There should be a travel time, based on distance.
Edit: Unit speed should be taken into account as well.
There should be a travel time, based on distance.
Edit: Unit speed should be taken into account as well.
The Zerg are somehow capable of traveling through warp space by using leviathans and wormholes. If they can pull that off, I’m sure they can pull off whatever magic happens inside the nydus worms.
The mysteries of zerg teleportation exist since Starcraft I, notably with Nydus Canals on space platforms.
I think SC2 maps make it less obvious that something is off, like the “lack of a speed” you’re talking about, but it’s still weird, and will always be.
Yes, it should be more realistic like this:
Spoiler: DukeNukem the brave Terran Marine enters the nydus network alone and there is ultralisk in it!
RIP Duke! Next time when you will enter Nydus ask Goba to lend you a couple of fearless Immortals. You will be able to exit the Nydus alive and togather with the two Immortals you can give Goba an Ultralisk tusk as souvenir.
Sometimes when you eat something and your stomach is not feeling good,you will be taking a dump in no time even if it makes no sense food traveling so fast through your insides. Nydus network is just one big and awesome bowel movement miracle.
Talk to me when BCs finally get nerfed, otherwise shut up dummies
its a science fiction game.
yea that would make great unit wouldnt it? half of ur army traveling underground while ur base getting slaughtered
Is this a desire for change
or just a question of logic in a game?
other example:
Carrie, big alien ship loses to humans with machine guns.
Yes I know what u mean op. Make nydus like Myanuz is realistik.
Who will clean this forum from this worm? Over and over this excrement in human form is breaking the forum rules.
Just take a look at the name of this pervert.
Those machine guns are gauss rifles…
So it kinda makes sense?
so basicly those marines are overequipped for the job?
i mean they have guns that are designed to some damage to armor of tanks, cattlebruisers, immortals etc, can hit flying units with ease but can’t shoot straight or are you telling me that all flying units are also 5 units above the battlefield? even though marines can don’t even have to stay exact beneath under flybois to hit them o_O