Maru said it again : Protoss is OP

Maru said again Protoss is OP.
Blizzard, instead of listening to the opinions of Protoss Noob Force of this Forum.
Can you fix the game please and nerf this ez pz race design for kids ?

Btw, game 2 of this serie show how much Protoss is so OP and ez to play.


They wonnt. It required a design rework. For example why is Disruptor 1shot allmost every ground unit in the game? Because Gateway units trade not that good against stimmed Bio. Why arent they trade so good, because of WarpIn mechanics, is allowed Protoss to warp in an certain amount of units within 0sec - so they cannot be too good. Another example - Why must have Protoss harass units that 2shot workers (3 on SCV)? Because after certain amount of time they are economically behind (yes, but first ~5 min is Protoss ahead) so Protoss has to do eco dmg, but Protoss eco is invincible, because there is safe anker - Batterie, which rewards again a worst player (no positioning needed, no micro no brain - only plant down and u r safe). But than is there other problem and that is that Stargate opening is too future proof and save for them. They have detection there, fighting units, harass units, scouting units and siege units. So a very little combination of units is needed, and all come frome same tech path/structure. Terran and Zerg must cover plenty of stuff with unit combinations + micro

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How about you fix your delusional attitude before anyone on here has an objective balance discussion?


How about learn to play instead of claiming Protoss is balance when every pro say Protoss is OP ?


I play all 3 racesā€¦ In fact, I tend to main Terran on team gamesā€¦ Check my rankedftw. My most recent archon matches were also played as Terran. Get a grip

I know you well, you post since more than 1 years on this forum. You are a protoss whiner bro.


No, Iā€™m not a Protoss whiner. Iā€™m just anti idiot. And Iā€™m most definitely not your bro. Just because I call out all you regular TCF cry babies does not make me a Protoss whiner. You probably lost to a Protoss today and decided to pull up some Maru game just to make another whine post about how broken Protoss is. We could go on about this, but itā€™s pretty clear youā€™re just looking for something/someone to take your anger out on.


Aligulac is saying the game is supposedly balanced in tournaments, but every other indicator implies that Protoss is stronger than both T and Z. I can understand being very defensive about it, when it makes the game easier to play for you and ranks you higher than you might otherwise be. Just leave some salt in the ocean for the fish.

No Aligulac show how much Protoss is OP. And the curve is going up :


I was thinking in terms of statistical significance. Blizz and statisticians will say that +3% over 50% is not a concern. But yes even on Aligulac Protoss is doing very well.

LUL. that scumbag managed to go 3:1, what is balanced for that clown, 9:0 in a BO3?
No surprise that the scum of the earth then get inspired from the tears of a patchterran and come here to whine.
Keep yapping.

Wrong. Aligulac says Protoss on average have +53 Elo. Thatā€™s roughly an average 57.57% win-rate vs an equally skilled opponent. They dominate Grandmaster despite Protoss in GM having skill metrics similar to Master level zergs. They have higher win-rates across the ladder. They now dominate Masters league, too. They are winning 4x as many tournaments as Zerg.

Protoss is a complete and utter joke.


The curve is not going up, last two months had a stabilized-downward trend, and for this month the P numbers will be under the 50%, las two periods of PvT were about 49% and 48%, and the PvZ 54% and 45%, so this month Aligulac will end near 50% on every matchup.

Bro not gonna lie, that was a cool comeback from hurricane. He was in a bad spot and made some really good decisions. That game honestly was the best game of all of them. I think disruptors shouldnā€™t outrage tanks, but his comeback was legendary and maru even said during the interview he played really bad and he did. It happens.

Just gonna put this out into the world

rankedftw . com/ stats / races /1v1/#v=2&r=-2&l=6

(removed in http: / / w w w because apparently we canā€™t post links?)

Global GM tier by race:
Protoss: 232 (40.21%)
Terran: 183 (31.72%)
Zerg: 153 (26.52%)

Not making any arguements here but I think the goal is to have as close as 33/33/33 as possible. /shrug


ā€¦and this ā€œskill-metricā€ is the brilliant invention ofā€¦BatZ, the guy that went ot university at the age of ā€¦10.
Multiple posters have debunked this stupidity (APM=skill) countless times, but this moron keeps coming.
Be careful that Playa will claim that ā€œmetricsā€ and will sue you for damages.

ClownCollegeWings is the biggest hypocrite on the forums ā€œTerran in team gamesā€ oh ya team games are a huge source to derive balance from. Then he goes on to say ā€œAnyone who has an opinion that differs from mine is an idiotā€. So the best players in the world all generally agree that protoss is OP but oh no that couldnā€™t possibly be even remotely true because clown college wings doesnā€™t agree with it!!

Youā€™re a total fraud I dunno why anyone would ever listen to this PPP scrub.


Is there really someone still hoping for balance patches in this game?


Youā€™re in the exact category as Thyphoon, minus the chance that youā€™re raging over a loss against Protoss. You are just straight up crazy and delusional. At least he is a little sane and doesnā€™t make any attempts to hide his identity or rank (or post on multiple accounts I think). By the way, if you wanted an extension on my game history, I hit master Terran first back in 2018 or so back before Terran got multiple buffs and Protoss got MASSIVE nerfs. Back when the game ACTUALLY arguably had more imbalances with regards to PRotoss. For archon, itā€™s basically 1v1, and I played it actively within the present meta. For team games, I donā€™t mention it necessarily as a balance factor. I mention it because you guys think Iā€™m dead set on Protoss when in reality, I play Terran just as much if not more than Protoss. I get the frustration that Terrans go through, but the game isnā€™t necessarily imbalanced just because Protoss has an edge in the middle game against Terran.

For someone who is all about facts and logic, good job putting words in my mouth once again. Your awful attitude and severe cognitive dissonance is why no one wants to draw out an argument with you. You are so off the hinges that you have to make alt accounts just to give off a sense of anyone agreeing with you, and the only reason why any of the present forum whiners would agree with you is because they have the similar agenda of trying to nerf Protoss into the ground because they are too busy sobbing over their losses rather than actually trying to improve their gameplay.

I think itā€™s funny that you call me a fraud, yet your entire persona is fake. I have nothing to hide. Meanwhile, you are hiding your identity behind multiple alt accounts to hide a profile no one cares about. You are a loser and a conman in every sense of those words. At least Thyphoon is in a respectable rank and doesnā€™t hide himself as he whines about Protoss for the 100th time. Everyone else at least has some sense that they have been heavily roasted by me, yet whenever I get the forumā€™s best roasts off you, you STILL keep going with your delusions. You and all your alt accounts need to pack it up and leave. 0 nice things to say. Just pure bitterness and trolling. And whenever someone tries to have an objective discussion with you, you start crying because you realize how stupid you are.

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lol you fool. This is my only account. My original account was banned from crying protoss players who mass reported it. Iā€™ve been a masters terran player since 2014 but you want to pretend like I dont know how to play.

You are a complete and utter fraud. The most obvious example of a fraud who behaves fraudulently. I havenā€™t made a thread about losing to protoss because I simply wreck protoss with Terran by cheesing them 100% of the games I play. Further more to your lies, Iā€™m not even playing Terran this season Iā€™m playing Protoss and find them overwhelmingly strong against T/Z. Also the way Terranā€™s play against me mirrors the way the professionals approach the matchup. Its always a cheese or 2 base timing because thats the only chance to win.

You are completely clueless and a terrible human being.

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