Maru did not play well today

I see a lot of people blaming Maru’s loss on this or that but it really comes down to that he isn’t playing as well as he usually does. He’s been making a lot of mistakes that he usually doesn’t, even compared to this year in the GSL. He could be choking, or jet lagged, or whatever, he is simply not playing up to his usual standard. So if anyone wants to cry imba these games are not the hill to die on. His opponents played well and Maru didn’t.

Standard play isn’t worth it against protoss.


sounds like PPP damage control attempt


No proxy no win.,.,.,.

Maru hasn’t been as good as he was last year or the year before that which is a bit of a shame. I like his playstyle way more since it has greater depth then the 1-base-cheese Bunny (and today Cure) seem to prefer. I agree today he really didn’t bring much to the table. It seems that Trap, Rogue and Dark are in better shape right now.

It wouldn’t surprise me if we are heading to a Trap vs Rogue final.

Well, Cure was definately in a cheesy mood today… Pitty, since he doesn’t need that. I think we can prepare the next week to encounter a lot of cheesy terrans on the ladder :stuck_out_tongue: .

Yeah all those other korean terrans are doing better. :roll_eyes:


Pretty sure I didn’t compare him to other terrans. Compared to his level a year ago he is doing worse. Didn’t win anything yet (2 titles last year), so if he wants to be equal he has to win 2/3 of Asus Rog, Last Chance and DH winter. I don’t see that happen.

One also could argue that Bunny is doing way better then last year. Cure is about the same atm, so you can keep the :roll_eyes: for yourself :stuck_out_tongue: .

Wrong, it is a classic copypasta used every time Maru loses some tournament.I don’t know who made it, protoss, zerg or terran player, but it is several years old.

Please don’t bully Maru. T.T

The “Terran didn’t play well today” meme originates from IEM Katowice 2019. In this tournament, it seemed like every single Terran forgot how to play. Maru even scouted a ONE BASE Nydus all-in against Leenock, and then just started a third CC and died to it. It was THAT bad. Only one Terran managed to barely make it to RO12, and got slapped 3-0…

A few days after this tournament, despite Terran being on a GSL championship streak of 5 GSL championships in a row for Terran at the time, it was announced that both Zerg and Protoss would be nerfed, over the result of that one single tournament.


I agree. Not the crispest play. Also very non aggressive play for Maru who usually is the king of drops.

Haha that’s what I was gonna type

But Protoss never misses to win vs Terran no matter who is in shape or not.

Year after year you just repeat this garbage that 2018 was OK because Maru won the GSL’s… I remember one of the wins vs Zest that ofc before Maru was figured in the global finals… If Protoss couldn’t win with all the BOOSTS they got … wow… just shows how much less skilled protoss players were, not to say Terran wins were just proxies. And even so Year Zero LE - Maru’s multi prong mine drops vs Stats was times more skilled than any protoss would do. and I still dont think Trap is on their level although maybe he is closer now. Now when you see a complete newcomer like Zoun do wonders, you know where I am coming from

And cheese proxy wins all year 2018 means terran was Ok even Imba? One would expect some evolution of thought but not with you… you are in the swamp.

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Really dude? Can you tell me what happened in Cure vs Parting this morning?


When you don’t have any options then yeah your play is going to look like crap no matter how hard you try. APEtoss is imba. That’s just a fact. The sheer level of denial on these boards is borderline schizo.

Idk why Protoss are so terribly inconsistent they cant win \4 GSL\s in a row? Maybe because they are one trickers not as good? One tourney you see Parting almost better than anyone, next he is the one-tricker we know

Boss, there is a good amount of chance that goes into winning tournaments. That’s just a fact. One tournament on its own isn’t worth jack and neither is 10 tournaments. The fact of the matter is Protoss does great in these tournaments. They win similar tournaments (Super Tournament) and they make it to the finals of Code S (and other tournaments) far more than they ought to if balance were fair.

The GSL isn’t protoss dominated just due to luck. Maru got extremely lucky on many of his proxy victories for example. Rogue got extremely lucky with his nyduses not being spotted, etc etc. Well sometimes you get lucky, and sometimes the APE gets lucky, and what decides who wins over the long run, across many tournaments, is balance.

The only reason the whiners talk about Code S is because it’s the one spot the APEs aren’t dominating yet. They dominate everything else. Look at the list of major/premier tournament victories in 2021: there are 3 APEtoss victories for ever 1 zerg. It’s just classic cherry picking. In cherry picking, they have admitted that their point can’t win unless they exclude the majority of the data. In other words, they are admitting they know APEtoss is imba. I 100% guarantee, without a shadow of doubt, that they’d be pointing to major/premier tournaments if it supported their position, and they’d drop Code S like a hot potato if Protoss were winning it.

of course! Pickers like Velitey only know to look at the winner

Picture 1: Protoss cant win tournaments, everyone else wins ! - If one doesn’t know the manipulation: OMG Protoss needs buffs!

Picture 2: the objective way: Protoss cant win but Protoss (Trap particularly) loses a lot on finals from BOTH Z and T… actually mostly from Z… and if we go

Picture 3: What is the representation in Ro8, Ro4 - you know where there is more space than for 2 races unlike finals

Now one gets a true picture, Protoss are not lacking at all. There was a year 2019 or 2020 when Terran was not seen at all on Playoffs not just finals!! And it was green (protoss race in liquipedia), one was an IEM others Ive forgotten but there was more.

Patches arent made to help one player (Trap) overcome players that he chokes to each time.

Just like patches arent skipped so that one can say - ‘Maru wins 4 GSLs with proxy, no need for buffs’,. Patches are made because this kind of games are not OK.

And Patches are made to fix such builds of Maru and disallow them

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Let’s say that Protoss had a 1% balance advantage. Do you know how many games it takes to show a 1% balance advantage? It would take about 10,000 games before the confidence grew to an acceptable statistical threshold. But clowns will tell you that 20 games from the finals alone across a few tournaments tells you everything there is to know about balance.

Never mind that there are thousands of playstyles that each can go up against thousands of playstyles. Never mind that there are thousands of sub-variants for every style. Never mind that every style can be executed with different positioning and micro. You have an intersection of literally trillions of possible outcomes, and they expect 20-50 games to properly represent all possible outcomes across all possible elements of strategies/micro/luck. It’s pure delusion.

You can see this delusion in Artosis’s casting. He cries and cries that hellbat allins never work, while ignoring the fact that top terrans obviously love hellbat allins. Well what do you know. The elements of chance have decided that the scenarios where hellbat allin are good aren’t going to show up in such a small selection of games. It’s just brain damage frankly. You can’t expect 10,000 outcomes to be properly represented in 100 games. It is mathematically, factually, quite literally impossible to fit 10,000 scenarios in 100 games.

You could have admitted that you were full of it and that your claims make no sense at all. Instead you opted to look like an idiot but that’s all right. The majority of the forum already knew where they were dealing with.

More of your nonense that makes no sense at all. You can check it here:
h ttps://

2019 and 2020 was the year of zergs. They won most of the premier tournaments, they got most runner-up spots, and they were pretty even represented in the ro4-8, even if they had a smaller percentage of the playerbase .

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Presense of Terran here? Compare it to others, because I dont watch just who wins

Z and P fill up whole Playoffs. The one where it was an entire line of Protoss filling up playoffs I dont remember which one it was an IEM maybe.

This will do too:

“Only Z were dominating we dont see Protoss. oh wait im color blind I see green as red”

Image being so many times on finals and not winning, yet we see ‘Protoss hasnt won tournaments for a long time’ they give you the trophy and you still refuse… that just shows again how less effort the protoss players are, no they are not weak balance-wise. And Terran was seen barely. But fun fact two Terrans crush everyone the times they win because so much prepared they are (Maru and Inno). Now if you saw that many Terrans there…

And learn to post links you noob.