Mengsk issuse report

Mengsk’s troopers are ranged. They can shoot over each other. And they have medivacs, which actually have the most heals/second of any non-heroic healer in the game.

What they do need is assault troopers to at least have 5.5 range so that they can outrange widow mines, which Mengsk’s only standing counter to is pure ESO. Which isn’t great.


Widow mines only show up with mech comps. You really shouldn’t be using large numbers of troopers as your core army against mech, between the mines and the tanks theyre just going to get annihilated no matter what their weapons are or how close they get before engaging.

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They’re meant to be meat shields, not really the backbone. Flamers can actually tank a few Widow Mine hits, and I think a pair of deployed Siege Tank hits.

Flamers are meat shields, relatively, but any other flavor of trooper is just cannon fodder against a mech comp. You either need to use your own tanks and marauders against them to just out class them at their own game, or use battlecruisers to hard counter the crap out of them.

Or use Dogs of War/Nuclear Annihilation to deal with them for you.
Alternatively, learning to stutter step into the tanks also works.

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Or just build some ESOs with your troopers and shell the area before walking into it.

This is also an option.

Minesweeper mutator though.

Then what ARE you doing with minerals?

4 widow mine hits will kill theoretically infinite flamers, and only 2 will do it if they are mutator spawned widow mines.

Right, but if ESOs are the whole plan, that seems a bit rough, and a bit off. I mean, sure you can pull your weight with pure ESO, but forcing mass building Mengsk doesn’t seem quite right.

Don’t justify this through mutations. Mutations aren’t the base game, they are an add-on for challenge. If you throw mutations into the mix of balance discussion, everything would be turned into a joke.

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The vast majority of mutators have counterplay for every commander. Brutal+ is now an official gamemode, so the least they can do is make at least some attempt to polish it. Having a mutator that can be handled by every commander in the game except Mengsk, is not ok.

Send forth a single trooper to trigger the mine. Boom, counterplay. Or just use, you know, any other unit besides troopers to fight them.


I think you and I have very different playstyles when it comes to Mengsk. For me, it doesn’t feel right if I’m not spaming ESOs, regardless of how many Royal Guard I make. It’s like trying to play Vorazun without using Dark Pylons…why? xD

Then tweak the mutator, not the commander. The base game does not use mutators. Campaign and Ladder do not use mutators. Base co-op does not use mutators. The moment you start rebalancing commanders around mutators, the game gets completely screwed.


I am inclined to disagree both because the mutator features standard enemies and really just shows an existing problem more clearly, and because said mutator has not been a problem for certain commanders in the past.

Soooo because a mutator like Black Death exists, Mengsk and Raynor’s Medic units should heal at 500% rate, right?

Hyperbole, but you see my point. If you balance the commanders around the mutators you ruin the base game for others who don’t enjoy playing Brutal+/Weekly Brutation.
Mutators are for the challenge, not for standard gameplay balance.

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  1. Black Death is a problem mutator for many commanders, old and new, so it’s not a sudden new problem.
  2. Black Death is not playing off any existing mechanics, unlike the existence of widow mines.
  3. Raynor’s Medics already outheal Black Death, they just run dry on Energy. Mengsk’s medivacs can trivially outheal Black Death, partially due to trooper’s very low max hp.

It was hyperbole. I picked a mutator out of random from my head as an example.
You know who else hates Widow Mines? Han & Horner. Zagara. What are you going to do, triple their HP of their Reapers, Lings, Banes, Scourge, etc?