Played a zerg last night. He 4-0’s me by hard countering everything I do without scouting. Mind you, I am a GM with a 65% ZvZ win-rate, and he has a lower MMR than I do. The probability of a 4-0 is about 1.5%. Add in the fact he doesn’t scout, and ignores what scouting information he does have, and it’s perhaps the most brazen instance of maphacking that I’ve seen in a very long time.
So get this. I open 17 gas 17 pool. I then double expand. He sees the natural and the third. Nat’s hatch timing is obviously a pool first. It’s impossible to gasless 3 hatch in ZvZ so once he sees the third he knows I have gone fast zergling speed. He, himself, opens hatch first, which means I am guaranteed to have faster ling speed. For this reason, the person who opens hatch first is almost always the defender. The timing of ling speed decides who attacks first. I use this to drone, which doesn’t make sense because why invest in fast ling speed to then not use it, right. So he magically knows I am droning, and allins me by ralling slow lings across the map, morphing banes, his ling speed kicks in and the rest is history. So he ignores scouting information and yet magically finds the right answers. He does this 4 times in a row.
But it gets worse. He plays terran, too, apparently, and he scouts gas pool and no expo, with a proxy hatch. He pulls half his SCVs to run to the middle of the map, kill the hatch, despite not knowing how many lings are on the map and after scouting a pool first with gas. 99.9999999999999999999% of the time, the terran will build a bunker in his nat the millisecond he sees no hatchery at the zerg’s natural. This guy builds a reactor and mails his SCVs to the middle of the map. It makes no sense to run your workers towards the danger UNLESS he’s maphacking and knows I am actually droning.
He ends up 5-0’ing a Grandmaster with a 65% win-rate by magically hard countering everything I do. It was mind blowing. What’s his win-rate with Zerg? 55%. It’s easily the most blatant hacking I have seen in YEARS. What is happening to this game. He had better reads on the situation than 6,000 mmr terrans from 4800 mmr. It’s like, dude, you can’t get this lucky. I have a very good sense of how lucky my opponents are because as a GM you have to know the risk of things you do and if you miscalculate that risk you won’t be GM for long. With a 65% win-rate, my ability to judge risk is very good. The crazy thing is how brazen they are. They don’t even try to hide it these days.
So I ask him after the game how he knew there were no lings on the map. He said it’s because I started a lair which he didn’t confirm until a minute after the scv pull. In addition to that, lair doesn’t predict the number of lings. Fast lair on 1 base with ling speed looks like a ling elevator build. Somehow he knew it wasn’t a ling elevator build. Let’s run our SCVs TOWARDS the ling flood that we scouted. Yeah man, makes total sense.
This guy obviously doesn’t know how to scout, but magically perfectly hard counters me. If he know what he was talking about, with regards to scouting, then it might make sense that he just had good reads. But he demonstrates he’s bad at reading the game on top of miraculous game reads. The only way to explain that is maphacking.
You can tell the people on these boards are anti social because social people actually use words to talk and communicate with other people, which is obviously a foreign concept to the people on these boards (case in point: your post).
I’ve got a buddy. Double majored in computer science and electrical engineering. So I text him about a new emulator platform for old gaming systems that can run on a orange pi. The orance pi’s are ARM boards with 8 cores and 16 gb of ram for a hundred bucks. The cores are beefy too because a single core is half as powerful as a core in a $800 CPU. It also has 4k HDMI and Wifi built in. All for 100 USD. This means it’s perfect for being a gaming station for your UHD TV to play almost any steam game, gamecube or atari game, and the new software I found automatically installs these games for you and sets up the emulation packages, which my buddy does manually. So I text him about this software and say hey why don’t you put this on an orange pi. The dude has a giant 15 foot wide television setup in his mancave theater. He’s got a semi circle of reclining leather couches with cup holders. He’s gonna love this. I forget about it for a week and then I am checking the messages and he’s sent me 8. Each one a brick wall. Excited to have found the software, showing me he’s hollowed out GameCube shell to put the orange PI in for nostalgia points. Pics showing he’s got various games running on his big screen.
THAT is called normal social interaction my man. If this is a foreign concept to you, find yourself a friend and learn to talk with them by making an effort. It will take effort at first but after a few months, and maybe a couple failed friends, it won’t take as much effort anymore. Then, a year or two later, it will be effortless. You’ll be able to talk to anyone about anything. Just make an effort to, at least once a day, make a conversation with someone. If you don’t want to talk to them, even better. Force yourself to. It will be awkward at the start. You’ll be talking about the weather. They will realize oh this guy is bad at talking, so the next time they will probably lighten the mood with a joke since they realize you are making an effort, right. Cashiers are good practice, because they are good at talking and you can hold them hostage. It doesn’t matter what you talk about. Ask them if this job is a 9 to 5. Ask them how long they’ve been working. Ask them what their favorite part of their job is. Ask them if they get tired of hearing the gas station playing the same radio station. Ask them if they are allowed to change the radio station. It really doesn’t matter what you talk about. Just do it.
Once you are talking to ever cashier you see, try to make the conversation longer and deeper. Don’t talk about shallow things. Ask them a personal question like if they were the only child. Do you have siblings. Oh you are the middle child, got it. This is how you build friendships. Incrementally encroaching into their personal life by talking with them. Find out what sport they like. Ask them how their weekend was. Ask them if they are dating. Tell them you have a date and need a restaurant recommendation. What is their favorite restaurant. These are the basics of socializing, ok. You start with impersonal things like the weather and the radio. You escalate to shared interests like food and sports. You escalate to personal matters like politics, family, and so forth. At this point, you have an acquaintance. To get a friend, you have to hang out with them sometime. To get a best friend, you have to learn very personal details about their life like their struggles and their hopes and dreams. But, start by getting an acquaintance by talking with them until you know how old they are, how many brothers and sisters they have, and what their favorite music is. YOU CAN DO IT.
If you manage to get a best friend of the opposite sex then congratulations you have romantic potential. Break the touch barrier by touching their shoulder to gain their attention one time. Escalate to a hug. Gauge their reaction to the hug. Make lots of eye contact. If it’s reciprocal, they are smiling a lot and touching you back, playing with her hair, then congrats you’ve got yourself a girlfriend. All you need to do is land a kiss. Easy way to do it is to tell her to come here. Tell her to hold out her hand. Grab it. Kiss her hand and then lock eyes. What is her reaction. Is she smiling. Good. Use her hand to pull her in closer. Wrap your arms around her. Lock eyes. This is your moment. You put a little peck on her lips. Good job, you’ve done it. And to think it all started by holding cashiers hostage at the gas station. Congratulations soldier. The battle is over. You are now a social human being.
Now your job is to help others find the way. Help your younger brother. Help your nephews. Help that pimply faced kid down the street. Help the lonely old man looking for a human connection. People are forgetting how to socialize and now that you are a social person you are so rare you are practically a unicorn. But as a unicorn you have a super rare skill in that you can turn other people into unicorns too. What a wonderful world we live in.
Go to the gas station. Buy a soda pop. Ask they cashier how they feel about the weather. That’s your homework assignment. Don’t underestimate yourself. You can do this. You will do this. You’ve got this.
My nephew, who is autistic, has the same time of problem. He’s so obsessive with his habits that he can’t change. This isn’t an insult, just an observation.
For the uninitiated, this is a troll on two accounts. Low effort posts that ignore the topic and attack another poster; has the same exact biases that are hard to find in the general population. The probability that two people with the exact same biases could overlap in the same place and time is 0.0%. He doesn’t realize that his behavior sticks out like a sore thumb because he doesn’t know what normal behavior is. Let’s contrast his reaction to a reaction I received on reddit:
That’s a very well put together statement and deserves more attention, particularly the different analysis approaches you took. Please consider making it into a post!
Well said. It’s basically affirmative action for the top protoss pros, at the cost of destroying the balance from bronze to B-tier pro.
I bet 70% of people couldn’t even read your post to the end. It is saddening
Then his obsession with autism is strange too. We can tell he has an obsession with autism because he uses it to explain things that are totally inapplicable, like the lengths of posts. I have a nephew with autism and have studied psychology quite thoroughly just because it’s an interesting topic. People with autism have an average of 70 verbal iq. The probability they could string together a long, coherent post explaining how to catch maphackers is 0.0%. Furthermore, they have issues with motor skills such as balance, hand eye coordination, etc, which means they probably won’t like starcraft and they definitely won’t be grandmaster. So he’s applying a label to a situation that has literally zero overlap with that situation, which begs the question of where it comes from, hence his obsession with autism.
It’s easy to spot his accounts on the forums, these aren’t the only two, because he repeats this pattern with every account. He has weird beef with high effort posters, attacks them and insults them by comparing them to someone with autism. Ironically, he demonstrates he doesn’t know what autism even is. Another account of his is RustTank, for example.
My guess is that he’s a hacker too, because he clearly took offense to a post explaining how to catch hackers, which is a weird reflex to have unless you, yourself, are a hacker. My recommendation is to make a list of his accounts and make them go by by. Any intelligent site moderator could spot this troll from outer space.
I have also dated many women who were psychology majors. I attract them for some reason. They struggle their way through life, seeing all the mental illness out there, and feel alone because nobody else sees it. It’s like they are Nostradamus, screaming that the world is going to end, and nobody cares, so they stop yelling and accept their lonely fate of knowing the problem is drawing nearer and nearer but that nobody cares. Then they find a guy who has a similar interest, and who has first hand experience being harassed by cluster a and cluster c crazies for over a decade online. I can’t tell you how many bipolar streamers I’ve made uninstall the game with a meme build or how many narcissistic trolls whose egos I’ve slain with facts and logic, and the list goes on and on. Clapped a streamer not too long ago by explaining to his own fans that the cooling device has a larger impact on CPU performance than what CPU you buy. The dude had a melt down on twitch for hours. That’s why they like me. I get it. I’ve seen it. I know how crazy people are and how to classify and categorize it.
Pychologists and nurses. Nurses like me too, for some reason, and cowgirls. I’ve had a few run ins with cow girls. I still remember this one. She asked me out. She drops a box of cake mix off on my door step. I am like, that’s weird, what is this doing here. So I am like well let’s see what’s inside. Sure enough, the box has been opened and hot glued shut again. Well, inside there is a note about how I am the hottest, kindest, smarterst, and that I really “Take the cake!” hence the cake mix. She really laid that icing on thick, if you know what I mean. She was asking me out, but was too timid to do it face to face. Anyway we ended up on he dad’s ranch where he shows me his entire mustang collection. He’s bought one every single year since the 1990’s. I have never seen so many mustangs in my entire life. He owns a large cattle ranch and a business selling ATVs. Funny story, I ended up throwing a bucket of mud in this girls face, but that’s a story for another time.
Cowgirls, psychologists, and nurses. What do they all have in common. Well nurses and psychologists like men who are caring, so that’s an easy overlap. Psychologists like men who are emotionally intelligent and tough enough to deal with difficult characters. Cowgirls like men who are rugged and adventurous and independent, tough enough to handle anything life throws at them, which is an emotional strength attribute because to do adventurous things you need mental strength. So the common element is obviously they are drawn to men with mental strength and emotional awareness.
It’s called the “Female Affinity Index”. You can tell more about a man by looking at the women he attracts than by looking at him, because the women spend a ton of time and effort seeking out men with traits that they find attractive. So you simply have to ask yourself, what is it that turns this woman on, and, bam, you know what this man is like. This could apply in reverse, judging women by men, so maybe a better name is the Selective Attraction Index.
So anyway I bake the cake and drop the baked cake off at her house, embedding my answer inside the cake, and the rest is history. I still drive past her dad’s ATV business from time to time. Ah man the ones that got away. Too many of them to count, to be honest. I need to start a cult so I can have 100 different wives. That sounds very expensive, not gonna lie, just imagine how much money you’d spend on anniversary presents alone. You’ve got a 100k investment in diamond rings alone. Man this is getting expensive. I am going to have to budget. Fake diamonds and sterling silver with gold plating. I guess I will have to pick on and only one, once I find that one that is so memorizing she dominates your thoughts.
It’s actually really weird how fast women try to get me into bed. It’s like, woah, slowdown there, cowgirl. We’ve only been on 2 dates and I just bought you some roast beef Arby’s sandwiches and you’re already dropping hints. Let me tell you something. You are way more interesting than the gyrating motions you can generate with your hips. If I wanted that, I could go to the Vegas Strip and have an unlimited supply. I am not there, am I. I am here, with you, now can you beat me at a game of Carcassonne or are you too chicken to even try?
So anyway back to eviscerating the troll. The way a good troll operates is that he introduces different accounts with different biases, right, because it’s harder to link them. By harder, I mean “not so obvious you can spot it from outer space”. Mixing up the biases and personalities of your accounts is the bare minimum effort required to not be caught. Let’s be real here, it’s still gonna be very easy to catch you, we’re just taking care of some of the very obvious problems with your trolling. I went a decade as the slammer and nobody knew. The only person to figure it out was Thrasher and only because I revealed it to him. I am an expert at trolling, both the good kind of trolling and the less than good kind. You gotta mix up your personalities or it’s just too darn obvious that it’s you. I had an account I cosplayed a muslim woman in India on and trolled a streamer about the industrial war complex, and his reactions were so flipping good. It was hilarious. I’ve been showing clips of his reactions to every girl I go on a date and we’re just busting a gut and laughing because this guy thinks he’s talking with a muslim woman who hates america. This girls got tears streaming down her face because it’s just so darn funny. It’s great. But you gotta mix up your personalities or it’s just cringe dude. I know you have beef with me, but that’s an obvious overlap in personality between your accounts. It’s a lot like Kelthar and Nomufftotuff and Anesthetic, to be honest. It was so obvious that the astronauts on the space station were like what the heck is that down there. The dude was obsessed with me and had a galactic sized chip on his shoulder. He didn’t realize every single one of his accounts stood out like a sore thumb for that reason. What’s the probability that 5 different accounts have the same exact biases. Come on man, nobody is dumb enough to fall for that.
Yes, he was shouting.
Giving dating tips to 80iq internet trolls be like:
Batz doesn’t believe in the common decency of his SC2 opponents and always expects the worst despite playing gigachad 2000 iq opponents. Sad. It’s like how Trump makes english the official US language but then refuses to defend the UK from Russian aggression.
Oh, trust me, I believe in decency. Just not for maphackers. Psychos use your decency against you. Take the words of Teddy Roosevelt: “speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far”. The idea of this statement is that you are only civil for people willing to be civil to you. If other people are uncivil, you have no problem going there yourself. This prevents people from using your decency to take advantage of you.
At 4.8k? Bruh most of these guys don’t know the difference between hatch before overlord and hatch after overlord. Genius? Not a chance.
Speaking of 2000 iq gigachads here is Byun reacting to a proxy hatch:
Byun doesn’t know what his opponent is doing, but knows he wins through a tech advantage aka banshees. Having a hatch on this side of the map cuts Zerg’s queen production by a factor of 1/3rd to 1/2 depending on the zerg’s followup. If you survive the attack, which the banshee guarantees, the next question is the transition. Obviously zerg will never get a third base if you just go banshee. From there 2 base terran production definitely outscales 2 base zerg, and it’s a free win. This is a 2000 iq response.
Contrast it to this, which is a maphacker response:
He isn’t phased at all. Keeps the command center on the lowground and doesn’t build a bunker. He doesn’t bother scouting the main before sending SCVs, even though the timing of this hatch is obviously pool first, so there’s probably lings on the map. He builds a reactor, meaning no marine production for awhile, which underscores the fact he is 100% confident there are no lings. The only thing he knows is that this is an aggressive pool first allin. How does he respond? He runs his SCVs towards the zerglings which a normal terran would be worrying about. He isn’t a normal terran because he’s hacking. He knows this is a misdirect because I am actually making drones and the pool first is to accelerate the timing of my lair, which he hasn’t scouted yet.
He didn’t profile me either because I totally will just ling bane allin off of a proxy hatch. Why do it with a proxy hatch? Because the queen absorbs tank shots. I also do double gas ravager and ling elevator builds and ling nydus. This build is also extremely rare. Basically nobody does it because it’s a meme build that is impossible to pull off. He knew exactly what he was facing and he had no cognizable way to know there were no lings on the map. He sends SCVs towards the lings.
If this were a one off game, then he just got lucky. This guy did it 5 times in a row. Each time, I threw out a different build order variant. Sometimes I macroed and sometimes I cheesed. Not a single time did he have sufficient scouting to know what was happening. To 5-0 a GM with a 65% win-rate you are looking at 0.5% odds. If I faced 200 people 5 times in a row, I might lose to one of them 5-0. But take into consideration how incredibly rare it is to rematch a guy 5 times in a row. It happens maybe once or twice a year. The last time I faced someone 4 times in a row was against supernova and that was a year ago at this point. If this happens twice a year then we’re talking 100 years before someone 5-0’s you. That’s how rare it is. Absolutely crazy stuff. My mind was just blown. The hackers are getting crazy bold because they’re not even trying to hide it.
Another thing that’s hard to square away is his win-rate. He’s playing on an account as Zerg with a 55% win-rate. How does a 55% win-rate player have 2000 IQ reads against a 65% win-rate Zerg? It makes absolutely no sense. If this guy isn’t a hacker, then hackers don’t exist. This guy is the hacker of hackers. It doesn’t get more obvious than this unless he uses an exploit that gives him 10k minerals at the start of the game. When you’re dealing with inferential evidence, this is as good as it gets.
I am 100% certain the maphacker who I faced is reading this right now, yes. It’s painfully obvious.
Alright I will bite. Upper bod pics time. Let’s see if it’s you or me who goes outside more:
The brilliant thing about this is that it’s an absolutely terrible photo, so they can’t accuse you of manipulating the lighting or whatever. The lighting is bad, the angle is bad, the field of view is bad, I have no pump, I am not flexing or posing, and yet the features show through. You can even make out the pectoral stretching. The skin between the deltoids and pecs can’t go everywhere and so the skin breaks and you end up with scars. You can see those in this terrible photo if you look closely enough.
Alright tough guy. Let’s see your upper bod. Gotta love the logic here. “Oh you caught me hacking, so you must be a basement dweller or something.” Lmao. Guess again.
Never get into a flexing competition with the flex-master himself. This guy, the maphacker, claims to have 2000 iq reads as he picks a fight with the flexmaster. Nice move bro. Yeah sure I will go outside. I love being outside. I mean, who doesn’t. You go to the gym to notice, and to be noticed, if you know what I mean. Get a good pump on, give some ladies the 'sup nod, see how long they stare back, and think about how indomitable I am that a maphacker can’t convince me that my own eyes are lying.
The thing I can’t square away is why the maphacker cares at all. Did he honestly think yeah nobody is going to notice being hard countered 5 times in a row. He thinks he deserves that GG like a normal opponent who wins through skill. I have zero respect for that man. The idea that I’d ever yield to someone like that is just laughable. They want to dominate you in the game and want your submission out of the game. That’s how this works. It’s a power struggle. That’s why they demand the GG. You must submit to them, yield, that they won. They crave it, which is why they hack. They are willing to do anything to get it. That’s why you deny it. They don’t crave a win, they crave respect, and it’s the one thing you can never give them.
You want my respect. Don’t have perfect reads. Instead, be blind sided by an attack and win anyway. Now that would demand real respect. 2000 iq reads? Bro that’s called hacking and you’ll never convince a reasonable person otherwise. Even Byun doesn’t have 2000 iq reads because he doesn’t do this vs proxy hatch. When your defense is that a 4800 mmr terran is smarter than byun, it’s time to think of a new defense. That is a TERRIBLE defense.
To underscore just how absurd it is for a 4800 to win 5-0, here is 5500 semi-pro “Nina” losing twice:
Nina didn’t see either build coming. 4800 terran not only saw it coming, but knew exactly what it was, 5 times in a row. Also beat 5200 skyler twice, but lost to him once.
Nobody should ever normalize this level of luck because it’s too extreme. Anytime this amount of luck happens, it wasn’t luck, and you should deeply skeptical of it. It’s a useful tool in life. If your boss gives preference to someone else 5 times in a row, then sorry to say it but your boss doesn’t like you. You wouldn’t say “Oh my coworker just go lucky”, right, it’s not luck at that point – there’s a very clear pattern.
If you normalize this level of luck, you’re definition of gullible and everyone under the sun is going to take advantage of you.
We are not the same person. But you are quite consistent at writing books for every response. I bet no one reads them. Keep doing it if it makes you feel better bro.
You are very proud of your short attention span, we get it. I’ll keep this one simple. If you go out onto the street in Hamburg Germany and yell “Hitler was an idiot! The Third Reich was doomed to fail!” and a man comes up to you and begins insulting you, what does that tell you about his feelings on WW2.
Likewise if I go out onto the street of Bnet and shout “Hackers are idiots. It’s obvious when you hack – you are fooling no one” and garnetmoose replies,
What does that tell you about his feelings on the matter of hackers.
Like I said, it’s super obvious. We’re talking about “staring into the sun” levels of obvious, or, “white dot on a black paper” levels of obvious. Do you know that new super black paint pigment they came out with recently? What was it called? Oh yeah, vanta black. What was the super white pigment? Barium sulfate. If you painted a wall in vanta black and put a dot on that wall with barium sulfate, that dot is you.
You might be a visual person. Here you go:
Catching hackers ez pz be like:
That’s why it’s important to read. Imagine reading a whitepaper on rocket engineering and you condense it down to “rocket go up.” That’s what you are doing here. Merely being blind countered is not sufficient to claim hacking. It’s the specificity and the reliability that transforms it into hacking. The measurement and definition of these concepts requires intricate knowledge of the game in general as well as the particular situations in question. A man holding a gun would not be unordinary at a shooting range but at a bank it is a cause of concern. Likewise if he is security guard then it’s not a concern. But if the security guard is huffing white powder into his nose then it’s once again a matter of concern. The details matter and if you think otherwise then you’re the definition of gullible. Being gullible is equivalent to being OK with hacking and other forms of cheating, because you’re saying you won’t care as long as they don’t make it obvious.
From a philosophical standpoint, cheating must give you an advantage and that advantage is measurable, so if someone doesn’t cheat in a noticeable way, did they actually receive an advantage and is it cheating to have that “advantage”? It’s the age old “if a tree falls in a forest, but nobody hears it, did it actually fall?”. For all intents and purposes, it doesn’t matter to anything unless someone is there to notice it. Noticing it is what gives it importance because in being noticeable it is proven to have a consequence that is relevant. You decide what is relevant by noticing. If you don’t notice, the hackers think it’s just fine to keep on hacking.
I don’t think its very important. If you want people to read your whole post you will need to find a way to be more concise. If you just want to post for yourself carry on but the only people reading paragraphs are the ones who want to write paragraphs.
most of his post are just rambling bs about stuff that has nothing to do with the subject at hand, other than a slight comparison of some crazy in real life and not about whats in the game. not to mention if no one post for while he will reply to himself to keep the conversation going. he seems a bit messed up in the head or very lonely and needing friends.
Gotta love all the antisocial people on these boards harassing the most extroverted and outgoing person on these boards as if he is the one who can’t get friends, lmao. The lack of self awareness is truly astounding. They come into your thread and complain that your posts are too long:
I am so good at making friends, I do it automatically. Some rando who I don’t remember will think we’re friends because I talked with them a few times, for example. I have so many friends I honestly don’t even remember their names. I have to listen to the conversation for when their name is used and in the meantime I use the word “dude” to refer to them.
I even got a girlfriend by accident once. She legit thought I was her boyfriend. She ended up turning into a stalker when I refused to actually be her boyfriend, funny enough.
When you have so many options, the obvious question is then how do you filter them. You just don’t have time to hang out with everyone. You’ve got 10 babes who are interested in you. How do you find which one you want to take on a date. Well an easy metric is to eliminate the obviously wrong answers. If she smells bad, doesn’t brush her teeth, her hair isn’t nice, etc, then that’s an easy one. You’d think you can fix those kinds of girls but, trust me, you can’t. Just mark them as a no and move on. You can eliminate probably 1/3rd of the candidates using this metric alone. Then you rate them on things you find attractive. You can rate how sweet they are, if they have overlapping interests or politics or hobbies, if they have a good sense of humor. You rate them on a scale of 1 to 5 and add up their scores. The highest score you ask out. It’s really quite simple.
So anyway back on topic. The hacker is now 7-0 and, you guessed it, he hard countered me again without ever scouting the tech buildings.
These meme builds are super rare and niche, basically nobody does them, so the idea that you can reliably hard counter them is absurd. The game after losing to the hacker, I beat a 5300 Terran player called “Flash” using a similar build. So this 4600 mmr player, that’s where his mmr was, can magically hard counter meme builds to wreck a grandmaster, but can’t beat standard ZvZ players at >4600 mmr as is proven by his mmr. His advantage, whatever it is, only applies when he can specifically hard counter something which he hasn’t scouted.