Maru vs Harstem - a balance discussion

The fact that a D-tier player like harstem can actually give a run for his money to the literal best player in the world is beyond proof that protoss is op. If the PPP doesn’t accept this as proof, they will never accept anything. Protoss needs nerfs so best player Maru can properly stomp players that he is MILES better than they will ever be. Voidray, zealot, economy and battery overcharge need to be nerfed asap.


ShowTime beat Innovation 3-1 as well.


:man_facepalming:t2: :man_facepalming:t2: :man_facepalming:t2:
Maybe the patchterran is not that good as you like to bloviate?
Maybe the “literal best player in the world” has to ask Clem how to beat Harstem?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

OMG Showtime dared to win against Grandpa Inno.
Nerff Protoss race asap.
This time they dared to enter on RO8: nerffs should be applied that no Protoss would go to RO24!

Dogs and Protoss should not apply to SC2 Tournaments.

Look the comical “debate” between two well-known whineterrans.
LeBouf begins the whine -Crusader likes the BS.
Then Crusader continues the whine with more similar whine and…LeBouff likes the Crusader’s BS.
So pathetic.
Asinum asini fricat

BeastyQT beaten Reynor only in PvT and he said Reynors Terran is actually good!

Yeah imagine, being that much better to have chance vs D tier protoss. You have to only outplay they 18 times to have chance! Imagine someone on ladder in platinum league playing terran…

But how is my dog suppose to compete?

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Your dog should be happy with GM. Tournaments? No NO NO.
:grinning: :grinning: :grinning:


Maybe its not the tournaments but how the dog plays.

Yet the tcf falls silent when ByuN beat Stats convincingly 3-1 and Maru make ShowTimE look like a gold league player. Both Terrans played extremely well. TvP is favors neither of the 2 races.

Yes, I will say early 2018 and 2019 tbh TvP was blatantly Protoss favored and it was clearly visible. Now its 50:50 due to P getting nerfed repeatedly at the cost of destroying Protoss chances of beating top Zergs.

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My God, can you just shut up and play Prootoss if you think protoss so OP?

Like you guys can’t even finger any one thing that’s provably “Op” so you listed half the protoss tech tree and claimed it all needed to be nerfed.

I play Prtoss (I play eevery race), and I want the shiled overcharge removed and replaced with something that needs at least some skill requirement, because I want to win because I’m beter than my opponent, not because blizzard gave me an invincibility gimmick.

Anyway, as for the rest of your suggestions, I thnks it’s just purehwhine.

As expensive as it is to train colossus, like seriously one at a time, even with chrono boost the Zerg gets lik esome ungodly number of drones and combat untis between the time you start training the colossus and the time it actually warps in, lol. Colossus probably aren’t even as powerful as they should be. I previously thought they needed a nerf (but I buffed protoss elsewhere to offset my nerf suggestion) butif you weren’t going to buff protoss elsewhere, then a colossi nerf would be too harsh.

I mean “technically” protoss has a 4 tier tech tree, and Dark Templar, CArriers, and Colossi are all “Tier 4” So the unit should reasonably slaughter marines, which they do a very good job of that most of the time presently…and Terran gets multiple forms of detection at Tier 1, so as late as DTS come, the T has no excuse for not having sufficient detection to kill them.


My god, my god… It was you who couldn’t shut up. You ignored facts and simply keep repeating same thing over and over and you will tell me to shup up. St fu !!! Please stop posting, you clearly don’t understand sc2 in this state. You said strategy is still same… It literally changed 20 times so…

I understand you have nerve damage, but you no longer play the game. So don’t talk smack, if you don’t know the meta anymore…

“Terran not winning hard enough” whining continues. Let’s watch more TvT finals!


Lol again logical fallacy, there are no top tier protoss players to match players like Maru, Byun. Also balance at 0.00025% top tier pro level play, is irrelevant to 99.999% of population…

:man_facepalming:t2: :man_facepalming:t2: :man_facepalming:t2:
This is why such people should be stuffed with pail and put into formalin inside a glass jar for all to see in the Main Hall of the Great Starcraft Museum!

This atrocity uses words without knowing their meaning.
The specimen does not understand that 90% of strategies are old several milenia. Only changes are ways to integrate new tools to old strategies. How will explain this specimen the fact that the immortal work of the Great Chinese Master-Strategist Sun-Tzu is still a required reading in every Military Academy on each State with Armed-Forces?
Yea, Wade said strategy is still the same. It is more than right, it’s a truism.

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Dude, Goba, what is the point of being you?

Leave it up to the TCF to continue their circle jerking

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Someone’s working overtime to protect their balance advantage.

Someone’s working overtime to maintain TCF propaganda on the forums

what’s the point? Everyone knows it at this point… just admit it and move on :slight_smile:

Why is Harstem even in a team?

I am better than he yet I am not in a team and I don’t pretend to be cool…

I demand that I be in his team and he be removed…

Yeah, just like that…

It’s rather telling that you can’t differentiate between hard evidence and propaganda. The two are basically polar opposites yet you are saying it’s TCF propaganda to point out that Terran has won the least tournament money, the fewest tournaments and that Protoss dominates GM and has the highest win-rates of any race in GM & Masters league.

Protoss is definitely overpowered. It’s not propaganda to say so. It’s simply being realistic and honest.