Now that Skytoss is officially busted

Can Balance Team pls make Mothership untargetable to abducts/“yoincks”?

Pls make hero units immune to “yoinks”. It is just a -400/-400 unit. Make it worth a couple of seconds more.

Argument: See any PvZ skytoss game. Last one presented by Stats vs Reynor .



Huh but we can’t protect our overseers dur

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Why on god’s green flat earth would a Mothership be targetable and PULLED by a tongue?

Are these devs high? WTF!?!?!?!?!


Yoshi is Yoshi, don’t hate.


yeah yeah, just try out Zerg playing against Mothership when you get Feedbacked. Silver noob with your ideas

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LOL high templars are so fragile. Try keeping them alive when there’s lurker/infestor/other vipers getting ready to snipe.

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Lol stf u stupid azz !!

why you gotta hate Yoshi?

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But then it would be too strong. It needs to be nerved in some other way.

Like dropping the HP to 200, 200?

Vipers can abduct the Mothership? As a Terran player I find that hilarious. Protoss needs a rework in so many ways and for starters they should dump that loser Mothership and bring back the Arbiter from SC1. That unit was badass.


yeah yeah… freeze everything or cloack 5 places at once ?? silver,

  • l2notlooseyourMothership
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Uh…Mr. GSL Champion… tell that to Stats. He might need your advise.

You need to position your units better. (high templars below the mothership at all times if possible)
–> a few tempests vs. overseers and to kite the zerg army (+ 3-4 archons obviously)
–> check outer zerg bases if you can deny them with chargelots or have to get rid of spore crawlers first (DTs are nice; tempest now has extra +damage vs. buildings via the new upgrade at the fleet beacon)

–> Sorry for the unprecise answer here. Add me if you want so I can show you but you’ll have to invest at least 30 minutes.

Welcome to diamond 1+ micro.

TL;DR: Poke again and again to get feedbacks/nice storms off and deny outer bases rather than killing the zerg right away. Destroying vipers, infestors, overseers and banelings is enough.

Yeah, and don’t forget to give Terran and Zerg hero units first xd

Somebody needs to tell Stats to L2P, amirite?

a 2 range, 25 energy blink on mothership would be a much better change that wouldnt flood the forum with zerg trolls and have skytoss be nerfed again for being an a-move comp

This is actually really cool. Would help solve the abduct dilemma without straight up making the MS immune.

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