Mech Terran vs tier 3 units

As a tier 2 diamond terran (not amazing I know) I have been trying out mech terran with different variations but they all suffers from one big problem; they suck in the late game. I usually do really well in the early and mid-game but once the tier 3 units starts to come it’s a slow but painful end.

VS Zerg - They honestly have too many units that destroy mech in general, viper destroys everything really, broodlords are close to impossible to deal with, even ultralisk are very hard to deal with and they can instant tech switch. Terran has 1 op unit, the ghost but it sucks buildig ghost with mech, and even then its very hard to micro properly. I have been trying speed banshees (really fun btw) but they get shut down hard by vipers or corruptors, same with BC and liberators and it takes too long to switch once you see the corruptors. The ground army gets destroyed by broodlords, ultralisk or just lings/banes in general. It seems if I don’t end the game in the mid-game its essentially over.

VS Protoss - The mech/speed banshee army have been doing really well against toss, even with immortals but the main problem is if they go heavy into sky. Tempest and carriers just wins against anything you throw at them, I even tried mass 3/3 thors and vikings, they got destroyed by the carriers. I guess the only option is to win in the mid-game here as well or simply outmaneuvering them as skytoss is pretty slow. Ghosts are amazing here as well, but again very clunky to have ghosts in a mech army.

My conclusion is that even for Diamond players it seems bio is vastly superior to mech, which is pretty disappointing. With proper micro, bio has the answer to pretty much any unit composition in the game whereas with meach you need to be very proactive in your production, I actually find mech harder to play in some ways. The key unit for terran is ghost, I feel like ghosts needs to be nerfed and some mech units buffed (or counter mech units such as the viper nerfed). I think everyone agrees that this game would benefit if more options were viable. Or am I just bad with mech?

Vipers are the unit that destroys mech most of all. If you can land the EMP, or snipe them with thors/vikings, youre in a good spot.

Don’t forget hellbats to soak damage from broodlings. Thors wreck broodlords and can go toe to toe with ultras, especially when clumped up.

Speed banshees are great if you can get several out. They’re incredibly quick hit and run squadrons. If you can use them to pick off key tech, buildings, drones etc, then do so! They’re not great in a straight up fight however, so you really have to be careful using them.

Your goal in late game should always be to retain units where possible, and force them to engage into you where you can be most efficient. Make them be innefficient with their units and bleed them out with bad trades and hit and run - easier said than done, I know. Oh, and don’t forget repair! It’s a quarter of the cost to repair it instead of replacing a unit altogether! Use planetaries and ebays to build choke points, force them to breach through terrain that makes it rough for them to engage into you. And use speed banshees or libs to keep them on their toes!

BCs are either used early game for constant poke and harass, or theyre used en-mass lategame. There is no in between.

Corruptors aren’t slow units, but speed banshees can outrun them IIRC. Your goal with them is to be where they are not. If youre still utilizing BC, save the teleport for jumping home to repair, and yamato a corruptor or two before you leave so you can bleed them out more.

Speaking from experience, its generally a numbers game. If you have enough thors or vikings, or a combination of both, then they wreck both carriers and tempests, as long as you can jeep them alive. You also need to remember to focus fire as much as you can with your thors and vikings or the AI targeting will be confused with the interceptors. Tbh the biggest issue I generally find mechingnin TvP is disruptors smash thors which are effectively unmicroable against them.

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Alright, thanks for the advice. The problem with the thor is that it is only effective if you do good target firing, which is very micro intensive in the heat of a battle. If you A-move with your army your thor’s will attack lings, zealots and whatever which makes them useless. I just feel like the only way to beat a zerg late-game is to mass ghosts (we have seen Maru do it), the mech army just loses so you have the incentive to attack, not the zerg. Imo ghosts need a nerf and mech need a buff to open up for more playstyles.

Not sure what you are talking about. Thors have air priority, means they would always attack the air units, if they are in range and ignore lings or zealots.

Yep. Interesting side note; so do queens, which I never realised.

With a few exceptions, Thors and Queens will attack targets in this order:

  • Air-to-ground units
  • Ground-to-ground units/buildings
  • Other air units
  • Other ground units
  • Workers
  • Other buildings
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Broodlords can be countered by thors and ghosts. Ultras counter themselves by being fatter than a 600lb life person.

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There is a hard limit to the number of Ultralisks that are “useful” due to their size and speed; but technically the person needs units with high burst damage (or at least high burst versus armored/massive) to effectively counter them.

The “exception” is casters or any similar units that are marked as “always” a threat. Those units get the same target priority as any other ground or flying units that can attack the “unit” in question.

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