So did the balance council screw up that bad that they still want to test it out more or what. Its been close to a month if not more since they re-issued the ptr. they clearly made it that bad that they reverted alot of changes they have implemented over the course of there balancing career, as well as all the hate they got over the previous ptr before they reverted the changes. But here we are and they still havent made it live yet. So is it still that bad, or are they still just fine tuning before official launch on the live server.
…or have they all been fired for how bad the last one was. havent heard much about the balance council from the usually scorces soo… who knows.
what are your all thoughts on what blizzard is doing.
First off, being on the balance council isn’t really a job, I am not positive, but I don’t think they get any money from being on the council. But I do know for a fact that that’s not what they do full time, they just enjoy StarCraft 2 and meet together to figure out how to make sure things are balanced. And it was about a month ago they opened PTR, and a week after they made the updates to the original changes. I’d guess we’ll probably be getting an update and likely seeing the changes made live in the next couple weeks, but these people have lives and jobs, and it takes time to make sure the changes are balanced, and to get them implemented.
actually the first ptr was over 2 months ago, then about a month ago they went back on it and changed some stuff, but not only did they go back on half the new changes but some of the older changes starting from when the balance council took over. And no they are not getting paid from what i have heard, but thats very unlikly the case. yes we all know they are people who love sc2 as in they are the pro player, and part of all the hubkiss with the last ptr change alot of info got leaked about how much of a bicker fest it basically was in the ptr meeting with them trying to buff there races and nerf the others, ie rig it in there favor for tourneys.
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they are waiting for HSC to come and go then they’ll drop it so two weeks at best lol
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Yeah I expect it to go up within the next few weeks
Hi its me from the future, its OP’s fault we got a half finished patch kekw
First of all
PTR lasting a month is dumb. Testing periods should last at least few months if not a year. In 30 days it cannot be determined if changes are good or bad. That’s not enough time especially if balance patch features changes that completely redesign specific unit/ability - cyclone/mothership/SB overcharge → energy overcharge etc. Only after tens of thousands of games played by the elite it is clear if current iteration actually makes any sense and if there aren’t some potentially game breaking exploits that can make certain builds imbalanced or nearly impossible to counter.
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