My level 15 characters regressed to level 5 in co-op mission

Im stuck at level 5 and cannot even level up even tho I had 15.

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Just got fixed… Thats the fastest fix I ever had. I logged out didnt work out and uninstall then reinstall and still dont work out. I reach out for help then had to wait couple hrs. I have put this article up then fixed right away -_-

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Mine havent fix for days


My first 3 heroes have been stuck back at level 5 for like a week now. This seems to happen regularly, but it usually fixes after a restart or the next day. This time however, they’ve just been stuck that way.

simple soution: buy the game.

Trolling again? It can’t be anything else if you actually read the posts in this thread.

You don’t need to “buy the game” for the commanders to go past 15.

I think you could use your own advice so that you could level up your Raynor so you won’t think he’s weak. :joy:

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Also if u didn’t know, if u buy 2 copies of the game, they will take off your leaver penalty, that you go on about over & over, lolol!!! :smiley: