Mouse Drag Scroll

Hello everyone, I just started playing StarCraft very recently. I have moved from DOTA2 to this and while it is a much harder game I enjoy it very much.

Now to the topic, in DOTA2 I used drag scroll instead of hitting the edge of the screen. The way it works in DOTA2 in few steps:
1.) you click drag button
2.) while the “click” is ongoing, cursor is staying on the point on the map where you clicked it, so you just drag around that point.
3.) your cursor doesn’t disappear like in sc2 (I don’t know why is that even a thing)

As someone new to the game I wish that was fixed/implemented but since the game is pretty old right now I don’t have high hopes.

Anyways, SC2 is so fun, I’m sad I am only playing it now after so many years.
