Neutral thread cmon frens

-Jokes asides-

I 100% agree about multitask training maps being useless. I used to train on those when I was 28 APM, and it didn’t help in the least. Now I’m between 90 and 120 (spamless) APMs, I get 2.5x times the army value I had six months ago at 8’45, and I can say the only way to improve those is to realize better what should be done at every instant, and to better think at checking macro tasks. And I’m still very far from doing it perfectly.

Now there’s always a moment where there’s some kind of obstacle in the progression/learning curve in competitive games… and I don’t think dropping it because you don’t like it is the answer. What you like might be just behind the unlock of that difficulty. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sure. If I’m to powerful in a game. It’s not fun.

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Fren that was good but les be neutral ok

I strive to be neutral ; just felt like joking a bit with the drunken talk. Sorry it polluted your thread.

The second post however was fully compliant I believe. Don’t lose your time with multitask trainers, that would be my advice, my fren. :slightly_smiling_face:

EDIT : since it was a joke post, and didn’t seem that funny to the readers in the end, I deleted it. No non-neutral stuff in your thread, this way. :white_check_mark:

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Tanku fren. Second post perfekt

So if this is the no bicker thread,
Do we argue that hybrid are OP and Amon should be nerfed?

Tbh amon sux, he’s the equivalent of sargeras in this universe, yet lost to a glorified infested terran. :joy:

Henlo fren welcome. That is borderline biker, but is ok. We can discuss mineral patches and login screen. Idk wat else is neutral in the game. Maybe vespene gas

If you go over there, fren, the devs once proposed us a countdown at the start of the games (like 3 -2 - 1 => the games starts). I think it might be useful, as sometimes the last half of the loading progression bar completes in a heartbeat and surprises the player. Yet, it seems to have been implemented in replays only. Not sure if because players ended up voting up against it or because balance considerations took priority. :thinking:

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Well…I got it. Let me try.

Tree? Many more beautiful trees than before.

And some cute robots? They are always near your main base.
And animals? Like dinosaurs?

And you can find Diablo in compagin. And cute pandas.

Of course, you can find Lich King too…in zerg campaign.

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That’s the worst neutral. The reason of the endless war.

And protoss statue? Such as:

Many neutrals are here. They build the world. Ironically, no one cares about them…
Maybe Starcraft 3 should have a Tourist model like Assassin’s Creed Origin
Another example video game is ABZU. A tourist game, exploring game.

To be honest, Aiur tourism is a good idea.

The spell is a bit difficult for me. Maybe other Dalaran wizards can help you. Excuse me, let me check my wand, WC 3 Reforge. There’s always something wrong with a new magic wand, it’s normal. Seems like I can handle it.

Let’s talk about those bears (and other animals) that roam the map, sometimes clogging your base, makes me wanna shoot’em

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Perfect fren so neutral!! :smiley: