Mutation Combination Solutions!

Ever have a mutation combination that you thought was unbeatable?

The other day we had diffusion + life leach which sounds not to bad except that the diffused damage procs the life leach. As Fenix my Kaldalis managed to do 3 damage to the rocks before dying. My Dragoon suit had to use 5 air bursts to kill 1 mutalisk.

Seemed to me Fenix was not going to win that mutation combination!

Can you suggest what solutions are available for what commanders?

What mutation combinations are particularly difficult that you’ve come across? Maybe others can suggest solutions in this thread?

In the last Chaos Studios, one of the matches opened with Move Unseen, Speed Freaks and Transmutation.

We lost to the very first attack wave.

I had a turret up just in time for the first wave, but it didn’t last long.

IIRC, vs. rocks, you’ll want low damage, but from units that are more tanky. Rapid healing is also a plus. IIRC, Top Down abilities like Karax OS are excellent for that.

One time I got Propagators, Speed Freaks and the 3rd one was just switching in when all our base was consumed.


There is only one solution that is to not play mutation. It’s always been unfairly laid out for some COs while easy for others.

99% of the combo you can handle with every CO, assuming a 3 mutator cap. It’s really just knowing what these mutators do when combined, aka experience.

So what are the commander specific strategies for dealing with, for instance, diffusion+life leach?

Seemed to me that it would only be manageable if my Fenix army could stay outside of diffusion range which against a swarmy zerg comp seemed unlikely.

For Fenix, you’d probably want to make liberal use of colossus with Warbringer leading the charge and slowing the enemies. Carriers may not be a bad option as well. Heck, you could even have a few zealots hold the enemies and use the Abogators, or whatever they’re called to do high damage at long range.

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It would depends on what you’re doing and on what map, against which comp.

While Diffusion + Life Leech is definitely one of the worst. Fenix isn’t exactly helpless against them.

I’ll preface by saying I don’t have extensive knowledge specifically about Fenix against this mutator. That said, the general function and math tells me the following:

  1. Kaldalis is still cheap and replaceable.
  2. Fenix is still highly macro-oriented, functions especially well on P2.
  3. Even at 50% diffused damage, most things die to Kaldalis as P2.
  4. One shotted units do not trigger Diffusion.
  5. Many units in Fenix’s roster out ranges 5 diffused range. Swordier brings up an excellent counter as colossi/Warbringer, which has a base range of 7 (+2 with research).

There are other points as well but I think even the above should be enough to make a difference.

Diffusion + Life Leech recommendations
Raynor: Viking/tank
Kerrigan: Dead unless using P3 Kerrigan
Artanis: Tempest (unit that actually becomes useful with diffusion splash)
Swann: Tank micro
Zagara: Bile Launcher for attack waves, Zagara for everything else
Vorazun: Void Rays
Karax: Mirage + top bar
Abathur: Straight to air
Alarak: Ascendants
Nova: Tank, liberator, raven
Stukov: Mass bunker, add 3 or 4 banshees for melee hybrid
Fenix: All heroes are fine. Disruptors aren’t necessary
Dehaka: Primal guardians, wurms, and lots of eating. Do NOT make creeper hosts or tyrannozors for this
Han and Horner: Dead.
Tychus: Vega first, lots of medivac micro
Zeratul: Robo
Stetmann: Infestors or hydra/lurker
Mengsk: Just play normally


We had that, together with Transmutation, in the recent Void Launch mutation. It was unbeatable. There were big Hybrid everywhere.