Maybe re-enable masteries during prestige

Love the idea of the prestige levels, don’t mind the linear path, but as everyone can attest to, it’s punishing. It’s long. It’s grindy. For me, the appealing part of the prestige is to level in a NEW way, so every time I see someone suggest going back to the vanilla build to level until the prestige is good, I’m like why… I’ve done that already. I do want to unlock all the content (I have thus far), but I don’t want to hate myself for doing it.

Prestiges having a downside makes sense, it really forces you to hone in on a certain part of the build. Backwater Sheriff Raynor loses mules, fine, you really gotta pump out those SCVs to get your bio ball rolling. But it’s so hard! Shouldn’t I be rewarded for all the time I’ve already spent leveling Raynor and leveling his masteries?

If masteries were still unlocked, I’d have more interesting choices. Backwater Sheriff would synergize well with Medics Heal Additional Target. Rough Rider and Rebel Raider with Mech Attack Speed. Not only do I get new ways to play, but I get to try out masteries that I might otherwise have never tried. Research Resource Cost would make the early game a little less punishing for Backwater Sheriff, and Speed Increase for Drop Pod Units would be nice to switch to when I unlock Orbital Drop-Pods at level 8.

In the current system, masteries are locked… and by the time I hit 15 to unlock them, I’m doing another prestige… and ANOTHER ONE… so I basically just never get to use them anymore.

Unlocking masteries won’t help me level any faster, but it’ll make the process more enjoyable, and it might even challenge me to try masteries that I never would’ve bothered with before.


Some masteries require certain talents. For example, Stukov’s 2nd mastery is totally uselss before Lv4.

True, but having the Option to use the mastery is good (and the same applies to many Prestiges …some are useless on lvl 1)

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So Dev allow us to level comanders with no prestige. It proves they have some conscience and are not pure evil.

And you should have the option to relevel a commander with or without mastery

That’d be interesting… maybe a slight XP boost if you choose to play without masteries.

I certainly realize some people enjoy the challenge, but ultimately I want to be rewarded for my time, not punished for it… so for people that want the challenge to forego masteries could get some compensation this way too.

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Yes u should be rewarded! We all should be rewarded, u tell them.

Someone brought this up yesterday that we should allow masteries points to be distributed. And yeah we already done the work to get those masteries.

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Some PRESTIGES require certain talents. Raynor’s 2nd, Rough Riders, is literally useless until level 11.

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Or Vorazun:

  • Prest 1 - emergency recall to nearest DP or Nexus: Emergency Recall is a lvl 13 talent
  • (Prest 2 seems too weak, even though it’s usable from lvl 1.)
  • Prest 3 - Prev Shadow Guards spawn at each Timestop. TS is a lvl 10 talent.

On the upside, you get DP’s at half-price and half-cooldown from prest 1 so may as well use that until lvl 10.

They should either re-enable Masteries during Prestige or make us get a certain amount of XP (1.2 million) without any mastery points but with our CO at lvl 15. It feels like quite a grind. And yes, definitely let us pick which Prestige we actually want.

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So I’m on Raynor P3-9 now and even moreso this is less fun… I unlocked P2, leveled with P1 til I got afterburners… but even then, afterburners were not as good as bio. Admittedly, I’m not great with Raynor factory units so I stayed with P1 til I unlocked P3.

So yet again I started with P1 to level P3 til I unlocked BCs. I did try banshees and vikings on Hard, and they kill stuff fast… but they die fast too… if I want something that kills fast and dies fast then bio is way easier, starts earlier, and actually dies less fast with p1.

So once I unlocked BCs… easy… early gas, starport, etc. Mid-game I was pumping out a steady stream… but first attack hit me with zerglings and even if I had a BC out in time they still would’ve rocked me and I still wish I just had marines. At the end, I had a dozen BCs, but they died to a wave, and I got a clutch victory with the hyperion… and maybe I could’ve done better by not going straight BCs, but I can go straight rines and use them all game so I still feel like bio build is by far the best/simplest/fastest/easiest/strongest leveling build… but who wants to level it 4 times. I mean, I nearly have now… and I have to finish at this point or else Raynor will be stuck forever at level 9 so I’ll never be able to use him for mutations again.

Some Prestige suck unless they have the mastery to back them up: Stukov P3 for example is garbage of the garbage unless you have max rank timed life mastery. Quite literally unplayable even if you move bunker closer to the objective, and it is risky as hell.
So ye, enable mastery during Prestige please.

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What if you started off at level 5 instead?

What if you stay lvl15 and farm 1.1M exp (from 1 to 15) and so keep masteries?


Fenix 2 requires Level 15, so leveling in it is pointless too.

Just to bring this up, if we could choose our prestige it would also make it a lot easier to add new prestiges to each commander, instead of having to prestige 5 times to get raynor’s new P5 you can just pick which one you want essentially.


They definitely need to change the Prestiges to also activate some of their important features by lvl 1

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I woud love Masteries to be on while leveling prestige. It would make leveling some low commanders like Karax, Stetmann, H&H or Vorazun much less painful.