Also I noticed some balance changes to Terran and Protoss since the last time I payed competitively. I think they are all good changes, except I disagree with reverting the Marauder back to 20+2 damage; I think it’s bad for the game that a Tier 1 Unit beats Tier 3 units, such as Thors and Ultralisks. For example, real life mech units, such as Tanks, have “reactive armor” which counters rocket-propelled Grenades, even shaped blast RPGs can’t penetrate it. Anyway.
Why does It take 3 hits for a Banshee to kill a combat shields marine? You give no similar upgrade to Banshees, even though their total resource cost is 5 times greater than marines. Actually, their “Worker-time” cost is even more than that, because Gas mines slower than minerals. Why not give banshees an upgrade that makes them do more damage vs Light?
I mean, realistically a helicopter should 1-shot marines, but that might not be good for gameplay, but give them an upgrade to make them 2-shot combat shielded marines. Like maybe they’d do 3 packets of 12+1 when upgraded, instead of 2 packets, or give them like +2x3 vs light, or a total of 2x15+2 vs light and 2x12+1 vs non-light, that way they’d 2-shot combat shield marines again, and they’d 3-shot hydralisks.
Siege Tank
Give Siege Tanks the primary target bonus damage upgrade from the Campaign. Why does it take so many hits for a tank to kill a marine? Make tank mode do 25 damage to everything, and Siege Mode have an upgrade of bonus damage to the primary target. Also add the shaped blast upgrade that halves friendly fire from siege tanks. In real life, friendly fire from artillery is a LOT less common than this video game makes it seem.
No suggestions here. I noticed some further balance changes have happened wo make battlecruisers even better vs light units, so that was a good change. Their regular weapon is even weaker, but has an even higher fire rate, which makes them very good vs light units now. So that’s great.
Real world relative costs of Units.
It takes about 40,000 dollars to train a Marine through Basic Training. The net economic value of the average human in the United States is about 7 million dollars for their lifetime. So the total cost of training a marine or a pilot is 7 million dollars.
A real world Siege Tank (Paladin) is a few dozen million dollars. (but they have a maximum effective range of about 5 miles)
A 5th Generation Fighter (comparable to a Wraith) costs about 40 million dollars, or 6 times the net value of a human being.
This means the cost-ratio of a Banshee in-game is about right compared to Marines, and this means a Banshee SHOULD one-shot marines in-game. And it means Siege Tanks should also one-shot their primary ground target in-game, because they have about the same cost-ratio as real life military units have vs marines. So the “worker time” cost of a marine in-game is 10 cycles, for a banshee it’s 30 cycles for minerals and 25 cycles for gas, for a total of 55 worker cycles; about what it should be fore a “6th generation cloaked aircraft”.
And look, I’d even be willing to pay 25 more gas (each)for a more realistic Banshee that kills (combat shield) marines in one or two shots; in the real world, you can’t “micro” and destroy a stealth helicopter with small arms fire, that’s ridiculous. In the real world, if you don’t have real AA such as a 50 caliber machine gun or a missile battery, you’re pretty much screwed…
Anyway, the cost-ratio for tanks and banshees, etc, vs marines is about right in-game compared to real life, but the damage ratio of “tech” units is actually MUCH WEAKER than it should be compared to the cost ratio.
Using the same cost ratio argument for an Ultrlaisk, this suggests the cost of raising an ultralisk would be 80 million dollars if they existed in real life. So by comparison, since it’s a Melee Unit, It should be twice as cost-effective vs ground as “archer units” of a similar price, so Ultralisks should ROFLMAO CURB STOMP tier 1 and tier 2 ground units.
So for example Avillo complaining that he couldn’t micro tier 1 marines and marauders to beat the 8 armor ultralisks… can I have some cheese with that whine? Well, if you’re still training marines and marauders by the time your opponent has 4 to 6 fully upgraded Ultralisks, you SHOULD flat out lose the game.
Semi-realistically, a unit that expensive could have Kerrigan’s “Psionic Shift” or “Charge” or something and just run right over marines and squash them en masse, and that would still be FAIR because their cost ratio in worker-time is 11 times greater than marines AND they are an anti-ground specialist, so they should be twice as cost-effective as their cost-ratio implies. So again, they actually aren’t good enough against marines and marauders yet.
A similar argument could be made for Colossi, which are ground-only ranged, and cost the same as an Ultraisk. They probably are not as effective as they should be, given their cost ratio vs tier 1 units.
So that’s the point I’m making.
You shouldn’t be able to “micro” the totally wrong units and win a battle.
It would seem to be that a game called “StarCraft” should be more about the Star Ships than the marines and Stalker/Zealots.
I don’t think you should get a “free win” with a solo banshee rush, BUT an unscouted double proxy banshee SHOULD pretty much be a Free Win.
by the way, I haven’t checked that. Are 8 armor ultralisks still a thing, or did they revert that change?