"Molten Sal has just been brutally slain by Dominion allies"

“Leaving everyone to wonder who the real firebreathing monster is.” I mean. If you are playing Dehaka this is kinda accurate. Otherwise my question for everyone. Are we monsters for slaying Molten Sal? Or did Molten Sal need to be killed for everyone’s safety?


Neither, instead we are

  1. monsters for destroying Molten Sal’s habitat (by preventing the planet from flooding with lava)
  2. agents of kindness, mercifully putting Molten Sal out of the misery before he slowly dies from insufficient lava.

Molten Sal is terrible… but it was the Dominion that murdered this colony by leaving us here to die.

If that journalist want to keep that stance, could he at least explain what he was thinking of when he used the word “intervene” at another time?
Maybe being more accurate/constructive could have allowed a better choice to be made?

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