New Mutations for Patch 4.11.4

New mutations for Patch 4.11.4

Another few months’ worth of mutations. Fun fact: In this set, every single map in the co-op pool makes one appearance.

Dance Dance Evolution

Moment of Silence - When a Heroic enemy unit dies all player units around it will reflect on their sins, unable to attack or use their abilities.
Speed Freaks - Enemy units have double their normal movement speed.
Transmutation - Enemy units have a chance to transform into more powerful units whenever they deal damage.


Transmutation makes yet another appearance, and is the primary reason this is Brutal +4. Commanders who don’t lose units easily should not need to worry about Moment of Silence until the 15:30 attack wave [third set]. Kerrigan, Swann, Zagara, Abathur, Alarak, Nova, Dehaka, Tychus, and Zeratul should all be excellent options here. Commanders like Raynor, Han and Horner, and Arcturus should consider massing tankier units, like battlecruisers. Raynor’s spider mines, in particular will be even more effective because of Speed Freaks. As long as you and your ally are on-point, this should be doable.

Train of Pain

Double-Edged - Damage dealt by your units and structures is dealt back to them, but then healed back over time.
Going Nuclear - Nukes are launched at random throughout the map.
Mutually Assured Destruction - Enemy Hybrid units detonate a Nuke upon death.


Double Edged really brings out the pain for this mutation, since trains have tens of thousands of health. I guess this is the one where the buffs to Kerrigan’s Dudelords and Karax’s units will really be tested. Spider mines, Griffin Air Strikes, and the Spear of Adun will again be great here. Banelings, Swarmhosts, and Roaches Away will be excellent. Mind Control might be a great option for Vorazun, Tychus, and Zeratul. This might also be a great map to spam Arcturus’ ghosts if the tactical missiles don’t damage the ghost or the nuke silo.

Resilient Rifts

Just Die! - Enemy units are automatically revived upon death.
Void Rifts - Void Rifts periodically appear in random locations and spawn enemy units until destroyed.


As far as I know, the Void Rifts don’t respawn. That being said, this is STILL the first Brutal+5 mutation we’ve seen in a long time. Raynor, Kerrigan, Swann, Zagara, Karax, Abathur, and Han and Horner all have great options to fight the Void Rifts. A bonus here is that once you clear the middle area, you should have easy access to most of the Void Rift spawn locations. You can also choose to cheese the Shards with Battlecruisers, Tempests, the Laser Drill, and Earth Splitter Ordnances. Should be a challenging but interesting week.

Silent Killer

Black Death - Some enemy units carry a plague that deals damage over time and spreads to other nearby units. The plague spreads to your units when the enemy unit is killed.
Outbreak - Enemy Infested Terrans spawn continuously around the map.
We Move Unseen - All enemy units are permanently cloaked.


I can already feel the pain for Vorazun. She has historically been screwed over by Black Death because of her Death Recall. That being said, pairing her with Kerrigan will do the trick as her Benevolent Creep will outheal the Black Death on workers. Abathur will have a more painful time than usual since his ultimate evolutions will not outheal Black Death, and he needs to see where the cloaked enemies are for the toxic nest luring. Same deal for Dehaka. Everyone will need early detection to work here.

Call it a Comeback

Avenger - Enemy units gain increased attack speed, armor, and life when nearby enemy units die.
Eminent Domain - Enemies gain control of your structures after destroying them.
Just Die! - Enemy units are automatically revived upon death.


Can’t seem to get a break with this set. Nothing below Brutal +4 so far! The good news is that there’s nothing super irritating about this week. No Black Death or Double Edged, at least. I think most commanders can still handle this mutation, though commanders with spawn camp options like Raynor, Abathur, and Swann are more likely to produce super duper air hybrid that rush straight for the temple. Gotta watch out for those. This might also be a good time to try out Zagara’s new Bile Launchers? We’ll see.

Explosive Hunt

Minesweeper - Groups of Widow Mines and Spider Mines are buried throughout the battlefield.
Slim Pickings - Player worker units gather resources at a reduced rate, but resource pickups spawn throughout the map.


Just to get resources, players need to roam the map that’s littered with widow mines and spider mines. It looks super painful. Commanders like Nova, Kerrigan, Zeratul, Tychus, Stetboii, and Swann might have options here, but expensive army commanders are super screwed since not only does it take much longer to get to that army, it also is much easier to lose if they wander into a stray widow mine or two. Calling it now, this will be one of the most hated mutations of this set.

Tax Day

Fear - Player units will occasionally stop attacking and run around in fear upon taking damage.
Micro Transactions - Giving commands to your units costs resources based on the unit’s cost.


Finally, we get one that’s below Brutal +4, but this one seems irritating for micro-based commanders. I imagine guys like Stukov, Karax, Swann, and Arcturus to just turret up. Stetboii can still mass infestors and take out the shuttles with free units. That being said, once the extra mining bases have been cleared, it could get easier for the rest of the commanders to max out and then no longer worry about Micro Transactions. At the end of the day, this is still the easiest mutation we have so far.

Aggressive Recruitment

Propagators - Reality warping sludges are crawling towards you. Anything they touch is turned into a copy of the sludge.
Speed Freaks - Enemy units have double their normal movement speed.
We Move Unseen - All enemy units are permanently cloaked.


We get ONE week of reprieve, and it’s back to madness! We have FAST CLOAKED poopagators coming to our bases. And we literally can’t stop them from spawning since the suppression towers count as enemy buildings, and so spawn poops. If your army is all the way at the final terminal, and a poop suddenly spawns at the first suppression tower, you’re basically screwed if you have no mobility options. Most commanders have the means to take out the poops, but again, FAST CLOAKED POOPS mean the player must be on their toes throughout the game.

Scary Scavengers

Outbreak - Enemy Infested Terrans spawn continuously around the map.
Slim Pickings - Player worker units gather resources at a reduced rate, but resource pickups spawn throughout the map.


Slim Pickings on Dead of Night has made for some interesting strategies. For one, you can completely vacate your base and camp either the northeast corner, or one of the high ground locations, to funnel ALL enemies into one or two entrances, or cheese the structures using Earth Splitters or Precision Strikes, OR you can float away to the corner and slowly destroy the buildings using top bars. Any one of these should work. Though it’s generally easier to just end the map, since the infested will continuously spawn from Outbreak and will start to lag the map later on.

Call of the Void

Void Reanimators - Void Reanimators wander the battlefield, bringing your enemies back to life.
Void Rifts - Void Rifts periodically appear in random locations and spawn enemy units until destroyed.


The fact that both Brutal +5 mutations in this set so far have only two mutators. That just speaks to how many points Void Rift racks up. And this one in particular is one Blizzard short of being Cold is the Void. That being said, there are a lot of commanders with great options vs both mutators. You can choose to just defend the entrances and cheese the Thrashers with Earth Splitters. You can even get fancy with baiting the four Void Reanimators to the back of the base, and caging them there. Of course, everything I said here is easier said than done.

In the Name of Love

Concussive Attacks - Player units are slowed by all enemy attacks.
Purifier Beam - An enemy Purifier Beam moves across the map toward nearby player units.
Time Warp - Enemy Time Warps are periodically deployed throughout the map.


I can’t believe after all that insanity, we’re actually getting a Brutal +1 mutation. The map is Cradle of Death, and it’s hated by many. So maybe this is some sort of campaign to get it less hated? The point of this seems to be to slow your forces enough that the purifier beam will consume them all. Though there’s still nothing stopping Arcturus from just cheesing this with Earth Splitters. Or Kerrigan from just baiting the Purifier Beam with Omega Worms. Still, we get a relatively easy week after the gauntlet of insane mutations.

Locked and Loaded

Kill Bots - Invincible Kill Bots attack your forces until they hit their predetermined kill limit and shut down.
Mineral Shields - Mineral clusters at player bases are periodically encased in a shield which must be destroyed for gathering to continue.
Temporal Field - Enemy Temporal Fields are periodically deployed throughout the map.


The key is to finish this mutation as quickly as possible. The more you drag it out, the more Kill Bots you need to feed. Abathur is the undisputed best commander for this mutation because of toxic nest luring and ultimate evolutions. His ally’s work will probably be to keep the kill bots fed or something. The rest can still manage it, as long as they clear the map quickly. Hero based commanders will have an easier time because the mineral shields won’t disrupt them as much, but even economy-based commanders can just put stuff in their bases to kill the mineral shields.

Of Mines and Miners

Mag-Nificent - Mag Mines are deployed throughout the map at the start of the mission.
Minesweeper - Groups of Widow Mines and Spider Mines are buried throughout the battlefield.
Missile Command - Endless missile bombardments target your structures and must be shot down throughout the mission.


The two-week rest will be nice while it lasts. Trying to clear a path to the ships will be hellish here. There’s also the added task of having to defend vs the missiles. It’ll probably be an offense-defense type thing with the commanders, as the guy with better static defense usually doesn’t have great scouting or mine-clearing options. Abathur’s gonna have a harder time than usual because the mines will kill his ultimate evolutions faster. I guess the long delay between the 2nd and 3rd ships gives more time for commanders to stabilize vs the mines and missiles and stuff.

The League of Vermillains

Evasive Maneuvers - Enemy units teleport a short distance away upon taking damage.
Heroes from the Storm - Every attack wave will be led by a random Hero of increasing power. Each Objective point is also guarded by three random Heroes.


I haven’t actually tried Heroes of the Storm on the Vermillion Paradise yet. The first hero takes longer to arrive, but later waves arrive more frequently. I also wonder if the crystals themselves will have heroes guarding them. Raw firepower seems to be the key thing here. The faster we kill the enemy heroes, the easier this gets. Of course, the deciding factor for how difficult this mutation really is is probably whether there are enemy heroes with the crystal escorts.

Chain Explosion

Lava Burst - Lava periodically burst from the ground at random locations and deals damage to player air and ground units.
Walking Infested - Enemy units spawn Infested Terran upon death in numbers according to the unit’s life.
[Default] - Possibly a placeholder; often no mutator.


I feel like there’s a missing mutator here. Maybe down the line they’d add Self Destruction, since the mutation’s name suggests that. Just these two mutators put this at Brutal +1, and it definitely looks like one. If this mutation goes live as it is, it’s probably gonna be nice to do some hero solo videos of this, since it doesn’t add any damage output for enemies. Plus the lava bursts are easier to dodge with singular heroes anyway.


Why the hell do they need to publish something as painful as aggressive recruitment? I think it can take the 2nd place behind memorable boss. It is just pure pain and causer of fun going away. I wonder if these mutations are tested by the staff (and completed) before adding to the list.

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normie brootal ish 2 ez

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Agressive recruitment is gonna be tough as hell, most of the other ones seem not too bad though.

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Laugh in Abathur at speedy invisible propagator boiis


Nice job dude, Vipers and Vultures seem like they be the way to go.

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Bad news: it damages the ghosts. And thusly one shots them.

They are structures, so correct they do not.

On one hand, I want to just /boycott this mutator. On the other hand, I really think the team needs to see the rebuffed Tesseract cannons getting abused like crazy.

No, that’s 100% going to be the mutation 2 down.

There are only 3 mutators I ever consider boycotting. This is one where I don’t even consider, I just do it.

I’m convinced that this was just what Siri heard when someone said “Cold is the Void” and they just rolled with it because it worked. Also, heck yeah this is going to be fun.

Nope, it’s a campaign to make us hate it more, given we have a set of mutators hard engineered to make the trucks as slow as possible. Can’t wait for 2 minutes watching a truck slowly crawl across the map to meet up with my army.

Actually, Abathur is also one of the best bot feeders in the game with evo chambers. Only thing cheaper is Stetlings (in theory).

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Oh god, Invisible speed poop. What an abomination that Blizzard has created.

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Looks like a good time for masochists.


I’m a simple Karax, I look at the missions I dislike and determine how much I’ll be hating life that week.

I’m laughing at Void Launch; come on, you call that hard?

Malwarfare though. I never liked you… and that… no… die in a fire…


stetmann evo chambers might be better at feeding than abathur evos, since they don’t need creep and die faster (they burn down)

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But aba has toxic nest anyway, so creep is pretty whatever.
Plus, morph rate mastery means evo chamber takes, what, 15 seconds to build?

Edit: Nvm, stetmann has morph rate mastery too.

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Abby is considered among the best vs. Kill Bots not necessarily because he feeds most easily (even though he’s up there in terms of feeding ability), but because feeding is not an economic burden for him. He feeds off 1base and still can push the map.

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best part is the mastery competing with structure morph is nowhere near as good as it so why wouldn’t you go all in with it?

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True, but Sterlings are even better, since over the course of a large number of recyclings, they approach 12.5 minerals/ling.

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Ah true. It helps when you don’t actually need resources for a commander to function.

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Train Of Pain will probably be one of the hardest mutations from this list, and that is saying something. ESO doesn’t work, high-damage dealing units / heroes don’t work, and if you kill trains too slow you always risk a nuke hitting your armies…

Silent Killer might be a bit tricky, but not exactly hard.

Explosing Hunt might be a map for Stukov, since he doesn’t care too much about losing units to mines.

Call Of The Void will probably be much easier than expected (still hard though), can’t really be compared to Cold of the Void. On that map you are in the center, you can be attacked from virtually any direction, the objectives are moving and you have to follow them alongside two different paths at times (even 3 if you count the bonus), and blizzard was a really big pain. On this map, most commander should be fine.

The League of Vermillains… considering on VL heroes spawned together with shuttle waves and bonus-attacking waves, I think it’s safe to say that they will spawn with crystal waves too, in which case you know how fun it will be.

Aggressive Recruitment doesn’t require any comments… Mutators might’ve been ok on another map, but on Malwarfare… smh.

I do have a question about Call It A Comeback, namely when units are revived, they are revived with the avenger buff that they had, or not?

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Tried them all and except for the propagators one which I lost 7 matches straight due to RNGesus, the rest is pretty much 1 attempt ezpz. People won’t realize how difficult the poopagator week is until those speedy boiis start to multiply like madness.


I’ve soloed the Malwarfare mutation with both Raynor and Abby, and I can’t really tell who’s better. Raynor is better for anti-poop, both on the defense and out on the field due to spidermines and bio dps density such that he can facetank surprise poops with a single scan. However, Abby has a much easier time pushing because he’s Abby, just requires a lot more active handling of poops out on the field especially towards the final objective (when your toxic nests start to get overwhelmed) which leaves very little room for error.


Propogators with We Move Unseen, I take it they do NOT appear on the minimap?