New Bolded Look

Guess there was a Bnet update today, the new forum bolded look… looks weird lol.

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I kind of like it

20 characters

I wasn’t aware of the upgrade, so it felt trippy at first, but yeah, it seems OK knowing that.

I also noticed that they started to use lower-cased letters for the title (It was always upper-cased before)

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And I prefer the new font for post text. Though it’s a bit “heavy”.

It looks smaller than before.

I’m thinking of SC1 Kerrigan

“A bold move”

But some will think of “You pig!”.
Yeah, I’m mainly saying that to be funny, it’s not that easy to use that in that context.

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BNet launcher got updated and BNet logo now looks like a logo for some washing machine company.
Or like some generic software that installs itself on the PC and you don’t even know what it is for.
Edit: BNet icon, not logo :stuck_out_tongue: