New patch is gross!

Thanks, Activision, for ruining a good game progressively over the last I don’t know how long. I was so happy to find about about a new patch and then I read it and it made me wanna throw up! You guys have made Zerg worse and worse since like 2016… Get your act together please because I think the original Blizzard owners would be upset that you ruined so good of a game. Why did I pay like 140.00 dollars over the last ten years so you guys could ruin my favorite game.

You know they left the balance in the hands of top players, right?
There’s probably one person trying to implement all the proposed changes that the pros came up with + change mappool… other than that, they have nothing to do with balance.

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New patch is so great!Protoss is weaker,that’s most players wish.Protoss is always so storng and deserve to be weaken.Everyone knows it and will be glad to the new patch!

Zerg is technically in same spot extra 25 mins on queen not huge.

The ideal behind that queen and hatch cost same but if add more queens it will cost you.

Hydras add a chase button I only guess they nerf its speed is more z vs z battles. Question on buff might help.

Question g vs air improve right now Zerg is force to go corruptors but if hydras dash and cloud can crush bc.

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Protoss is kind of in a weird place. At the top most level they can’t seem to win jack all despite being a large portion of the population while in ladder they have the most disgusting cheese tactics which makes them quite overbearing in lower levels.

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The thing is losing to Protoss cheese is almost always a “git gud” moment. You either didn’t scout or react to it properly and that makes it harder to beat. A lot harder.

But this isn’t exclusive to Protoss, Terran can literally pull the boyz at any moment in the early game and if you don’t scout it at the right time baaaaad things will happen. Or proxy marauder vs Protoss or Going 2 gate reaper into hellion into a BC rush vs Zerg.

There’s a lot of different cheeses, layered cheeses and super allins that just blow vastly superior opponents out of the water with 1 or 2 mistakes on their end and there’s no way to balance around it, those players just have to get better at the game.

So targeting Protoss for this almost exclusively to me feels so…petty and silly.

I honestly think this is largely the issue of a few loudmouthed Terran players at the top who bully and whine until they get what they want. Blizzard almost never considers the balance problems of anyone below Diamond and even in Diamond it’s gotta be something universally imba, stuff like on launch Liberators or Adepts 2 shotting Marines with full vision shades. Really blatant and obvious stuff that just permeates the game on a fundamental level.