Need advice on scouting/punishing PvT & PvZ greedy openers

So i am in gold 2 slowly moving up, having learned to scout for 1 base all ins. But now i realize scouting greedy openers is equally important to scout. As for PvP, if i scout gate gas expand, I go three gate robo or 4 gate push at 4 mins to punish him, while expanding but not saturating… unless the push fails where i then continue on with my normal opener timing attack(just late). I do this because my PvX opener is 2 gate, cyber, expand( due to alot of cheese down here). Normally I 2-gate, cyber, expand into a 2 base 7:00 all in(chargelot, stalker,2xsentry,1ximmortal, warp prism). But based on what i scout early on, I alter for 1 base/greed. I’m unfamiliar with Zerg and Terran macro openers. I was looking for advice on how to spot and punish greedy openers in a similar fashion to my PvP strategy. Only thing is, I don’t know what to look for as far as expansion timings/ weak point timings against greed vs T&Z. Im assuming if i scout early three base zerg, my original build may be the answer? But vs Terran i have no idea? Any input would be greatly appreciated as I am at a point were knowledge seems to be the way to improve, i just lack it. Also, I’m pretty set on my PvX opener, as I tend to enjoy playing aggressively, But i am open to suggestions. Thanks in advance!

It’s really not. Diamond/masters is the point where you actually care about what your opponent does past cheese. It’s more valuable to practice macro and make fewer mistakes than to slow yourself down by scouting.

“But what if he does XYZ” well you might be able to do something about it if you weren’t a minute late on everything because you stared at the scout.

That said, Greedy zerg would be 4th base before 5 minutes, or lair before 4. Greedy terran would be third base before 5 minutes.

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Bronze to GM guide:
https : / / www . youtube . com/playlist?list=PLFeZeom2b4DkUU4sLER4AlODlZuxfbTJZ

hotkeys (if you have less than one thousand ladder games):
https : / / www . youtube . com/watch?v=u8jJoElKDUM&list=PLBI71ujp6L-KJfRej5mOudjzslP7l3a6z

also very, very interesting (check out youtube first):
PiG sc2

TL;DR: Macro >>>>> Micro