Smurfing has gotten completely out of control. Literally 80% of my game were against people that were in masters at one point and purposely tanked their mmr. Or against someone with 350apm playing unranked mode with hardly any games in their profile.
Something has to be done about this. Until the smurfing problem is solved, I’m just going to smurf and terrorize people in Gold / Platinum league. There is no point in trying to play this game to improve anymore.
Exterminator: I hate smurfing. So I start smurfing myself, until the problem is solved.
(In alternative universe Blizzard starts banning every smurfer.)
(Exterminator gets banned.)
(Pikachu surprised face.)
Right now Starcraft is like our country. We all paid for it, and noone superior really cares, they’re too busy getting money from politics.
If some people don’t care about our common goods, like benches, bus stops, bridges, and vandalize them, and because police isn’t doing anything with vandals you join them, aren’t you yourself part of the problem that the society is a trash?
Also. I sometimes come across people who were Masters in 2013 or 2015, it doesn’t matter they play on Master level currently.
There was someone mentioning here, that was 4400MMR Master and degraded to Diamond, because he is no longer that fast. Decrease in skill and game knowledge also is the thing.
My delusions have gotten completely out of control. I blame literally 80% of my losses on smurfing and purposely avoid facing reality.
Something has to be done about this. Until I can accept responsibility for my own losses, I’m just going to play in gold and plat where I belong. There is no point in me trying to improve, because it’s not possible if none of my losses are my own fault.
I highly doubt it. I’m sure you’re getting a good number of smurfs in your games, but the rank bug has been pretty bad this season. It could be that they’ve just hit master, but in reality, they’re around the same level you are (and nowhere close to master).
90% sure it’s because they announced End of Life for StarCraft 2. Happens with all their games, they announce a near complete lack of support and the community packs up and goes elsewhere.
Though, to be honest…the balance in Starcraft 2 is really hard to defend on every level, for every match up.
You don’t freaking balance around statistical anomalies - and use bugs as “features” such as animation cancelling (this kind of dubious nonsense is how you ended up with a Brood Lord bug for years and a Liberator that had massive range due to another bug) but clearly, Blizzard likes these things and we are powerless to influence them.
So it’s less that there’s mass smurfs and more that a huge chunk of the 1vs1 player base just up and left, giving the appearance of smurfing.
You realize the ladder is designed so you face opponents at the same skill levels right ? You realize that when people que unranked they get put up against people queing ranked games right?
This happens all the time its not fair to be playing masters 2 players when youre in diamond 1, the skill gap is too large for this to be considered a fair matchup.
I’m not looking for excuses for losing, I’m saying people should not be circumventing the ladder just so they dont have to play difficult opponents. You choose to troll me because of this??
That is an interesting point about the frustration generated by the game, since most players are below M1-GM & pro level, and as this is the level which has the most importance for the devs.
However, they didn’t mention anywhere they were caring ONLY about that level. They often mention winrates as a plural word in their feedback. And in a very old blog entry, they mention looking at full ladder winrates as well as more high level ones. So it’s not impossible they still take in account the performances of us, regular players.
On this precise point, it’s not infrequent for bugs to become features in competitive games. For example, canceling a move into another was a bug introduced in Street Fighter II by Capcom. Then balancing which attacks could be canceled and which didn’t then became a key feature for the whole fighting games scene.
Widened matchmaking ranges can be identified very simply, as they are a consequence of smaller player pools, which induce longer waiting times.
Smurfing individuals can also be identified in most cases (cf. part II of dedicated thread).
Coming from there, one could deduce easily in which situation he’s in by just looking at his waiting times and opponents profiles. Waiting times that are < 30s for 1v1 at P1 MMR currently, and it should be the same in gold.
It’s not because you are complaining to be smurfed that you’re being disconsidered.
It’s because by choosing to circumvent the ladder just because you don’t want to play difficult opponents, you’re doing the very exact thing you said shouldn’t be done.
So you’re right, people should’ve the right to play they ladder normally. But the conclusions you draw from there are questionable.
I don’t know what statistics they use but if the crap observations they come to is not patching Infestors for all of Wings of Liberty, allowing the Archon toilet to exist period, inventing the Tankivac or letting the Liberator exist with a 0.5 additional radius bug to exist for a few tournaments…then those statistics are clearly not adequate. There is no excuse for these mistakes. None. Want new examples? Nerfing the Observer and the Zealot and not adjusting the Thor’s HIP range are great examples of what I believe to be idiocy, the kind exhibited in the past.
Using bugs as a feature is lazy, most of the time. I don’t care if it’s a thing in fighting games. Since when can a marine, for example, shoot it’s target as it turns around? Additionally, they patched this out for Colossus in WoL, which could animation cancel too.
How about they just balance the damn game instead of using bugs to “balance” for them? Holy freaking crap. Like maybe, just maybe someone should ask them to do their damn jobs…would be nice…
I would agree about archon toilet, the broodlords-infestor period and the tankivac being imbalanced concepts. You could add the 8 armor ultralisk, the adepts first versions, the widow mine first versions, the reactored cyclones, the first KD8 reapers, the first redesigned hydralisks, 8 range insta transfuse queens, fast creep, hots oracles, first tempests to that list, and we’re probably forgetting a lot.
However, they patched those, didn’t they ? It took a long time to exit from the mistakes of the David Kim era, which was marked by some interesting design choices, but way too many heavy-handed balancing. But those have been patched, corrected, and balanced. So currently we’re at 50.1% PvT, 48.2 TvZ and 47.6% PvZ. It’s not that bad, at least not as bad as it used to be.
Thor HIP redesign balance range choice was made in order for it to be able to hit broodlords despite the broodlings and armies bodyblocking, and for it to fare better against tempests, carriers, and BCs. That’s not inconsistent with its Giants Slayer design, specially considering his armor was nerfed so that large amounts of smaller targets (ings, marines, marauders, zealots) were efficient in countering them.
As for the observer, the +25% increase in range of sieged mode was presented like a QoL change, but was also a quite significant buff simultaneously. Its speed was buffed, and then the buff reverted. So overall, compared to HotS, its movement speed is the same, while his vision range has been buffed.
I can agree an intermediate compromise could be better for the zealot charge, however. That being said it’s being less used as PvZ timing pushes because of players’ perception. I’ve witnessed a M1 protoss going for an allin version after the nerf, but forgetting the charge in the attempt … and still rolling over his opponent anyway. So current zealots are different, but not useless.
Yeah, David Kim really was something, guy made a lot of really boneheaded decisions when it came to balance and design. The new balance team was better…was…
Then they started falling into the same old traps as before. A great example of this is how they redesigned charge because bio had issues with fighting charge out in the open because it allowed a surround and the more you micro’d, the more charge activated.
But instead of say, taking it from +8 damage to +2 damage with an additional +2 damage per ground attack upgrade, they made Zealots expensive speedlings.
As a result, Roach Ravager allins became a huge issue in PvZ and still are while Terran gets to essentially meme the early game vs Protoss if they choose to, since a good Terran all-in in nearly impossible to hold without FF’ing your nat ramp off just like WoL - except the game is so much faster than WoL that you can’t simply get counter units as you’re walled away and push back hard.
Absolute disaster of a decision right there.
I don’t agree with the Broodlord bit because Thors always have cover, they are unlikely to trip over broodlings anyhow and adds a lazy, crap dynamic to the game because HIP is blatantly overtuned in range, to the point where you can’t even siege the damn things.