No Witness's over Allies base?

I’ve tried a quick search on witness’s, and all tips I’ve manage to find have nothing about buffing the allies work speed with Witness’s. Does it not mesh well with other’s unless you get a clear, semi-free boost like stetmann’s stetalites, not wanting to waste 200/200 on increasing your allies resource gain? Or do people really don’t realise that the witness’s also increase unit speed just that badly?

Resource gain is negliable, if any. All speed bonuses don’t affect mining speed, so using speed boosts over your ally’s lines are optimal at best.


If you’re at 21/21 workers, you’re getting 0 benefit from any worker speed boosts. Usually you don’t get witness out over allied mineral line until after they reach the 21/21.
Same with gas (though in some situations you could get a negligible boost)
Stetmann’s boost is the only speed buff worth putting on ally mineral lines because it only takes 10ish seconds to spread there, well before commanders reach 21/21 workers.


Resource gains are minor even with Stetzones:

Witnesses are in the same boat so they are not worth the cost to park them above your ally’s bases.

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Assuming your ally is focused on saturating their base, by the time Mengsk gets his witnesses out (and the first 2 would be for his base, so 3rd onwards for ally maybe) all comms’ bases would be saturated.

Adding movement speed to workers when the mineral line is saturated results in more waiting time for the workers, and very minimal gain if any; certainly not worth the amount of resources used to make the witness in the first place.

Comparing to Stetzones which are free, come earlier and have bigger bonuses (stetzone bonus mastery), witnesses are simply not worth putting over an ally’s base.


Interesting, after I learned the fact I attempted to see if I could churn out a witness fast enough for my ally to benefit from with knowing this, best I could do on a normal map was only for their expo, and that didn’t last long (with Artanis at least). I think at best it’d might be useful on Dead of Night, but beyond that I don’t think it’s worth it like I originally thought it would. Thank you guys for the info!

The speed increase from witness is laughable compare to Stetmann.
The only reason to put witness above your mineral line is to increase the mandate regen for a more liberate usage of top bar abilities.
So you don’t need to put witness above any of your allies mineral line.


In some mission, the speed boost can increase about 2-4% of the mineral and gas harvested. In other missions, no they don’t

The only thing rewarding in witness at allies base is that it has a wide range of detection, something worth doing vs cloacked mutation, but anything besides that, you’re better off boosting key areas to defend

200 gas and 2 supply for something a missile turret does for 0 gas and 0 supply?

Some maps have poorly places geysers (see the end of the topic Cybernetic posted) so they’ll get something like 50 more gas a minute but that’s about it for net gain.

But yeah, it’s much more worth it to keep the resources for your army honestly.

Wasn’t 100 gas? Gonna check(yeah it’s 100, hurts a bit to lose).

Take it like bringing an observer to base, you aren’t supposed to do this if you can handle the waves, but I don’t trust in mutations at all. Also I tend to avoid making bunch of statics at base despite Swann, Karax and Mengsk being good at it, like, 3 maximum.

What I’m sure I won’t do it as swann, is to put a sciense vessel cuz that’s 200 gas for sure, better off throwing a flame turret in front of a missile turret than wasting all that gas lol.

100 gas per minute is about normal output of a geyser.
if a geyser is far you may lose ~10 gas per minute if it only has 3 workers. Since usually only one or 2 geysers are far you would probably only save 100-200 gas per Game not per minute.

Mengsk has a lot to do in the beginning. Witnesses are really for Mandate which you don’t get from allies

By the time he has resources to spare, the ally should be saturated, and a Witness makes little difference. Depending on map, we might eventually make some extra Witnesses for defense

2 Witnesses travel with the Dominion army, so you can visit for buff. I suppose if the Mengsk player wants to up APM he can manually send Witness to ally army and deploy at ally fights

The bonus it gives to allies is not worth the cost and especially the supply to do it. I don’t do it, I don’t expect my allies to do it, and I always shake my head when I see them do it, especially early on when the 100 or 200 gas is WAY more valuable.