No Protoss in playoff of StayAtHomeStory Cup

And this is a logical end of all of the nerfs Balance team did to Protoss without single compensation.

This period is historical. It is even disgusting to see how Pros are struggling.
Noone even reminds that Protoss didn’t win any major tournament for 4 years in a row.

But lets be real and review what “Balance” team did to once awesome race.

  1. Adept: -10 HP, shade radius down, first 7 minutes cheese trash

  2. Zealot: No damage from charge(huge dps cut of any ground army cause there is no alternative in adepts - see #1)

  3. Stalker: Damage “adjusted” to be something between of useless trash and piece of crap.

  4. Upgrades: timings are now much longer(TO HELP TERRAN, who cares about PvZ right?)

  5. Oracle: pulsar beam is now a joke especially vs scvs, you can kill 2-3 drones for 150-150 investment, it like a mosquito bite for Zerg, queens secure all early game

  6. Immortal: costs more(reason was to help zerg survive charge pushes, but then they also nerf charge so it is a double kill and even tripple kill with WP nerf

  7. Warp prism: HP nerf, costs more, pick up range nerfed…no words

  8. Colossi : does 30 damage with 2 attacks to light vs 20 to armored …awesome unit was somehow usable in PvT, until they buff marauder…now it is a unit for those who wanna loose a game in first 8 minutes instead of struggling a bit more with high templars

  9. High templar feedback damage nerfed to make ghosts emp whole army with 2 emps…who saw on pro level P even trying to feedback ghosts? No? WP nd storms, right?

  10. Carrier ans Tempest together cause those are not a T3 units but a bunch of expensive flying trash. Get the damn graviton catapult upgrade back it is painful to watch!!!

You can add more, but all of this is result of idiotic moves by Balance team and we wont see PvX interesting macro games anymore until some help from silent Balance team arrives. Cause now for P to win you should be pure robot without a single mistake to have an equal chances with either T or Z… No powerful all ins, no ability to harras cause all you can is try to survive…


tbh observer build time could use a nerf.


Chickens are back at home to roast.
MoronTeam reached their objective. 2 years worth of Protoss-nerffs brought-about the current situation. I am with Playa that wished that all Protoss Pro’s refused to take part in this scam.
Enough is enough.


Only top tier Protoss in that tournament was Zest. Sucks that there’s no Protoss in playoffs but you take a look at the tournament lineup, it’s pretty obvious Protoss had the weakest roster out of the three races by far.

Just delete protoss at all all hate protoss

The top 3 rated Toss players in the world were at this tournament (Zest, Neeb, Showtime). Sadly, Toss is so inferior at the pro level that even our best players aren’t considered top level players, because… Toss isn’t a “top level race.”


So you just blame players they arent good? Please train more yes?

It’s time for everyone to be honest about the root of their racism against Toss, especially the balance team.

To me, it has to be about warp gate. There has always been a sense in the community that anytime Toss wins a game, it was “dirty.” It’s always been something that needed to be cleansed.

I feel like being able to warp in units anywhere contributes to this feeling of Toss never deserving their wins, thus always relishing nerfing the race until you don’t have to experience Toss winning again. Who loses to a BC warping in their base and thinks “wow… well played. Great design. GJ buddy…”?

I think if they removed warp gate, then Toss might actually get a fair shake in being allowed to win games like the other races without instantly getting nerfed. Ofc, that would mean buffs would have to happen first.

That said, the dirtiest and most unfair strat Toss has always had… is cannon rushing, yet… the balance team has never even mentioned it before. So, go figure where the rhyme or reason is.


I give example i win pvz by gold armada wanna know what i hear? You do nothing you have zero apm your race op i cant beat it!

Okay, I was thinking that this really sucked for Protoss and maybe it was because they were missing Stats, Parting, sOs, Trap…

If Neeb and Showtime are top 3 in the world, then it’s definitely not a balance problem…

Winning a game versus Zerg? :o

That’s actually what got the corrupter buffed. Toss can be at 40% in a matchup and complain about specific things, and they just get ignored. Just need to learn to play better.

Zerg can be dominating everything and be unbeatable vs sky toss if they micro their units, yet… it only takes a day of complaining before either something Toss gets nerfed or/and Zerg gets buffed.

Trap is notorious for losing to everyone who picked Zerg in SC 2. I’ve been watching Parting losing to Namshar on ladder, over and over. Stats is still trying to become the first person in the world to win late game P vs Z. News flash: it’s not pretty and he’s still trying. sOs just tries to win with surprise dts, despite his opponents already knowing he’s going to make dts.

This has ALWAYS been the state of P vs Z. This game is not any worse than it was in HotS. The only difference is… people could win with the immortal sentry all-in or by landing a force field on a guy’s ramp. Think huk… it’s never been about maco or being strategical. It’s always been about doing an all-in build and having it be viable/op. Without that, you gotta be “GSL skill level” to even be in GM.


The culmination of this is seen at PvZ where the matchup is extremely, extremely extremely extremely extremely Zerg favored. Thing is though, no small change like bringing back chargelot will help Protoss, Protoss at the moment needs MASSIVE changes i mean massive buffs against Zerg.

I’m talking about stuff like these:

1, Zealot charge will do 2 damage on impact with +2 damage for each attack upgrade so +3 zealots do 8 damage on impact.

2,Immortal base damage increased from 20+2 to 30+3 makes it better against Ravagers.

3, Forcefeilds take 2 biles to destroy.

4,High templar feedback range increased from 9 to 10. Damage increased from 0.5 to 0.75 damage per mana

5, Colossus now does 12 damage with same 15 damage vs light.

6, Removed the light tag of adepts, resonating glaives can now attack air

7,Voidray base armor increased from 0 to 1 Flux vanes grants +25 sheilds and charge does not make the voidray as slow as snails.

8, Tempest can now shoot on the move and its AA damage is buffed to 40. To balance this its health is reduced by 25 and its AA range is reduced to 12.

9,Mothership armor increased from 2 to 4 hp changed from 350/350 to 400/300. Remove massive tag, new ability added Nexus overcharge. And is now a detector.

10, Stalker reverted to pre patch 4.0 Stalkers.

11, Cannons can only be built within 20 range of a nexus, removes cannon rush. But seriously though i don’t like cannon rushes and this idiotic strategy should be removed.

12, Revert observer speed nerf

1,Remove swarmhost


Not such a good idea. Cannons are not only for defense and cannon-rushing but also for creating fortifications in the middle of the map.
There are subtle ways for nerffing CNR.
Goba 5 sec rule:
If Cannon is on 15 Range of a Nexus: build-time is normal-time -5 sec.
If Cannon is outside this Range: build-time is normal-time +5 sec.

So, a defender will have 10 second-advantage towards aggresive cannons. That can be extended to Turrets, Bunkers, Spines and Spores.

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Just make cannon work as if it was a unit. On a normal powerfield, takes x amount of seconds. On a super conductor, it takes x/3 times.

On another note. GOD, this is depressing for protoss :c.

I doubt it is because of the miss of out of for Stats and no PvZ Trap…Classic is missing cause of army. Yet 11 quite good Protoss ZERO at playoffs…

I can only speak of what I see in 2 matchups that should be addressed.


Stargate is unplayable cause stim arrives to fast and adepts are trash + oracle dmg vs scvs is a joke. No point of even trying to go stargate - you will die from early stim push.

Heavy robo colossus - marauders buff + charge nerf + raven disable is a sure kill. Also if terran sees a colossus, he will drop you to hell, while if you make a single mistake it is game ending, while Terran can loose full medivac and still win with stim push…

Protoss fronline without charge damage is extremely weak but whats more important kitable!!! Terran can kite you run away etc…it is a pain to engage terran army right now, cause chargelots are way faster than your army and they simply charge to death without even doing a damage with melee attack, they just melt…

2 gate blink is one of the best for me right now cause it helps you to survive, but again without charge damage there is a huge lack in dps.


This one is like boxing with shadow. Protoss can be killed but whatever comes.
Just imagine you are Protoss player hated by everyone just because you choose this race long time ago. What should kill you in first 7 minutes:

  • Early pool, ling flood
  • Ban bust
  • Fake 2nd ling roaches
  • ravagers build
  • 2 base mutas
  • nydus ling queens
  • ling drop
  • add your own

What can you do:

  • Cannon rush
  • Adept glaive imponent try to see 2 screens of roaches that will kill you in 3 minutes even if you do eco damage
  • DT\archon drop

Answer to all of this for Z is 3 spores queens and roaches = you are safe.
As Protoss you need different unit compositions, scouting reactions etc. It is simply unfair.

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Nobody gonna delete swarm host stuff it unfair for zergs

Protoss just need training more and more micro you know just for sure

Yeah to face ling hydra banes…so micro intersive or roach hydra…Protoss is second micro intensive race after Terran

it is because of their lack of use of dt’s and storm. It should be easy for any diamond level zerg to beat any of the bums at the homestory cup.

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It not tos skill it zerg give a chance to dt drop or other stuff! Wow