New mutations for patch 4.12.0

New mutations for Patch 4.12.0

10 new mutations which should last until mid-August.

Operation Cooperation

Polarity - Each enemy unit is immune to either your units or your ally’s units.
Propagators - Reality warping sludges are crawling towards you. Anything they touch is turned into a copy of the sludge.


Hitting hard right off the bat with a Brutal+5. The saving grace is that this is on Lock & Load, so players can choose commanders that end the map really fast. The same commanders are still quite effective for Poopagators, such as Raynor, Zagara, Vorazun, Abathur, Nova, Dehaka, Han and Horner, Tychus, Zeratul, and Arcturus Mengsk. The main thing here is that you and your ally need to attack and defend the same places at once or else :poop::tea: will destroy you both.

Hot 'n' Cold

Blizzard - Storm clouds move across the map, damaging and freezing player units in their path.
Lava Burst - Lava periodically burst from the ground at random locations and deals damage to player air and ground units.
Scorched Earth - Enemy units set the terrain on fire upon death.


More hot than cold, this mutation will likely favor mobile commanders with small but strong, or teleporting armies. Kerrigan, Abathur, Nova, Dehaka, Tychus, and Zeratul will likely do very well here. A little fun fact is that both Lava Burst and Scorched Earth were on mutation #6, War Is Hell. So this is a winter-themed take on the first Hammerland mutation. Overall, this will likely be an annoying but relatively doable Brutal+3.

What We Do In the Shadows

Darkness - Previously explored areas remain blacked out on the minimap while outside of player vision.
Shortsighted - Player units and structures have reduced vision range.
We Move Unseen - All enemy units are permanently cloaked.


Brutal+1 missions sometimes can be very tricky because of map synergies. This is one one of those times if you pick the right commanders and know the spawn patterns. I fully expect sieging observers and overseers over the spawn points will be extremely effective for basically nullifying the most powerful aspect of this mutation. The question for me remains whether the Thrashers themselves are cloaked. If not, I’ll likely have another Vorazun time stop snipe video to make.

Hardware Malfunction

Kill Bots - Invincible Kill Bots attack your forces until they hit their predetermined kill limit and shut down.
Laser Drill - An enemy Laser Drill constantly attacks player units within enemy vision.
Minesweeper - Groups of Widow Mines and Spider Mines are buried throughout the battlefield.


Suppression tower spawn points are considered enemy buildings, but are indestructible. This means players have no means to stop kill bots from spawning. With the additional mission delays brought about by minesweeper, I fully expect this to be one of the most hated mutations in the set that DON’T contain :poop::tea:.

Stetboii might be pretty good for this with the means to deal with both kill bots and minesweeper. Nova will be a popular one for the minesweeper, but she will heavily rely on her ally to deal with the kill bots.

Shared Pain

Diffusion - Damage dealt to enemies is split evenly across all nearby units, including your own.
Fatal Attraction - When enemy units and structures die, any of your nearby units are pulled to their location.


Long range units and static defense will be your best friends here for most commanders. Siege tanks, cannons, maybe Lurkers can be effective here. Abathur of course doesn’t care because his ultimate evolutions have symbiotes. Raynor’s Battlecruisers can still attack while being drawn in, so that’s also an option. I think Fatal Attraction honestly has no business being in a Brutal+1 game. It’s irritating beyond its actual difficulty level, but that’s just my opinion.

The Longest Night

Just Die! - Enemy units are automatically revived upon death.
Long Range - Enemy units & structures have increased weapon and vision range.
Photon Overload - All enemy structures attack nearby hostile units.


If you play normally, you might feel that this mutation is fresh and creative. But dirty cheesers like me will just use the same old precision-striking, earth-splitting, base-lifting strategies to shut this one down. The funny thing is that people will still most likely go Karax , even though he’s one of the commanders hit hardest by the mutators. My mantra here will be “If the nights are long, make sure there are fewer nights to begin with”.

The Quick and the Undead

Speed Freaks - Enemy units have double their normal movement speed.
Void Reanimators - Void Reanimators wander the battlefield, bringing your enemies back to life.


Since Blizzard skipped Silent Killer last time, I expected Scythe of Amon to be shown earlier, but I’m not complaining. Commanders can very much do this mutation conventionally, since it is only Brutal +2. However, I’ll bring out my usual cheese tactics such as Stetellite-Drilling, scourge sniping, and Solar Bombarding. A new cheese we can probably do here though is the Reanimator prison, so that could be fun. Not really needed, but a fun option nonetheless.

Decade of Decadence

Fireworks - Enemies launch a dazzling fireworks display upon death, dealing damage to your nearby units.
Lucky Envelopes - Festive envelopes containing resource pickups are dropped at random throughout the map.
Gift Exchange - Gifts are periodically deployed around the map. If you don’t claim them, Amon will!


Look out guys, it’s Christmas and Chinese New Year at the same time! Lucky envelopes is a straight up buff, whereas Gift Exchange can lead to some fun sequences such as a 100-biomass 10-avenger Archangel. Other commanders like Arcturus can probably power their Earth Splitters even earlier, so I guess I’ll pair commanders to synergize, rather than clash on whether they want to do this fast or take it slow.

Bubble Pop

Barrier - Enemy units gain a temporary shield upon the first time they take damage.
Mineral Shields - Mineral clusters at player bases are periodically encased in a shield which must be destroyed for gathering to continue.
Time Warp - Enemy Time Warps are periodically deployed throughout the map.


Second consecutive Brutal+1 on Cradle of Death! They seem to really like putting time warp on this one. It made sense last time since there was a purifier beam to take advantage, but this time it feels like a mild annoyance. This one definitely takes longer than Lock & Load, so strategies like Bile Launchers will actually pay for itself against the mineral shields. Don’t really expect a lot of commanders to have a hard time here, all things considered.

Coordinated Defense

Missile Command - Endless missile bombardments target your structures and must be shot down throughout the mission.
Polarity - Each enemy unit is immune to either your units or your ally’s units.


I like to think the lava shakes Blizzard’s brains around. Terry says that’s… unscientific. Heh heh, don’t listen to Terry. I’ll likely pair commanders here who have similar missile command strategies. Commanders like Arcturus, Karax, Swann, Raynor, Stukov, and Zeratul can team up to fight the :poop::tea:missiles. Other commanders like Vorazun, Alarak, Abathur, Zagara, and Arty will likely have an easier time drawing missiles away by building random structures elsewhere on the map.


I’m going to solo WWDItS with every Stetmann unit.

Also, Decade of Decadence doesn’t have Naughty List and isn’t on Void Launch, so two possible gifts are null.

Fun meter approaching 0 kelvin.

Annoying meter reaching the speed of light.



Coordinate Defense
Rather “no defense”. Kerrigan spamming nydus looks good.

I’m just happy to see no 2 min 20 sec-Void Rifts on the list. And no poops except this week.

sc2coop .com:

Missiles do not have Polarity applied to them.

Thankfully :arrow_up:

Great, that’s two Malwarfare mutations I’ll have skipped.

  • Laser drill killing off whatever you’re trying to sacrifice to the kill bots.
  • Mines, Kill bots and Suppression Towers all giving vision for the Laser Drill
  • Laser Drill is at the last enemy base, so unless it’s sniped with Air-units on exclusive sniping duty, it’s going to be hard to eliminate.

If I see anybody voting Nova as CotW for Hardware Malfunction I’m going to explode. Sure she might be good for minesweeper, but good luck trying to get anything done with killbots constantly munching on your workers. Praise Bel’shir for blessing Stetmann with the tools to conquer that monstrosity.

Yes I’m still salty that she won on Explosive Hunt when she was actually one of the worst choices for that week.

Maybe I’m a little slow, but I just realized Decade of Decadence is set to go live on 27 July 2020, which is exactly 10 years from the release of Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty. It’s literally a celebration mutation.


That’s putting it mildly. I read the first one… “Polarity + Propagators”, and was done. No need to read the rest of them!


Don’t worry, the rest are actually pretty good, they just started off on a terrible foot.

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