.

what is this lizard of which u speak?