Make sc2 great again

Back to 6 workers.
Bring back some 4 players maps.

Remove oracle and disruptor.
Bring back vortex to the Mothership.
Back to WOL Immortal.

Remove widowmine, cyclones and BC tactical jump.
Bring back seeker missile.
Buff tanks.

Remove swarmhosts.
Nerf queens.


No. 9 workers maybe. 6 workers definitely not.

Depending on how it’s done, maybe. Specifically, we can’t have all spawns available, but doing either vertical or horizontal spawns would be fine, so if you miss the first scout, then you know where they are for a follow up.

I don’t really think oracle is an issue. Disruptor is a bit hit and miss, but I don’t disagree it’s a bit all or nothing.

Honestly this would probably make it to strong with the buffs it just received.



This unit was one of the primary reasons that literally a third of the Terran tech tree was completely useless in the matchup, and frankly it was terrible game design.

Honestly if you have problems with the widow mine even now, when it quite literally gives you a full 5 seconds of alert time before it fires, then you’re the problem, not the game.

Just… why though? There isn’t really anything wrong with the unit. It’s probably underutilized, sure. But there isn’t anything wrong with it at all.

Sure, but only if it received a complete redesign to make the unit actually useable without it, since it’s a literal paperweight without TacJump - believe me, I’d love to see TacJump removed.

Absolutely not. This was awful for the game because of how quickly damage could stack, and frankly was always a problem. In its current iteration, the raven actually does what it’s supposed to do, and that’s be a support caster. It’s actually good at its job too; you build a couple, lockdown key units or drop an AAM to give you teh advantage, you don’t need them built en-mass.

Tanks are fine. I genuinely don’t think they need to be stronger.

I guess? NGL they’re kinda unfun units, but they have a use, even if they feel kinda BS to play against.

They’ve already been nerfed multiple times and just received another one.


No, 6 workers is horrible. It’s just the same as 12, except for the start just takes longer

Yeah lets watch 3 hour games again, with barely any action, so much fun.

You are infected with the nostalgia virus

But there is no need to worry, i can assure you that bringing those things back won’t make starcraft great again

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Would love all of these changes. Def would need to add Hydra to hatchery tech instead of hive though. Ain’t nothing stopping that BC from taking 30 seconds to move across the map instead of blinking.

The only 3 hour game ever was Stephano abusing swarm hosts and it was less than a handful of times. Ya’ll have some weird memories of what the game was like. Honestly the game was super hype and had tens of thousands of viewers as well, so don’t get what you’re complaining about.

We had multiple 3+ hour long games. Firecake vs Mana comes to mind as well, that’s quite infamous. Another one was with Lilikanin against a chinese player (I think it was ZhuGeLiang) - it was 4 hours long.

Special also got in trouble during one of those multi-hour games as well since he was so bored during the game he actively alt-tabbed out of the game due to said boredom.

You know, aside from the BC being a literal paperweight without tactical jump.


i dont really know what you talking about.
these changes will not make the games last that long.

its not nostalgia, the game now its predictable, its always the same, no fun.
its just about which player has better mechanics.

back then it was not like this.
things were not perfect at all but spells like vortex were fun! we were all expecting something great to happen, some unpredictability.

and u know what? all 3 races had a change.
for a couple of years protoss has been a dead race.

It will make them longer and more boring.

@mindspirit it was not like that back then.
the game was fun and much more popular.

now its too predictable, every game looks the same.
at the 4 min mark we have 3 bases and its all the same.

None of these games were premiere tournaments outside of stephanos. People did that crap on ladder too, but it wasn’t common at all.

tanks are fine, but i want widowmines gone, so buff tanks a little bit.
cyclones are just bad, bad design.
when a units needs so many changes, it means something is wrong.
almost the same with the oracle.
i never said i had a problem with widowmines, i just dont like them.

about vortex, not everything has to be perfect, it has to be fun also! vortex was fun, everyone was waiting for something great to happen, that emotion has been removed from the game.
every game looks the same.
thats why i want seeker misile back too, to bring some unpredictability back.

Bcs tactital jump is ridiculous, remove it now and buff the bc.

It was common enough that it was problematic and extremely boring.

4 Player maps with Horizontal or Vertical spawns alone would allow for that.

That said, I don’t entirely disagree that the game’s predictability is a bit of an issue; but the problem wasn’t with the units, so much as some of the more all-in/cheesy strategies got patched and became significantly less effective. Proxy stargate or proxy robo shield battery plays and a few others all got patched, for example.

Most recently, 2/3 rax timings literally just got a double patch this patch with the modification of the SCV movement becoming more predictable, and the fact that salvage can now be cancelled.

Just remove map folding in general please. Warp gate, recall, mass recall, nydus worm and tactical jump all need to go IMO.

The oracle hasn’t really been patched very much?

Eh. I kinda disagree. They’ve got a place. Niche, but it’s a place nonetheless.

oracles since beta changed a lot.
i think its bad having a unit that its design just to kill workers and that in 3 mins its in your base.

the cyclones is just bad, having to changed it so many times, proves how bad it is, noone really knows what to do with it.

about unpredictability, its 4 players map will help, but having fun things like vortex could also help.
the game needs to be competitive and balanced but also fun.

Well, yeah of course it’s changed since beta - it’s a beta - literally everything was subject to change, and it was 12 years ago. Outside of that, it’s really only been balance numbers (if that) and the occasional bugfix.

i still think its bad to create a unit just to kill workers and that can be at the 3 min mark in ur base.

im a protoss player by the way.

about the cyclone:
another great point by someone at teamliquid

“Units that run away when fighting are awful and should not exist. You want units that force interactions, not ones that disincentive engaging in larger scale conflicts.”

Bro, I don’t know what he’s on, but that’s just a part of war. The Mongolian cavalry archers took down an empire doing that. I’m sorry that this commentor doesn’t like an integral part of war, hit and run.

sure, this is real war. :rofl:

Well, I think it’s pretty stupid to say that a valid war tactic shouldn’t exist in the 'war’craft universe lol.

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