Medivac Loading/Unloading Trigger

I’m having trouble making a Medivac go to a unit and pick him up, then drop him off at a point. All using triggers. This is what I have so far:
Order Medivac to move to unit
Wait 10 Seconds
Order Medivac to load unit
Wait 1 Second
Order Medivac to Move to point
Wait 10 Seconds
Order Medivac to unload all (unit)

Can anyone help?

And on which step you have trouble? Unit not loaded? Medivac moves before loading unit? Don’t unload?
When you use “Issue Order” you can set first order to “Replace existing orders”, and subsequent orders to “After existing orders”, this way you don’t need to use “Wait” function. Or you can use “Wait for condition” function with condition “Unit (Medivac) is Idle”.
Also, to issue “move” or “load unit” command you can use “Smart Command” from “Preset” tab.