Mutations for maximal annoyance

Yup. I think the only good solution is lots of cheap units or ones that are so tanky they can recover. Anything in the middle ground just sucks.

Mutators/mutation was just never made to affect commanders equally. It became a thing to “do all weekly or brutation or brutal+ with all commanders” because players were bored. That partially lead to the belief that it is suppose to have that “fair” component.

And they never fixed it, so to date there are clear mutators that favor or punish some commanders while others brush it off like nothing. The team seems extremely content with this approach.

You are perfectly right. For Vorazun such unit is stalker, which make this unit being used a little more (because they are suboptimal and you will rarely see mass stalker builds for that reason). This mutator is not very cool for me too, but i understand the concept and like to play such brutation from time to time, because it forces to switch your army composition and tactical approach to combat situations in a good way.

I actually don’t mind the weekly mutations being unbalanced. The mutators and map are known, meaning a good commander for the mission can be chosen. The weekly mutation is like a puzzle, and chosing the right commander is a huge part of solving it.

Brutal+ though is mostly broken.


Yeah, I have no problem with busted mutators if I have ANY agency about it. And you can still just not do that weekly. Either fix random or give us more transparency.

I usually opt to not get attack upgrades and also no DPS increasing upgrades in general… like no adrenalin glands for zerglings.

Also a good idea is to use units that deal damage indirectly… like swarm hosts.

Another option is to use self healing units - like novas marines or kerrigans ultralisks. Ultralisks in particular are exceptionally good against double edged, as they not only counter heal by themselfes but also have a revive too.

Then going for a lot of healing or shielding is also a good idea (medics, queens, science vessels).

And of course, simply opting for units that dont deal high DPS is also benefitial. As swann i dont make siege tanks but rather like to go for goliaths instead. Science vessels can keep up with the healing, and if things get dicy, they can also shield.

However some commanders really have much worse cards when dealing with doble edged than others…

H&H’s BCs are pretty decent with the upgrade too, since they fire slow and deal a lot of damage in one shot, but have the HP to tank it if you stagger. That and they passive heal. Only problem is you get so few.

Found a new “favorite.” Diffusion+Evasive Maneuvers. Super fun when you’re trying to stutter step to minimize diffusion damage and the enemies are constantly teleporting literally on your head.