Marauders, gods among men

I was playing the brutation using P1 Raynor. Ally was Swann, so he has defense on lock. I started my bio-ball, had my barracks rallied to one of my medics, and was just rolling slowly though the map, fighting night and day.

Night…3 I think? I was in the southern portion of the map, and I run into really stiff resistance. Supply starts dropping, including my rally medic. Army starts shrinking, rapidly. EXCEPT NOT THE MARUADERS. Medics dead, marines dead, firebats dead, but the marauders were just blasting. Held the position long enough to re-rally, get some more troops, and last until daylight.

There is no point to this story. I just love this unit. Absolute coolest unit in the game, along with their Big Bro the Aegis Guard.

On P1, Firebats have about 400hp, and get 5 armor, so I’m surprised they didn’t make it. Then again, they are on the front lines, so I’m guessing that compensates for that.

Yeah, that WoL mission where you get introduced to them was a neat one. I initially thought “why not just make more Marines?”. Then I noticed how they have double the hp, and their weapon does bonus damage to them because of the “Armored” tag.

I think the Long Range mutation hurt the firebats especially; the infested marines can hit from so far away.

But there was just something awesome about seeing a shrinking group of soldiers, surrounded on 3 sides by an ungodly swarm of infested, and 15-20 marauders are just packed in the middle firing grenades. If it was a movie the sounds of battle would be pushed to the background and the music would be dramatic.

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