Nerf Ultras! Zero micro unit! broken especially in ZvT!

I am tired of 90% players of zergs going Ultras, and you prepare your self, widow mines, tanks, marauders , PFs, libs.

They get couple of corrupters to clean the libs, and some lings to finish the productions line and the bases.

You watch as they destroy everyting, while zerg not even looks at the army, A move for life.

I’ve seen high masters get completely destroyed from Ultras, and they don’t even know what to do against that.

It is completely broken, and it needs zero micro skill or effort!

Here are the stats of Ultra!


Minerals 275, Gas 200, 39 seconds, supply 6

Attack 1: Kaiser Blades




35 (+3) (Splash 33%)


57.38 (+4.9)





hp 500

Armor +2, +2, +3 (7 armor - highest in the game)




4.13 (+0.82)

Speed Multiplier on Creep:


Speed on Creep:


Ok, so basically it has insane DPS 57.38 (+4.9), and plus Splash +33% (because Why Not?), very fast movement speed, best armor in the game, and 500 hp which makes it bascially unkillable.

Show a video because every time I used ultras storming a siege line they melt even with high armor

On paper they look strong but end up dieing to about everything.

So I don’t see it,

Thor can easily kill them easily
Ghost pop 2 full energy can take them out.
Siege tanks melt
Mauder with choke point kill effenctly does 26 damage - 7 amor is 19 damage at speed 1.07 or stim .71. 17 dps none stim and stim 26 dps.

40 pop with stim will melt ultra in 1 sec with choke point.

So in end your foolish to think ultras don’t have counter and they don’t need micro either.

Only time ultras are good is when both armies die and have to rebuild that’s only time ultras any good. The goal for Zerg take main army try kill 3/4 Terran army and then tech switch to ultras.

But it’s not ultras it’s fact Terran lost majority of its main army but 9 out 10 times Zerg could win with any unit out situation


right Sim-City, stops ultra relatively well.

Whatch masters and high master Terran streamers get destroyed on the regular by Ultras.

That’s because you have no idea how to use them, marauders are garbage against Ultra, Ling.

Ultras can be made much faster than ghosts.

Sim City used to be good when Ultras didn’t have this insane DPS

Ultras delete buildings: 3 PFs, with supply depos, bunkers, widows mines, they simply destroy that in seconds.
Mix some banes and lings you can shove your sim City up your…

Widow Mines and Planetary Fortresses are not units that actually… ‘counter’ Ultralisks. If anything, the Ultralisk is supposed to be good against them.

Marauders are a bit odd here, since they’re supposed to at least somewhat counter the Ultralisk but are “small” units so the Ultralisk’s stats sort of naturally do just fine.

If your Liberators get beat by a couple of Corruptors, you don’t have enough or properly-positioned anti-air.

Ultralisks do indeed require very little micromanagement, but why is that a problem?

I mean this entirely genuinely, why does a unit whose primary functions are “absorb hits” and “break walls” ever need to be controlled well? Most of the time you want it to march in a straight line and bash its head into walls.

Engaging Ultralisks in an open field is a lot harder, but in that case, if they didn’t have most of that vitality or their ridiculous amount of armor, they would evaporate to stuff that they’re supposed to counter.

Wow, you mean that a mixed army that has multiple totally different types of threats that all include investment towards smashing walls… has an easy time breaking down a wall?

Breaking walls is good because it is bad when defensive play is very good. It makes it possible to kind of grind things to a halt and you end up with people just…sitting there because the ‘optimal’ thing is to dump energy on things and pull back because you don’t need to maintain momentum anymore.

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The only real counter Ultras have for terran, is ghosts, and you get them later, so you can easily die before you even get the counter.

I hope you are not talking about turrets!? Corruptors don’t give a damn about turrets.
Corrupters can get in take out libs, and get out easy.
Mass Corrupters actually kill buildings and turrets, never seen that?

It is a huge problem, when 1 A move will kill all buildings up to the production line, and it’s insta win in 20-30 seconds, and you win a macro game, with out any Micro, No effort, yeah that is the definition of OP, and yes it is a Big Problem.

They can have the great movement speed, great HP, Best Armor, I don’t care.

But if they have Insane DPS, that basically makes the Unit without Any Weakness, that is stupid and OP. (A unit should have at least some weakness either: Movement speed or DPS, or HP/Armor, they can’t have everyting!)

“Very Good”???

It is like buildings made of paper, gettting destroyed in seconds.

It is Not very good, it is Not good, It is very bad!

How about this show stream tell his army comp and Zerg army comp.

Ultras can’t take on max army comp. Because ultras will block each other so u would have wasted pop of ultras that gives Terran free kills.

Good small number to allow lurkers and other Zerg units to move in.

Widow mines not good since small range. So that wasted pop.

Units be Thors and siege tank, then infantry ghost ideal but fill in with maurders.

So telling ultra can run through that without useing blinding cloud.

Liberators and static defense melts corrupters. Plus adding thors will help with corrupters and ultras.

Then only Zerg go for vipers then u need either Vikings or ghost to destroy viper. Again ghost be good since they can also help with ultras and corrupters.

In end you not being honest why master lost and blaming a unit that probably wasn’t main cause.

I had 6 ultras maxed ran into huge group marines about 50 of them. I thought sweet good chunk or all them. Nope I might killed 5 but my ultra still melt.

So ultras and banes still good way take lead and throw down drain.

Marines? 1 dmg per shot ? You are the biggest Liar in SC2 history, marines don’t do anything against Ultras!

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If you’re losing ultras to marines, you engaged before your upgrades were done and they had 3/3 to you basically not having any upgrades. 3/3 marines against max armour ultras straight up get wrecked; there really isn’t a harder counter in the game other than a banshee trying to kill a phoenix.

While technically true, Widow mines do have very high single target damage that softens ultras up quite drastically. Though the mine baiting can be very dangerous for Terrans too, and ultras don’t care about mine splash.

Planetaries are… a bit of a connundrum; on the one hand, they’re supposed to hold against a lot, but on the other hand, there is a limit to what they should be able to hold against. To some extent, how the fights should go should be based on the other additional defenses (such as libs over PF, siege tanks etc) and the Ultras greatest enemy, Sim City.

Realistically speaking, Corruptors are the best anti-air unit in the game bar none. 200 HP, 2 base armour, and a decent damage attack with good move speed; most of the Terran arsenal that isn’t the Thor will tickle corruptors. Vikings don’t kill them fast enough for corruptors not to kill liberators before they die - though this is obviously dependent on numbers. If you have enough to deal with medivacs, you absolutely have enough to deal with the more important liberators. Also liberators themselves are absolutely worthless in terms of AA to the point of being genuinely laughable.

To be fair, the things that are supposed to counter them only do so under certain circumstances - such as tanks behind PF walls, and marauders if the ultras are in very low numbers.

About the only unit that actually counters the Ultralisk in an open field like you mentioned is the immortal and the Thor, both of which only do so due to their absurdly high damage output.

The main concern with ultras not needing micro is that the Zerg army already has minimal micro currently, outside spell casters. The micro becomes incredibly one-sided, especially contending with ling-bane on top of the ultralisk itself, and you eventually run out of map to micro against it. It’s Tanky enough that if you don’t already have significant numbers of their counters pre-prepared, the Ultralisk will simply end the game in most cases - in part due to the production mechanics of Zerg.

That said, I agree with you that it’s not really an issue given it’s purpose, it’s just frustrating to play against when a Zerg player makes a round of ultras and rolls over you because you weren’t able to end the game fast enough, or weren’t able to prepare enough of the counter before ultras hit the field.

To some extent, yes. But you also need to be able to hold ground as well; there’s a dichotomy in this back and forth that needs to be accounted for, but in general yes, this is true.

Again, not entirely true, but it is somewhat dependent on the stage of the game. Obviously, there’s a lot more nuance to this, but Thors do quite well against ultras, as do Libs. Thor lib specifically is actually quite effective if you have enough thors, because the Thors actively aid the libs against corruptors, while being both ranged and tanky enough to absorb fairly significant damage.

Unless you’re dealing with a lot of BCs you never want mass corruptor though.


Most Z units are underwhelming during lategame ZvT, ultras just disappear to snipes or they get stuck in sim PF simcities.

50 marines do 2 damage piece at stim dps is 5. That’s 250 damage second so takes 2 seconds kill ultra. So I was shocked that my ultras melted.

I think your liar thinking ultras some type I win button. They die easily 7 armor only does so much.

Ultras close weakest tier 3 unit in game.

I dis agree on that, Thors actually kill curropters pretty slow (Air Thor DPS 27.5, Curropters can tank that eliminate and get out, or 2-3 vipers counter both Thors and Libs).

I don’t know what you wanted to say with that, but even if terran made few BCs and Zerg made to many corrupters, zerg still can snipe bases with corrupters, even if the zerg made this mistake)

Show me your replay, Liar, there is no way marines kill Ultras, even everyone on SC 2 forums know that.

I agree with the part that most terran units suppose to be in perfect positioning to counter Ultras and it is a bit nuanced.

But you see the fix is easy, nerf the DPS of Ultra, to slightly higher to what it was in the past.

Were you sending one Ultra at a time? That is the only way that works like that.