You want to get rekt, ok.
rabiDrone: Each participant on average should have 1/totalNumberOfPlayers odds of winning the tournament. In a round of 32 tournaments, each player on average will have 1/32=3.125% chance of winning the whole tournament.
No, they don’t.
What you presenting as odds of winning is most likely an odds o fmeating opponent in the Ro32. “Most likely” because none of the stages in the tournament are battel Royal. Tournament have 2 types of matches group matches and 1vs 1 matches those we should use “Combinations without repetition”.
For group stage: X!/(4! * (X-4))!
And chance or probability is 1/(X!/(4! * (X-4))!)
X is the number of players
For example
Ro32: 32!/(4! * (32-4))!
probability: 1/(32!/(4! * (32-4))!)
For Player vs Player stage: X!/(1! * (X -1)!)
And chance or probability is 1/(X!/(1! * (X -1)!))
X is the number of players
so for q-finals:8!/(1! * (8 -1)!)
probability: 1/(8!/(1! * (8 -1)!))
The chance of the player winning a tournament is equal to the lowest chance player has to pass the stages.
the equation is: 100 * player skill level/(sum of both player skill levels)
example from 2019 WCS Fall Playoffs.
Skill level taken from aligulac as it is the best available representation of players skills
Has(PvP: 2131) vs ButAlways(PvP: 1807)
–Has had: 100* 2131/(2131 + 1807) = 54% chance of wining match
Has(PvT: 2230) vs Special(TvP: 2603) = 43%
–Has had: 100* 2230/(2230+ 2603) = 43% chance of wining match
vs Serral or Raynor this chance will be lower
Has had: less than 43% chance of winning each match
Has had at Ro16 only 43% of winning the tournament
Serral(ZvP:3199, ZvT:3132, ZvZ:3198) vs
vs Denver(ZvZ: 2353)
vs HeRoMaRinE (TvZ:2677)
vs Neeb(PvZ:2798)
vs Raynor(ZvZ:2891)
Serral had at worst a 51% chance of winning the tournament.
rabiDrone: The odds for a race to win a tournament is a product of the participants. If each player has a 1/32 odds to win, then if there are 10 zergs, zerg collectively should have 10/32 odds to win. Not rocket science, just basic math.
No, the odds of Race winning tournament are equal to the odds the best player of this race has to win the tournament.
–Zerg have the highest chance of winning the tournaments if Serral is present
–Terran has the highest chance of winning the tournament if Serral is not present but Maru is present.
–Protoss highest chance of winning the tournament if is Stats is present and 8 players above him are not preset
rabiDrone: The tournaments on average were 25.7% Terran, 31% Protoss, 42.9% zerg.
rabiDrone: 575 of these tournaments were won by Terrans (29%). 868 were won by Zergs (43%). 569 were won by Protoss (28%).
rabiDrone: Zergs win 42.9% of tournaments while making up 43% of tournaments. That is perfectly balanced. That means every zerg in a round of 32 tournament will have a 1/32=3.125% chance to win.
rabiDrone: Protoss win 29% when they ought to win 31%. Protoss is underpowered.
rabiDrone: Terrans win 29% of tournaments when they should only win 25.7. Terran is overpowered, quite probably vs protoss. In a round of 32 tournament, there would be an average of 8.224 terran players who collectively have a 29% chance to win the whole tournament. This means each player has a 3.5% chance to win the tournament on average, when a fair win-rate would be 1/32=3.125%.
rabiDrone: We can punch the Terran data into []
to calculate how confident we are in Terran being OP. This could happen by chance, so we need to know what the odds are that it did happen by chance. This yields a 0.011% chance that this occurred by chance. There is a 99.989% chance Terran is overpowered.
if I remember Aligulac database model their event is defined as a Round(Ro32, Ro16, q-finals, etc) and the tournament is defined as a group of rounds. But I could be wrong, so I go to pages _Portal:Tournaments - Liquipedia - The StarCraft II Encyclopedia and guess what there are 499 tournaments registered in 2019.
Yes, I Copy-past all tournaments to excel to check.
So to recap
–Your understanding of Aligulac database model is very bad.
–You take incorrect eqation to calculate odds of winning
–You do not check your data
–Your understanding of Tournament model is none existant
Your wall of text is BS from beginning to the end
Your friendly protoss player