My collaboration mission ideas and suggestions

Hello, I am Eymen. I want you to add new maps to the coop mission. I love the coop mission mode, but it has few maps. So adding a few more maps would be great.

Best regards, Eymen.

Hello, Eymen.
StarCraft II development by Blizzard has been stopped long time ago, which means no more content will be added anymore. It means we won’t ever see any new maps or new commanders in Coop mode.
The only development that can be done now is by community, and the community has already made some good unofficial alternatives of Coop mode with their own new maps and commanders. Check them out in Custom Arcade Games, if you are interested.

But coop becomes frustrating if new maps never arrive.

It does. Unfortunately, we can’t do anything about it.

In fact, the announcement back in Oct. 2020 said no more new, paid content. However, the writing was on the wall that even if new Missions would be exempt from that (on account unlike COs, we were never charged for that), the fact that we didn’t get a new one in 1.5 years leading up to that announcement told us what we needed to :frowning: