More bugs, including carrier, hydralisk, zealot and beam-type weapon units

I found a video on a Chinese website which demonstrate 6 more bugs:

  1. Carrier’s interceptors attack much much faster against a retreating unit from behind.
  2. Hydralisk melee attacks faster than ranged attack. (Hydralisk uses another weapon and animation against melee target. In patch 4.2.0, Hydralisk’s attack speed is nerfed, but they only changed range attack’s weapon speed, and forget to change its melee weapon’s attack speed.)
  3. Beam-type weapon (such as oracle, void ray,sentry and mothership) will attack faster when switching target. This bug is known to Blizzard. They tried a fix, bug it did not work well and they were forced to revert the fix.
  4. The attack speed of beam-type weapon will not affected by any means, such as Mothership’s Time Stop, Co-op and Campaign’s Energizer’s chrono beam or units attacked by Vile Roach. For example, a sentry will attack at exactly same speed inside a Time Stop bubble.
  5. The leading unit does not collide with any units that follow it. It may just walk through those following units.
  6. A charging zealot after it begins to charge but before it hit the target can be manually switch to charge another unit much farther away, while keep the charging state for about 20 range at least.

The video’s address is Chinese).
Along with Raven’s AAM, I also made a bug report on the Bug Report section of this forum. I hope some dev team member may have a look.


Okay, one question:
Is this while the Carrier is still launching Interceptors, or after the Interceptors are out?

The first case would be a bug.
The second case would mean that Interceptors are waiting longer than their actual attack cooldown to attack, which means they are weaker than advertised and might need a buff.

That’s because the attack uses a create-persistent effect with fixed values for time when it deals damage.

Attempting to fix this might result in weird side-effects or require weird work-arounds like switching out the unit’s weapon or using a time-factor that requires everything else about the unit to be adjusted to cancel it out. The latter would actually make the first 7 ticks of Storm damage hit much faster.

Not surprised. Sc2 is a mess with bugs. Always suspected these kind of hidden bugs existed.

another bug - disruptor shot blocked by siege tank

Siege Tanks are treated like buildings for path-finding when they are sieged.

This is a side effect, but it might not be a bug.

Actually, it’s fair to say that this one is not a bug at all. Shades, mining workers and Colossus cannot walk through Tanks either.


Hey, Blizzard, fix the mess of your bugs in SC2.

Mistifying how can these bugs affecting all three races can be in the game and Blizzard seems to be completely fine with them.

Blizzard has a finite amount of resources and manpower to devote to any given activity. Some of these interactions are intentionally in the game, for various reasons, while others don’t really affect the game at all and are therefore low priority.


PR answer from someone who isn’t on the inside.


Its called “reality”. Some of us live in it.

It’s also highly possible they had no idea these bugs existed, which means they should be fixed.


In the abstract, sure, but again, they have finite resources. They should be fixing things like AAM not affecting splash first. Half of these don’t even sound like bugs.

Yea, I agree that though they are bugs, they have small impacts in real game. However, they are still bugs that may need a fix when they have the resources to do so, but not urgent.
Carrier see limited use in pro games. Hydra’s faster melee attack speed would give them advantage against chargelot in ZvP, but that should be an easy fix.
The attack speed of beam-type weapon would affect coop’s Vorazun’s Void Ray, but in verse mode only sentry in mothership’s time stop bubble would be affected. And for chargelot, it is very hard to execute such advantage.
I believe Raven’s AAM should have higher priority to fix, too.


From small bug to small bug coupled together can result in a broken game. And we’re talking about a highly competitive esport title so gameplay bugs should be fixed as soon as Blizzard knows about them.

I’m definitely with MyOhMind and Jedi here.

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really? i could fix all these bugs in less than 1 work day alone. they simply dont care


Sounds like the case imo as well. They need to have the will to do so.

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Hahahaha, so overall these “buff bugs” includes only protoss and zerg. When it comes to Terran even in bugs he does have disadvantage (anti armor missile splash units dmg bug). xD


Well we can assume that there is some horrific mess of spageti code in StarCraft… Or template in template in template written by student who have just finished reading alexandrescu modern c++ design… but that’s unlikely

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This is correct behavior. The speed of light is constant for all reference frames.

i only c hydra as bug

carried interception bug not bug
beam type weapon not bug
beam type speed not bug
unites walk in2 unit not bug
zealot not bug